King Gee - Show some FUCKING intiative!

I hate lazy "pass the buck" types... They will by their actions, or the lack of, cause endless shit and hard work for others, when they could have done so little to make it so much better for so many others... What sent me off this time was a particularly unhelpful human being from King Gee. The story - I have some King Gee jeans.... good jeans as far as they go - but the riveted buttons that "do the pants up with" have a real habit of coming apart. This is pulling apart back into TWO pieces - which is different to pulling through the fabric. Why do they come apart? Because they are cheap shit - just good enough - buttons. Though they are not actually rivets, in the sense of a solid metal shaft holding two metal objects together with a rounded head at each end, they are more like a short nail being driven into a slightly too small - thin metal tube. Although they come in all shapes and sizes and lengths, these are they typical bona-fide proper copper rivets http://...