
Showing posts from September, 2014

The Boganville Side Show Circus.....

I Got wind of this today.... I have always been curious as to how people who like "Are on the committee" in a small town, with like 15 streets in it, hand deliver the wrong letter, to the wrong person, at the wrong street number, on the wrong street. That is a, "My arse is itchy, which hole should I scratch?" - kind of reality check. LOL - Or "Heading west on the highway and then decided that they are going in the wrong direction, but they can't find the highway heading east." - you know? And when the recipient offered to send the letter back to the big knob of the committee like so: "Hi just ringing up to let you know that I want to return your letter. Can you come over and bring me $5, and I will fax it back to you." What does the committee big knob do - she goes utterly fucking spastic. Not in a common tramp kind of a way, more like a trampoline.... At the end of the day, it's a shame that some people who are completely bereft of grati...

Only Australian Intelligence Agencies could be this fucking stupid... What ASIO might know about you — and how to find out for sure Cathy Alexander | May 27, 2014 12:49PM     Some well-known Australians have cracked open their ASIO files — and found a curious mixture of the amateurish and the chilling. Does ASIO have a file on you? They knew who your girlfriend or boyfriend was. They knew where you parked your car. They stole your address book, they followed you to the zoo. They listened to you at meetings and wrote down which bottle shop you turned into. “ They” is ASIO, aka the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation, aka the secret police. And if you were politically active from 1949 to the 1980s — especially if you had any link whatsoever to the Communist Party — then the subject may well have been you. Four well-known Australians met in Melbourne last night...

Google - with their BS NSA proof system - and what they didn't tell you.

Image Never Mind the Corporate Spying Google’s Shareholder Theater by BILL BLUNDEN   Scanning over the headlines of the New York Times this past Saturday, June 6 th , the public relations team at Google scored a splashy front page spot which confidently boasts that the company is working hard to impede the NSA (e.g. to “erect barriers”) by comprehensively encrypting data in transit through Google’s networks[1]. Other hi-tech companies, like Yahoo, have implemented similar measures[2]. Of course, there are a number of particulars that this story fails to acknowledge… Encryption is Not a Panacea One thing Google’s PR team fails to acknowledge is that encryption represents little or no defense against hi-tech subversion. Specifically, hardware and software bugs (accidental or otherwise) as back doors trump encryption every time. As witnessed in both the cases of the Heartbleed bug[3] and the malware used in ...

Washington’s Secret Agendas

Imperial Rot by PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS One might think that by now even Americans would have caught on to the constant stream of false alarms that Washington sounds in order to deceive the people into supporting its hidden agendas. The public fell for the lie that the Taliban in Afghanistan are terrorists allied with al Qaeda. Americans fought a war for 13 years that enriched Dick Cheney’s firm, Halliburton, and other private interests only to end in another Washington failure. The public fell for the lie that Saddam Hussein in Iraq had “weapons of mass destruction” that were a threat to America and that if the US did not invade Iraq Americans risked a “mushroom cloud going up over an American city.” With the rise of ISIS, this long war apparently is far from over. Billions of dollars more in profits will pour into the coffers of the US military security complex as Washington fights those who are redrawing the false Mid...

"Oh noes A nuvva terra alert." (shriek - piss pants etc.)

 If it's not one idiot, it's another, and if it's not completely fabricated (Bush and Co), then it's totally false. What am I talking about? The fucking stupidity and pointlessness of "Terror Alerts." And here, Julie Bishop has her turn - again, for the 75th time this week. Terror threat higher in 3 states: Bishop You know - really? What gets up my arse is the utter insipidity - the monthly moron quota of bullshit gets exceeded in like 3 seconds or less. Why does this stupid shit annoy the piss out of me? Well I will tell you. Saying there is a terror alert in 3 states in Australia - well that is about as empty headed as bullshit comes. OK for instance, if the bureau of metrology says there is a UV alert of 13 or you fry and die in 10 minutes at noon... Then that alert applies EVERY WHERE..... Because the sun shine is everywhere. That makes sense. But sayi...

Obama’s House of Cards

Will Russia and China Hold Their Fire Until War Is the Only Alternative? by PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS Obama’s September 24 speech at the UN is the most absurd thing I have heard in my entire life.  It is absolutely amazing that the president of the United States would stand before the entire world and tell what everyone knows are blatant lies while simultaneously demonstrating Washington’s double standards and belief that Washington alone, because the US is exceptional and indispensable, has the right to violate all law. It is even more amazing that every person present did not get up and walk out of the assembly. The diplomats of the world actually sat there and listened to blatant lies from the world’s worst terrorist. They even clapped their approval. The rest of the speech was just utter bullshit:  “We stand at a crossroads,” “signposts of progress,” “reduced chance of war between major powers,” “...

How the Pentagon Exploits ISIS to Kill Surveillance Reform and Re-Occupy Iraq

Destabilization and the Surveillance State by NAFEEZ AHMED As the US, Britain and France are maneuvering to escalate military action in Iraq and Syria against the ‘Islamic State’ in an operation slated to last “years,” authorities are simultaneously calling for new measures to tighten security at home to fend off the danger of jihadists targeting western homelands. Intervention abroad, policymakers are arguing, must be tied to increased domestic surveillance and vigilance. But US and British military experts warn that officials have overlooked the extent to which western policies in the region have not just stoked the rise of IS, but will continue to inflame the current crisis. The consequences could be dire – while governments exploit the turmoil in the Middle East to justify an effective re-invasion of Iraq along with intensified powers of surveillance ...