cash grabbing crawlers game - the Free Software Foundation
Thank GNUs! We appreciate everyone who donates to the Free Software Foundation, but we'd like to give special recognition to the folks who have donated $500 or more in the last month. 2012 Supporters Corporate Patrons are listed on the Corporate Patronage area of our website. Corporate Patrons at $50,000 Corporate Patrons at $30,000 Corporate Patron at $25,000 Corporate Patrons at $15,000 and below People Patrons Patrons ($5000 or more) Sustaining Contributors ($1000 to $4999) Contributors ($500 to $999) I think this list fucking sucks..... I figure that some people can afford to give that much - like over $500.... but for many people, what little that they do give, maybe all that they have to give. And this listing process, makes you a bunch of cash kissing, arse licking cretins. IF there is going to be a list, either put everone's names on it,....