The Gnome Thumbnail Factory and the Foundation - say what?

The  Gnome Thumbnail Factory is a fun program that takes unlimited amounts of all the images / directories / files and  file types / etc., and lists them as thumnails in your directories.

This is good - sort of.

OK - The Gnome Thumbnail Factory is a great thing... but like most great things, it has some dumb fucking functions.

The main one being it's unchecked, unlimited and never ending expansion - being that the program will file away hundreds of thousands of "thumbnail images" in it's own little directory.

And the directory keeps on just growing and growing and growing away in the dark like mushrooms - until the folder size and file numbers are just fucking HUGE...

For instance the USR directory in Ubuntu has about 400,000 files in it... so if one were to go file searching in that, then the thumbnail factory would then go add 400,000 thumbnails to it's directory.

So the folder grows to 3, 4, 500, 600 meg and expanding into the Gig range - with hundreds of thousands of images and thousands more added each day......

And the only way to get rid of the files is to ERASE the subdirectories. That is right, the files in the folders are HARD to delete / cut / move to the rubbish bin... etc..

Don't even open the folders - just erase the folders.

I think the way it works is when you open your directory of all your digital photos - like 10,000 of them or something, it scans the directory and adds all the thumbnails to it's list of ready to display thumbnails in the Nautilus Filing System.

So each and every time you open any directory, you get another huge amount of thumbnails added to the  list of thumbnails in the The Gnome Thumbnail Factory folders.

It's sort of like indexing your system, but doing thumbnails for the files and file types in the system, as you go through the directories (apparently).

So while the Gnome Thumbnail Factory program is good, the lack of brakes on it, is a real fucking pain in the arse.

Here we have the list of flaws:

I personally think while the function of creating a data base of thumbnails for all the directories is useful and it loads them up quickly when creating / opening all the lists of files in the directories, especially for ones photographic directory - having such a HUGE list of lists and updates of lists accumulating UNCHECKED, is bad.

See I use a fast enough but small SSD, with limited space for my OS's and nothing much else, and this is where the file resides and it just keeps on growing and growing and growing, until I run out of space.

The people who made "The Gnome Thumbnail Factory", didn't have the foresight to build in a limiter, of say the last 10,000 files, or a last on, first off, list size, or to only have it running for SOME directories where it would be advantageous..

Nor did they add in a "user control" panel to be able to switch it off, or limit it in some way, to say the last 14 days, so only the most current, used or relevant thumbnails are in there.

Like having thumbnails greatly speeds up the listing of all the files in a HUGE directory, but given the speed of the modern PC, and the large amounts of small directories, I'd tend to put forward the idea that creating MORE thumbnails, storing them and then listing them in the directories, vs., creating them on the run may be of limited improvement time wise when loading the directory.
This lack of self control and the inability to control it, reminds me very much of Windows 95 and beyond, where there were two directories, I think called TMP and one other, that just grew and grew and grew in to staggering amounts of dead end files, until the computer literally staggered to a grinding halt - of course the fuckwits who ran Microsoft did nothing about this situation either - by advertising it or providing solutions...

There was a periodic need to go into C:/ and just delete them all and "Presto bingo" the 486 would spring to life anew.

Google this: win 95 tmp file size

 So I decided to raise the issue of the unlimited spawning of thumbnails by the program called the  The Gnome Thumbnail Factory, and the lack of direct control over it, as a program bug in bugzilla..... at the Gnome website.

It starts with:

Give us your email address and we send you an email, to confirm your email address:

They tell you this AFTER you start the sign up process with them.

PRIVACY NOTICE: Bugzilla is an open bug tracking system. Activity on most
bugs, including email addresses, will be visible to the public. We recommend
using a secondary account or free web email service (such as Gmail, Yahoo,
Hotmail, or similar) to avoid receiving spam at your primary email address.

So I tacked on this and sent it back to the people in Gnome.

Well why don't you hide the email address's, use links, or webforms?

Just because it's an "open bug tracking system" does not mean it has to be managed with a "shit for brains" philosophy.

So some guy replied with this comment:

Maybe you could ask the Bugzilla developers in .
Just because we use Bugzilla does not mean we developed it.

This reply like most of the Bugzilla thing, like much of the Mozilla organisation and the people who sign on for that shit, is to put it bluntly, "It's Fucking Useless."

The fact that they expose peoples email address's to spammers and other shit heads, and are too stupid to give a fuck and actually design a reasonably secure set of forums - says pretty much all one needs to know about THAT committee's general level of stupidity.

10,000,000 people are supposed to go and get 10,000,000 NEW email address's because we are just too fucking stupid and too fucking lazy to get a standard of site with user protection that even cheapskate free forums offer....

It's because of these kinds of bullshit that I have despised the Bugzilla people for a long time.

The "Master Mind" kind of logic that comes with "Oh yes yes, house fires - mmm yes very bad.", but not one of them will get a fire hose, buckets and do fire drills....

But they will all say, "Oh use our site as a forum to get your contributors to sort out the problems on.", but  these fucking idiots don't offer anything other than excuses...

And the people in the Gnome Foundantion, along with the rest of the stupids, just keep right on signing up to them.

"Oh it's open sauce, we had better go along with them, never mind what a fucked job they have done of their site - because we are so stupid, we expect all the bug reporters to go along with our stupid shit and theirs as well."

And yet!

This is nice.

The GNOME Foundation

The GNOME Foundation is a non-profit organization that furthers the goals of the GNOME Project, helping it to create a free software computing platform for the general public that is designed to be elegant, efficient, and easy to use.

How it works

While the many GNOME contributors develop code, smash bugs, write documentation, and help users, the Foundation acts as a guiding hand in the process and provides resources and infrastructure. It steers releases, determines what software is officially part of the Project, and acts as the official face of the GNOME Project to the outside world, though it delegates most of its authority to specialized teams.

But that face, like the face of GNOME itself, is made by you. The GNOME Foundation membership is open to all GNOME contributors, and every member of the Board of Directors is a contributing member of the GNOME community.

Become a Foundation member

Who is eligible for membership?

Per the GNOME Foundation's charter, any contributor to GNOME is eligible for membership. Although it is difficult to specify a precise definition, a contributor generally must have contributed to a non-trivial improvement of the GNOME Project. Contributions may be code, documentation, translations, maintenance of project-wide resources, or other non-trivial activities which benefit the GNOME Project.  

Membership benefits

Being a member of the GNOME Foundation can give you a series of benefits, including vote rights on Board's elections (which defines the future of GNOME), sponsorship for travels, conferences and hackfests, a email alias, personal blog hosting at and participation on Planet GNOME. 

So the contributors to the bug reports do not get their email address's protected, and the contributors who become members of the foundation get a alias tacked onto their address's.

I don't particularly care about my email address getting used in the public domain, but the complete lack of any protection from the shit heads who spam, really irritates me.

It's that fuckwit blase` attitude to even the basic care and protection of users, that pisses me off.

"Oh I have found a bug - better report it!" and then comes this:

"Worried about spammers?

Which they say AFTER the sign up process has begun - hello? Are you people THAT stupid?

 "Well too fucking bad" - the Bugzilla people say, because "We are just too fucking lazy and inept to spend one day or so, SORTING our own site out properly, with a modicum of protection of your email address against the internet trash."

But WE are happy to tell 100,000 people to go and spend half an hour or so, getting another email address, so that can get infested with malware and spammer shit, because we are just too fucking lazy to do even ONE thing to protect the contributors from email address harvesters.....  "

But the Gnome Foundation Members are quite happy to cover their own arses and give a huge fuck you to the "little people" who do all the granular work, while they give themselves their own email alias.

Hmmmmm fuck you.

While it's NICE to volunteer, I am a HUGE believer in screening people for things like common sense and having a general "where with all".

Much of what gets recruited tends to be as dumb as all fuck and or they are stupid fence sitters, "Ohhh it's not my problem."

It's like opening a fuel depot, and half the volunteers wander in to the middle of it all, light up a cigarette and they stare at you, while you go white with fear, and they say, "Oh what's the matter?"

Or people that run resturants and the hired hands reuse the plates without even washing them. Nothing ever gets done about the fucking obvious...

Who is more stupid - the management or the hired hands?

That profound level of fucking stupidity.

What? No basic spam protection for your own email address on the Bugzilla site?

And they only tell you this AFTER you commence the sign up process?

And THEIR only solution, is to tell you and 10,000,000 other people to essentially fuck off and go get your self a new email address - so that can get spammed and have malware sent to it.

Any person with half a brain is going to look at that and say, "Me? Sign up for this? And put up with bullshit like this?"

I reckon that is a BIG RED FLAG, waving away - and about 80% of the prospects are going to not sign up, are not going to submit bugs, and they are not going to hang around with administrators who are self serving fucking idiots.

And the Gnome Foundation - along with all the other dumb fucks that subscribe to the Idiot Bugzilla shit fest of High IQ's - all say "You stupid people go report OUR bugs on this shit hole of a site, and if you don't get spammed and hacked one way or the other at one email address, you can get spammed and hacked at another - while you do it."

And they they give themselves email aliases to protect and hide their own email address's - because these half witted cretins "Are on the foundation" (and your not)

A HUGE fuck you to the lot of you I say.

"While the morons loiter around the fuel depot, smoking cigarettes......"


As a foot note to this, I am reminded of the day I volunteered to work on a bicycle touring event.

They listed about 50 categories of tasks that they need volunteers for, from scrubbing toilets, fixing flat tyres, serving meals, wearing a flourescent jacket and saying "turn right here" so they stay on route, etc..

The idiots who drew up the list, said, "Pick One" - and I said, assuming there is say 50 places for each activity, most people will sign up for a few things and very few will sign up for the other things - so I will sign up for everything that I can do and that needs doing.

So I selected about 32 of the things to volunteer for - so there where there are shortages, they can select me to fill one or more of them, because they know I am able to do them.....

And the idiot who got the webform contacted me and said I must only select one....

So I with some knowledge of statistical probabilities and how to run events, said, "Why?"

"Why do you have such an idiot volunteer sign up system? - Why are people being restricted from offering their time and talents from everything they can do, instead of being locked into volunteering for just ONE activity?"

I pushed this up the line... and found the management were just as stupid as the volunteers, and after that I just walked.

I came to despise volunteer organisations that were run by idiots and staffed by people just as stupid......

"Oh you mean that people have raised the issue about the spamming at one email address of choice, or making up a fake one just to use on Bugzilla - because the idiots that run that, can't even get basic email address concealment functionality in the website. Which is what free forums provide....."

And all the stupid fucks just go along with it....

Why should people volunteer for this? or get involved with organisations that are this sloppily run from the "Welcome to Stupid Land" sign over the front gate?

You can tell they are idiots - because "stupidity" doesn't register with stupid people.


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