
Showing posts from April, 2016

While the idiot Liberal Party of Australia sucks coal knobs - here is some of what the rest of the world is doing.

We in Australia ought to be paying like 5c a Kwh - but instead with the bum fuckers of the liberal party and all their dirty deals with the coal mining industry - and the power grid generators, companies like Origin Energy (arseholes) are charging 45c a Kwh...... So while these cock fondling fuckwits, talk about getting rid of wind turbines and shutting down the renewable energy industry in Australia and digging up continent sized holes in the land scape, and fucking everything that moves within 2000Km and locking up everyone who protests at this despicable shit, by inventing laws so "they can do it to us" - this is what the rest of the planet is up too. Renewable energy targets - Oh no, can't have that, should eliminate the 20% by 2050... While the UK is aiming to meet it's target of 30% by 2020. UK Renewables Break New Records As Electricity Bills Drop March 31st, 2016 by Joshua ...

Almost 10,000 a year die from air pollution in London

Experts believe the combined death toll from nitrogen dioxide and PM2.5 pollution in London is more than 9,000 a year.

Burn the Censors office to the ground - basically for being dick heads.

Any Movie: Rated PG (parental guidance recommended). Contains drug references, sexual scenes, and coarse language. Like WHY - even "rate things"... Like "mild language", "Mild coarse language", "Coarse language" and of course, "Fucking coarse language." Your parents / their other relatationships, uncles, aunts, grand parents, brothers, sisters, your friends, other kids at school etc., everyone basically masturbates, gropes / fondles / fucks each other - starting from 5 or so onwards... Drugs, self prescribed, medically prescribed, legal social drugs of addiction... And so many people wandering around on "anti-depressants" and all this bullshit.... and so many people are addicted to sugar etc., And "language" and "obcentites" - so telling someone to take a hike is OK but telling someone to fuck off is not? Ohhhhh that is like saying "Polypropylene copolymer" is good, but saying "plastic bag...

Bureau of Metrology (BOM) - fUCKS UP agane.

Local area 7 day forecast - "Nice, warm, maybe a little rain Thursday, dry Friday": 4am Friday - thunderstorms rolling across - do the usual unplug everything that can be fucked by a lightening strike - as taking 2 minutes to unplug and replug them in - several times a year, is a lot easier and cheaper than replacing the chest freezer, the TV, the PC, the washing machine etc. But NO thunderstorms were forecast - yesterday - Thursday afternoon - to Friday. But at 4am Friday, the radar image showed this - with a HUGE storm running left to right (west to east), and downwards at about 45* from horizontal. And the "district forecast" said this (like 5am on the Friday) Forecast for the rest of Friday Cloudy. Very high (90%) chance of showers, becoming less likely this afternoon. The chance of a thunderstorm this morning. Winds northeasterly 15 to 25 km/h turning northerly 20 to 30 km/h in the morning then decreasing to 15 to 20 km/h in the evening. Daytime maximum te...

My entry in the Australian Good Design Awards (instead of their usual self serving bullshit)

Yeah - as always - I put the money where my mouth is and entered a design in the Sustainability category. I have given the Australian Design Awards committee and their memebers, a huge load of flack in the past for giving dumb awards, that are for mostly socially and environmentally irrelevant issues, that are totally out of synch with reality..... And our current glove puppet of a prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull of the Goldman Sachs payroll, is nothing but a wind bag bullshit artist - his latest crapfest on renewables is just another double dealing bankers scam. I did a good write up on the recent rack of crap on the coal mining - sink the renewables industry in Australia scam pulled by Abbott and Hockey - the front running glove puppets of the liberal party at the time....

The Criminals of Texaco (Chevron) American Oil Company.

Chevron lobbied for TTIP right to fight foreign regulations – report Published time: 26 Apr, 2016 19:41 Multinational energy company Chevron lobbied the European Union to include a provision in a potential trade deal with the US that would allow companies to challenge laws in foreign nations if they affect a corporation’s profits, a new report stated. According to the Guardian , which obtained details of the two-year-old meeting between EU officials and Chevron, the California-based company wanted to see the controversial legal provision added to the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between the US and EU, arguing that it would serve as a “deterrent” against strict regulations or rulings. Specifically, Chevron wanted to ensure the inclusion of investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) courts in the pact, which allows companies to challenge laws or regulation...

How Fructose Fucks Your Mind

This is all about "fructose" or fruit sugar, that is derived from corn starch, and added to processed foods, in large quantities, as a cheap, and addictive food additive. The issue is not the source of the fructose per sae, it that EATING whole and real fruit, as part of a balanced diet, these are whole foods - pulp, fibre, water, minerals, elements, vitamins, and a whole range of NUTRITIONAL things... Where as high fructose corn syrup, as a straight sugar, lacks ALL of the nutritional benefits of the fruit, and gives you MEGA doses of the fructose - along with loads of refined shit - which kills you. So read on. Fructose alters hundreds of brain genes, which can lead to a wide range of diseases April 22, 2016 by Stuart Wolpert A range of diseases—from diabetes to cardiovascular disease, and from...

Aldi - 50 million customers a day - and no pubic toilets.

Another legit fight pick with the Fourth Reich's Food Co - the fuckers do NOT include public toilets, in their store designs. Oh that's right, we are supposed to take a walk deep into the forest. What a gasser!

South American tribe fights loggers with UAV made by watching YouTube

DIY drone: South American tribe fights loggers with UAV made by watching YouTube Published time: 19 Apr, 2016 22:23 Members of the Wapichan tribe in the South American country of Guyana are fighting illegal loggers using a drone they built by watching YouTube videos. Illegal logging is an issue affecting indigenous people around the globe, including Guyana, which has the world’s second-highest percentage of rainforest cover, with 80 percent of the country covered in trees. However, with a population of just 735,000 people, guarding the country’s sacred land is a challenge. Tribal members know illegal logging is taking place, but had been unable to prove it to the government – until the DIY drone came in. The Wapichan tribe took to Youtube to learn how to build their own drone. By watching videos on the subject, they managed to build a fixed-wing drone mounted with a camera donated...