While the idiot Liberal Party of Australia sucks coal knobs - here is some of what the rest of the world is doing.
We in Australia ought to be paying like 5c a Kwh - but instead with the bum fuckers of the liberal party and all their dirty deals with the coal mining industry - and the power grid generators, companies like Origin Energy (arseholes) are charging 45c a Kwh...... So while these cock fondling fuckwits, talk about getting rid of wind turbines and shutting down the renewable energy industry in Australia and digging up continent sized holes in the land scape, and fucking everything that moves within 2000Km and locking up everyone who protests at this despicable shit, by inventing laws so "they can do it to us" - this is what the rest of the planet is up too. Renewable energy targets - Oh no, can't have that, should eliminate the 20% by 2050... While the UK is aiming to meet it's target of 30% by 2020. https://cleantechnica.com/2016/03/31/uk-renewables-break-new-records-bill-prices-drop/ UK Renewables Break New Records As Electricity Bills Drop March 31st, 2016 by Joshua ...