Burn the Censors office to the ground - basically for being dick heads.

Any Movie:

Rated PG (parental guidance recommended). Contains drug references, sexual scenes, and coarse language.

Like WHY - even "rate things"...

Like "mild language", "Mild coarse language", "Coarse language" and of course, "Fucking coarse language."

Your parents / their other relatationships, uncles, aunts, grand parents, brothers, sisters, your friends, other kids at school etc., everyone basically masturbates, gropes / fondles / fucks each other - starting from 5 or so onwards...

Drugs, self prescribed, medically prescribed, legal social drugs of addiction...

And so many people wandering around on "anti-depressants" and all this bullshit.... and so many people are addicted to sugar etc.,

And "language" and "obcentites" - so telling someone to take a hike is OK but telling someone to fuck off is not?

Ohhhhh that is like saying "Polypropylene copolymer" is good, but saying "plastic bag" is bad....

So this whole idiot culture of pandering to religious aresholes and their neurotic shit, or treating children as is they are some kind of a sanitised subset of human beings...

Like as a child I was not traumatised by much at all in the movies...

And some of the REALLY disturbing issues, for me in the movies were just frightening PG approved portrayals of plain, non violent, non sexual, non drug using, obscenity free events......

The "antibody" giant mechanical snakes in Death the the Darleks,, when that first came out... At 5 or 6 years old,that frightened me to bits, but at the same time, me and a girl were playing mummies and daddies behind the cow shed...

The scene in The Return of Dr Phibes - where he and his wife in suspended animation, ride the mystical river into the underworld... Off into the darkness for all eternity....

The suicide scene in Silent Running (space movie) - where the guy on a dedicated space freighter around Saturn, that has the last remaining plants from earth growing in them - and to stop the domes being jettisoned and blown up with nukes, he ends up killing the rest of the "don't give a shit" crew, and then to stop himself from being rescued he lets off the nukes and destroys the ship.....

No blood and guts, just a drawn out view to a place far from the ship and then a pin point of light turning into a huge nuclear fire ball and that was it.

It wasn't the scenes, it was the concept in the scenes.

And how does typing "F**k" make "Fuck" into "NON Fuck" - for fucks sake.

And the real obscenity is not people saying fuck, or fucking etc., it's the endless procession of crap - the USA hollywood CIA based garbage, that portrays killing without reason or purpose - and calling that "An Action Movie", while recycling the propaganda of "We are the good guys saving the rest of you from the bad guys"  on the basis of them being totally pissed off at being invaded, nuked with Depleted Uranium weapons and having our oil and shit stolen by American corporations

Censor them for FACTUAL misrepesentation, barefaced LYING, about the Americans attacking any non compliant regeim, or country that has the balls to stand up to these lying fuckers.

Close down 3/4's of Australian Media and news services, for spreading the "American perspective"?


So the censors office follows the dictates of the legislated crap, from the idiot government, full of religious arseholes, instead of dealing with the REAL issues.


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