Fascinating Facts from the Road Kill Cafe.
When you travel in some parts of Australia, there are lots of kangaroos. They mostly get mobile at evenings and at night. So the road kill count climbs at night, there are the bodies on the sides of the roads the next day, then there are the kills, where the kangaroo bounces off the vehicle and it's momentum or residual life carries it into the the grass and trees, a little way off the roads.... After a short while they begin to stink as the bodies decompose. So if you can't see them, you can smell them... for sure. It's one of the luxuries of travelling by motorcycle. I call them hoppies and stinkies. And the stinkies do fucking stink . But after coming across a fresh dead one, in the middle of the road, killed only minutes before hand, mashed up to the fuck, and seeing all the blood and guts splattered around, and the penny dropped, in that there are a lot more blood spatters and patches on the highway, than there are hoppies and stinkies..... So someone - be it enterpri...