cash grabbing crawlers game - the Free Software Foundation

Thank GNUs!

We appreciate everyone who donates to the Free Software Foundation, but we'd like to give special recognition to the folks who have donated $500 or more in the last month.

2012 Supporters

Corporate Patrons are listed on the Corporate Patronage area of our website.  

Corporate Patrons at $50,000
Corporate Patrons at $30,000
Corporate Patron at $25,000
Corporate Patrons at $15,000 and below

People Patrons
Patrons ($5000 or more)

Sustaining Contributors ($1000 to $4999)  

Contributors ($500 to $999)

I think this list fucking sucks.....

I figure that some people can afford to give that much - like over $500.... but for many people, what little that they do give, maybe all that they have to give.

And this listing process, makes you a bunch of cash kissing, arse licking cretins.

IF there is going to be a list, either put everone's names on it,. and only the total donated for the month, or have no ones name on it and just the amount.

That $50 or $20 or the $10 someone gave may be all they had to give and you arseholes are saying "Fuck you" to their faces by ignoring their contributions, which may have been far greater for them to give that, than the people who could afford to give $5000 - but you arse lickers playing the cash grabbing crawlers game.'

"Ohhhh so and so donated $100,000 - Ooooo you get a seat on the board for that!!!"

Oh lick lick lick --- suck suck suck ---- crawl crawl crawl....

"The Free Software Foundation - the more cash you give us, the more we like you - and for all of you thousands of people who gave what you could and probably all that you had, well we think your such pieces of shit, that while we will take you cash, we won't even give you a mention - but those who give us lots - we will stick your name up in lights on our website."

I even question the altruistic issue of "We only donate if you stick our name up in lights."

What a contradiction in principles, ignoring all the small donators and big noting the contributors of the larger amounts - at the very least it smacks of a lack of gratitude and plain bad manners.


  1. What do you propose? Should the FSF start collecting income tax forms so that they can acknowledge based on donation as a percentage of income?

    1. Cash buys influence. The more cash, the more influence.

      A list - with the names and dates of donation.

      Otherwise it's everyone is equal, but some are more equal than others.

      And someone's $20 might be a significant contribution for some, and it would not be a coffee and a slice of cake for others.

      And everyone gets an equal vote, not just the chosen few.

    2. But your plan doesn't address the biggest kvetch of the author: the expression of acknowledgement to those who give of everything they have to give.

      The FSF has no way of knowing if a person who gives $20 gave everything they possibly could have, or if they only gave $20 because they don't have any money left because, e.g. they bought too many iDevices or, perhaps the donor didn't think highly enough of the FSF cause to give more.

      The author bashes on the FSF for only acknowledging donors who contribute significant sums of money ( > $500), the ThankGNUs page. The FSF has another page (Gnu's Who) for acknowledging those who donate time and effort, which is apparently not tied to cash.

      The FSF is not a socialist utopia -- it's a not-for-profit corporation that aims to promote an agenda. It needs to raise money and substantive technical contributions. They choose to acknowledge those who contribute substantially. The FSF decided that it is best to use magnitude as the metric. The alternative--rewarding by ability to pay--may causes more trouble than it's worth.

      By the way, I think the author's opinion is valid. May I suggest, if the author wants to get his/her name on a "thank you list" regardless of contribution, that the OpenBSD project does just that. A donation here also advances the cause of Free Software.

  2. Honestly - I really don't give a flying fuck about semantics and all that shit.

    Greasing up too and only acknowldging ONLY large contributors, and dismissing all the small contributors - smacks of currying favours and favouritism - and it's just plain fucking wrong.

    Saying "Thankyou" is nice, but ONLY saying thankyou to some and ignoring others, is just plain rude, and it's what arse lickers and crawlers do, while they pocket the cash of the many and kiss the arses of the few.

    The Free Software Foundation - composed of people who apparently in the majority who support this stand point, of being rude to the small contributors by being ingrates, and unappreciative towards them, and sucking up to the big contributors - basically that is a cunts act.

    I might also note that the "big contributors" only have the cash to donate, because of the many small contributors towards their causes too.


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