Aldi and Aldi Mobile - The Customer Service Sucks
Yes the managers of Aldi serve up a scumfest of mobile phone scamming.
All cleverly sugar coated with bullshit to suck the consumer dry.
As the "$35 Unlimited Plan" goes from:
$35 for unlimited calls and 5 Gig of internet data, to
1 hour 20 minutes of call time per day and 2.5 Gig of data; and now they are dropping it to:
40 minutes of call time per day and 1 Gig of data - all for the same "great value" of $35.
So they saying that the scum sucking morons who run Telstra - it's now costing FIVE times as much to provide
This means that the people running Aldi are just RIPPING people off with their scummy Mobile plans and their scummy customer service.
I don't think people in foreign call centres, or Merkins etc., have a monopoly on greed and stupidity.....
Australians have an outstanding capacity to deliver totally clueless, wilfully idiotic and cash grabbing customer service.
High on the "Dumb Fuck" radar for the last 12 months, has been the staff and management of "Aldi" - the supermarkets AND the subdivisional department "Aldi Mobile"; or Medion Mobile - as they like to call themselves; kind of like as "Fizzy Drink" is to Coke.....
Why? Because they run a sleazy mobile phone company. That is why.
Why do I say this?
It's simple.
Many moons ago, Aldi sold mobile phone services with unlimited calls, 5 Gig of data, and it ran on the Telstra 3G network. That was all right.
Then the wholesaler "ISP-one", who Aldi Mobile and Kogan bought their data through, became insolvent and the managers of Telstra refused to offer Kogan Mobile continuing service, but struck a deal with the managers of Aldi supermarkets, the Aldi managers held their original offer, but then they then wound back the unlimited amount of calls to 41 hours per month, and they halved the data to 2.5G.
Their excuse:
"Our research shows the majority of ALDI Mobile customers use less than 1GB of data monthly and as such, the reduction in data allowance should have minimal impact on our existing customers. With market-wide increases in the cost of pre-paid data, this change has been made to ensure the ALDI Mobile service remains affordable for our customers."
If as they claim, the customers are not using it, then why reduce the included data by 50% and keep the same price, if the people running Aldi only buy data at whole sale rates - and then charge people to buy more data?
It's gouging - pure and simple.
I also note that while they spew this bullshit, the price did not drop to reflect the 50% cut in data, and the reduction in call time available from unlimited calls to ~1.2 hours per day by charging $20 a month instead of $35 - what did happen is that the price remained the same - while all the other providers have ramped their data up - and 5 Gig + per month is now normal- quite contrary to the Aldi corporate bullshit trip.
The managers of Aldi also market their call time in terms of minutes - because small amounts of call time, sound bigger when expressed in minutes instead of hours.
Kind of like buying grapes - the fruit and veg shop sell them by the kilo and the managers of Aldi sell them by the grape.
2500 minutes of call time / 60 minutes = 41 hours of call time per month.
It's not that much - because if you divide that by say 30 days, it means that the UNLIMITED Aldi plan gets you about 1 hour and 20 minutes of call time per day.
Do I hear a massive disparity between the words "UNLIMITED" (plan) and "HIGHLY RESTRICTIVE" (practices)?
GOUGING the customer sounds nice, and seems to fit quite well too.
The managers of Aldi also dictated that customers must play kiss arse to their nazi-esque data useage, by updating their reasonable usage policy, meaning customers who use more than 1GB of data in a day can potentially be dumped.
If you purchase a 2GB data add-on, you’re also liable if you use more than 400MB a day within any three days over a 30-day period.
So much for downloading a 1.2G system disk - using the 2 Gig DATA pack that you just purchased - or wanting to watch some videos in higher definition...
It's the same as the managers of Aldi selling you a big meat tray for a BBQ / big party - and being told that your only allowed to dole out one sausage, per person, per day...
To reiterate the sagely insight of Dr Bren Gun - "Do the words "Fuck Off" mean anything to you?"
And the managers at Aldi advertise as USING the Telstra 3G Network....
Oooooooo impressive you say? Not so.
Aldi sells their data / internet connectivity on a seriously crippled version of the 3G network. It's verified by several autonomous sources.
ALDI Mobile
Uses the Telstra wholesale network, provides 3G coverage for 97% of the Australian population.
Maximum download speed of 7.2Mbps.
Boost Mobile (Owned by Telstra)
Uses the Telstra Next G network, provides 3G coverage for 99.3% of the Australian population.
Maximum download speed of 42Mbps, if you have a mobile that supports DC HSPA+.
This testing was done in Sydney NSW Australia.
As you can see above, download speeds on the Aldi Mobile network were quite consistent. Speeds ranged from a low of 6.42 megabits per second (Mbps) to a high of 6.62Mbps, while upload speeds varied slightly from 1.27Mbps up to 3.58Mbps.
We ran the same tests in the same location on Telstra's Next G network and the results weren't surprising. The regular Telstra 3G network was often over twice as fast as Aldi Mobile during our tests. It produced download speeds of between 16.43Mbps and 21.79Mbps. However, upload speeds were very similar.
So the management of Aldi ARE saying, "We run on the Telstra 3G network" (Fabulous! Fabulous!) - but they are not telling you in any blatantly upfront kind of a way, that they are selling you a CRIPPLED and SLOW 3G connection.
Ohhhhhhhhh - really. Yes.
That is called "Rigging the Game" - selling you a racing car, with a lawn mower engine.
But then - we have what I call, "Aldi's scam artist delux version of "Rigging the Game"".
My main gripe or the purpose of this blog entry is....
The exceedingly SLOW download speeds - typically between 0Kbs and 3.2Kbs - which is less than half of the old dial up internet speed of 5.6Kbs - if you happen to live very close to an exchange on the shitty Telstra rotten copper networks.
Coupled with the exceedingly PISS POOR Aldi customer service.....
I'd like to call the managers and staff of Aldi and Aldi Mobile, technically inept, stupid, incompetent people - but the word "SLEAZY" - totally lacking ethics "SLEAZY" seems to fit how they have been ripping off the paying public far better.
You see the management and staff of Aldi have capped the 3G speeds to 1.8Mibs...
And many people are reporting that the 3G speeds are running at 1/2 the speed of dial up - or less.
And yet they advertise as using the 3G network and supplying that data, at 3G speeds which with the right phone will run at 42Mbps, if you have a mobile that supports DC HSPA+.
A more standard 3G phone will run data between 16.43Mbps and 21.79Mbps - on the Telstra Network, and from the same phone in the same location using an Aldi SIM, it runs at ~6.5Mbps....
But Aldi went on to have the speed capped at 1.8Mbps.
And they they made it WORSE......
You see with basic maths 1 Mbps = 1024 Kbps
In simple terms 21.8Mbps the normal maximum of 3G = 22232.2Kbps
7.8Mbps = 7987.2Kbps
1.8Mbps = 1843.2 Kbps.....
And the old dial up internet runs at 5.6Kbps.
What Aldi sells is 3G - although it's a thoroughly rigged version of it.
But people are getting data transfer speeds at less than HALF of the old dial up speed.
That's right.
From $35 per month with unlimited calls and 5Gig of data, on the 3G network at 7.8Mbps... to $35 per month with 1 hour and 20 minutes of calls per day, 2.5G of data and data transmission speeds of less than 1.8Mips - all the way down to less than half of dial up speeds.
This is called pulling a fucking con job on the customers.
Ripping people off. Selling them one thing, and delivering another.
What happens though, is that I thought that it was only my connection that was having problems.up - and how they have been ripping people off, also explains their total failure to fix the network up...
There are TWO parts to this issue.
The first part is a verified - your getting a conjob crippled internet speed out of the can....
The second part - which is WORSE, is that this service for many people, is crippled AGAIN, to the point of being almost unworkable.
The Aldi internet is SO slow that it's almost unworkable - and the customer service in regards to fixing these problems - is the management of Aldi's ethics at work.
Has anybody noticed the lack of speed/access in the Aldi internet since they cut the download limit from 5GB/Mth to 2.5GB/Mth. Seems that Telstra has put them on a slow server or selected a plan which has a lot of "Tower Congestion". It was a good service before, but now it is virtually unusable.
I'm not sure if what you have suggested is the reason but I have been noticing for quite some time now that my tower connection would drop out on a regular basis. I am sure it had an impact on my Internet use. I use a samsung S3 i9530T
I am close to the tower just in case someone wants to suggest that distance is an issue.
Yes, something is definately up since the change. I'm having weird issues as well.... internet is runnign poorly, MMS's are delayed.
Is there somethings else that makes Telstra's data 4 times better than Aldi data ?
Its much more than 4 times faster. Aldi data is mostly capped at 1.8Mbps (even though the wholesale network is theoretically capable of 7.2).
Telstra has 4G of course but even Telstra 3G can do 21Mbps with the right device.
When Aldi first released the users did report fairly good speeds but lately more and more are reporting that its capped to 1.8Mbps.
So its much slower than Telstra now. And the coverage is less as well as you can see if you compare the Telstra coverage maps and Aldi coverage maps.
Its much more than 4 times faster. Aldi data is mostly capped at 1.8Mbps (even though the wholesale network is theoretically capable of 7.2).
Telstra has 4G of course but even Telstra 3G can do 21Mbps with the right device.
When Aldi first released the users did report fairly good speeds but lately more and more are reporting that its capped to 1.8Mbps.
So its much slower than Telstra now. And the coverage is less as well as you can see if you compare the Telstra coverage maps and Aldi coverage maps.
(using the Aldi $35 unlimited plan)
I have then been able to connect to the internet but at painfully slow speeds
Optus Speed Test shows
Mirror: Optus
Data: 978 KB
Test Time: 10.02 secs
Your line speed is 800 kbps (0.8 Mbps).
Your download speed is 100 KB/s (0.1 MB/s).
Bad thing is, that was in the first month that I had their service. In the second month, the internet is slow, PAINFULLY SLOW, (did i mention that its slow!) Right now I am in my house, unable to connect to the internet at all -> thats how crap their system is. But the first month was fine, fast, fantastic... but no, it is pathetic. The few times that you can connect to the internet, it runs so slow, you can get a cup of coffee in between page loads. thats how slow it is.
So back to me with my issues - the dead snails pace Aldi internet - and their bullshit buck passing customer service.
With other providers of mobile internet - I have peaked at a download speed of about 480Kbs... - at 3 - 4am type times, great atmospherics etc.....
Typically though, the speeds are 280 - 320Kbs typically - sometimes 350 - 380Kbs - which are good speeds.....
On those rare days when it's pissing down rain, the humidity is like 100%, everyone and their dog is inside on the internet, it's during the school holidays - it can slow right down AND on very rare occassions, it's kind of unworkable.
The fastest the mobile internet download speed I have ever had....
Common enough download speeds - between 250Kbs and about 350Kbs...
But what the people of Aldi deliver runs typically between 0Kbs and peaks at 4Kbs - only momentarily - but it typically peaks at 3 - 3.2Kbs.
IN the parlayance of the aged - the Aldi "3G" mobile broadband - typically runs at half the speed of the old Dial Up internet - at 5.6Kbs....
Mostly it's closer to 0Kbs than it is to half way to dial up speeds..
Yes - same phone, same settings, same distance from the tower, with the same Telstra / Optus transmmitters, in the same weather conditions, at the same time of the day - SIM cards from Telstra, Optus, and the companies that retail their own plans, on the networks, typically get download speeds between 250 - 350Kbs, and the Aldi SIM card, connecting to the Telstra network, typically gets about 3.2Kbs... (at best).
Why is the internet speed an issue?
It's when your emailer can only run in "Basic HTML" (fancy text only email content) - otherwise your emailer will never load.
It's because opening a single webpage, with typical complex content, can take anything from 10 minutes to half an hour to load - with never ending halts along the way.....
And unless the web page content is basic text or very very limited in content, you can't load more than one page at a time.
Attaching images to emails, anything larger than say 120K - is fraught with crashes and hazards and takes forever.
And the managers of Aldi entered into a contract with me, to supply data on the 3G network, at 3G type speeds - not less than 50% of the old 56K dial up speed.
(It's actually 5.6 Kbps - the slang shortened the phrase to 56K)
But the managers of Aldi have pulled a con - they sold a crippled version of 3G, with a speed of 7.2 Mbps, while Telstra 3G can run up to 21Mbps.
Then the managers of Aldi capped it to 1.8Mbps.....
Then people started to get Aldi cripple internet.... at like 1/2 of the old Dial Up internet speeds..
So the managers and staff of Aldi are lying, thieving, con artists.
They sell you one thing, and deliver another.
You buy a bunch and get delivered a grape.
So what have I done about this?
I have contacted the useless Aldi foreign call centres, and the Aldi Mobile Dept and the Aldi Supermarket Head Office - lots and lots and lots of times about this....
The first round, was via the Phillipines call centre... and they gave me the "Put the battery in, pull the battery out, hold it in the air and wave it all about" Hokey Pokey fix YOUR phone routine....
They tell you to do the Mobile Phone Hokey Pokey Dance, when its their network - through Telstra, that is barely working, and they are shirking their responsibility for getting it fixed. However given what idiots the management and staff of Aldi are, it doesn't surprise me that the people in the Phillipines call centre, have given up on escalating the issues of crappy network performance - if they ever could though.
When I have asked them:
"Can they get a print out or a data log of the transmission speeds / data throughput to my connection?"
"Do they want to?"
"Will they even try?"
"Are they authorisied to do this?"
"Will they get the authority to do this?"
"Well can they contact someone who can do this?
But if your dumb enough to not "get it" that your phone, in identical circumstances, gets fabulous connection speeds with all the other providers, and
That you know how to configure the phone and all the settings and
That you DO know how to set EITHER of the SIM cards that it takes, to run on 2G or 3G and it's ONLY the Aldi SIM connecting to the Telstra network, that runs around the yard like a dead dog....
Then these useless script monkeys will have you pulling the battery out and reading them the make and model numbers, the IMEI number, and - and - and - and
All the stupid shit that achieves nothing and pisses me off and wastes my time......
The thing is that it's a NETWORK issue, not a phone issue.....
The lack of intelligent and useful service that actually GETS any results, from the half wit script monkeys shows an apparently cunning effort to diffuse all the connection to how the managers of Aldi are running the network, by putting all the connection issues back onto the customer and their phone.
So anyway with mounting frustration, I found that by escalating the complaints to the Aldi supermarket department, only resulted in emails back to me - telling me that "THEY" the foreign call centre or the Aldi phone co. dept, that I assume, they had forwarded my email onto, had been trying to ring and email me.... but not on the email address that I had actually used to contact them on and not on the phone number that I had provided.
Hmmmmm shifty.
So I started to complain by phone about the abysmal internet speed, to the Aldi supermarkets dept., who run the Aldi Mobile Dept....
This is where we find that more than a little nazi stone walling goes on and on and on.....
They expertly promise everything, deliver nothing, they refuse to escalate the calls, and they refuse to arrange a call back from the person who has the ability to get it fixed.....
And while they tend to be present a solid wall to wall cases of text book stupidity, to me it looks like criminal activity.
Raking in millions for product A and delivering product B. That is called fraud.
While I will grant that the Aldi dumb fuck syndrome is in full flight - as people who are adept at time and motion studies, can't make shit - and I am sure that their Mobile phone dept is staffed with rejects from Telstra - it's the deeper undercurrents of pricing and marketing that is all gouge and rip off - but to deny the utter stupidity and well as the polished "say nothing and do nothing" slick corporate nay saying, is to deny what an incredibly inpenetrable wall of sleaze and stupidity they have created.
The smartest responses so far from the people working at Aldi in Australia are:
a) Why don't you contact Telstra?
Meaning that the idiot who said it, expects me to actually listen to them and contact someone of thousands in Telstra to renegotiate the wholesale contract, that they have with Aldi, to get their management and technicians, to get my connection speed up to scratch...
"Yeah OK... I'll will tip Telstra over on it's arse for $500 an hour - because I can.
How about you give me the number to that department first, just to speed things up a little?."
"Oh well - Oh oh oh... sorry can't do THAT.."
b) And the hall mark of all total fuckwits, from the Phone Co. to the Customer - is to say, "If it's so bad, why are you still using it?"
To which I reply, "If your getting paid to provide a service by me, which is seriously broken, how come your not fixing it?"
Aldi's management is composed of the can't do, won't do, duck, weave, deny, avoid, abdicate, bail out of, side step, type bullshit artists....
And the front liners are filled with the dumb fuck, corporate glove puppets.
However, none of these lock step nazi morons, will do anything to fix up and deliver the promised network speeds.
Dozens of phone calls, dozens of emails, and nothing but lip service bullshit, barefaced lying and they ALL say it's your phone and give you the run around - and scrupulously avoid the NETWORK issues.
Fucking LIARS.
This is the latest reply from the Aldi Mobile Phone Co - in Australia - note they only mention "My 2G issue" because I said to them the previous day, that the data transfers at less than 2G speeds on the 3G network... So team sleaze included this as some kind of "we have technical insight into YOUR phone problem..."
Dear idiot (me),
This is a courtesy email to let you know that one of our Senior staff members (the senior assistant pencil sharpener) here at ALDImobile has called you to assist with your 2G coverage issue.We sincerely apologise if you felt this way (dear idiot customer), but in order for us to assist you and resolve any issues you may be experiencing with the ALDImobile service, we will need to you to help us by co operating.
We do wish to help you further idiot customer, so please reply back to this email with any information that will help us resolve your coverage issue.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Kind Regards,
Senior Nameless and Faceless sender of unsigned Aldi emails.
So saying the same thing, which means that providing the same information, for the 404th time, will change anything after the 403rd time....
"Ohhhh lets hold hands on the Titanic and hold another committee meeting to discuss the same issues that are listed in the previous 403 sets of notes - which are just 402 more repeats of the original complaint, containing the same content."
So wanting to call me to discuss the same thing, that has been discussed over and over and over, and never acted upon, including emails with all the issues listed and screen shots of the data speeds on the different networks - which is more or less all in this blog - which they were sent the link too as well....
So they use my refusal to entertain one more fuckwit from Aldi, they tell me, means that they are unwilling to go get the data throughput records from Telstra and say, "Make this connection work at 3G speeds." to them.
That response, though, is fairly typical of the sleazy Aldi "acting the Dumb Cunt" Merry-Go-Round.
They are playing ME and other people for fools.
They know that the network they are running is so seriously crippled that it's almost unworkable.
They know that they promise 3G speeds - that can run up to 21Mbps and are selling a conjob that is capped at 1.8 Mbps - and it's even slower than that for many people.
The management and staff of Aldi are just lying and lying and lying.......
Ripping people off, stealing their money and pulling a conjob on them - and giving them the run around when they try to get it fixed.
They have ALL of the issues I have listed, along with screen shots of the speeds..
All of that information on hand - gripped tightly in their Gestapo like computer system.
All of that information - has been repeatedly send to them probably 30 or 40 or 50 times..... over the last year or so.... in phone calls, emails etc....
All of the information is up here on this blog entry.
They have had thousands of other people complain about exactly the same issues and they are fully aware of all the bad press they have gotten about their rip off internet scam - promising 3G but delivering a fraction of it's speed - and many people are getting way less than the old 5.6Kbs dial up speed....
So I sent them the link to this page, and said,
"Lets have a public discussion of the issue."
We can post all of the discussion HERE, and you can tell us all, what YOU, the "Dear Aldi" muppet, are doing to get the issue fixed.
Today's reply which in the light of all the information that they do have on hand, is ever so typically "Clueless and Stupid" sleazy Aldi standard of service.
It's basically just air headed bare faced lying.
March 03 2014
Your Reference Number - Note ID: 3389464
Subject : Accounts - feedback eamil
Dear Simpleton Retard Customer,
Thank you very much for taking your time to express your concern. We are trying to understand how we can better improve the customer experience and your insight into the ongoing experience of being an ALDImobile customer is very helpful.
We have tried to assist you with your ongoing issue but have found it difficult to help you, we do want to help you with this and communicate so that you understand from our prospective as well as your own to resolve the issue.
If you require our assistance we are more than happy to help you we just need your co-operation.
We look forward to hearing from you in the future.
Kind Regards,
Destiny B (A)
Created by:Destiny B (A) on 03/03/2014 11:31:49
Ahhh the lip service, side stepping, corporate moron, bullshit copy - paste reply - that says nothing, does nothing, achieves nothing and goes in no particular direction with anything......
Keeping in mind that this has been going on for a year or more and probably through the hands of 50+ people... and typically they have done fuck all from the very start and are still working hard to maintain this level of service.
My Reply:
I am wondering, as I have no doubt that many people have contacted them about this issue, and they have done fuck all so far, and I have contacted them many times about this issue too - and they have done absolutely nothing to resolve it...
Well all they are doing is continuing to play stupid and tell us that it's our phones that are up shit creek, when it's their network that is dishing up the dirty almost unworkable connectivity speeds....
They probably have 50 million complaints - and they are still playing the dumb fuck card, "Oh oh - if only you could tell up more about the problem, then maybe we could help you." - which is the ultimate in sleazy customer cash grabbing customer service.
I am wondering just how many people, have to tell them how many times, that their network is running at 1/2 of the old dial up speed or less - before they knock off the lying and playing stupid and deliver full 3G speeds - which is what they promised and what we paid for.
Well along came Destiny B A's reply. I think the B A stands for Bullshit Artist..
But who knows?
They have been sent a link to this blog about 3 times and apparently Destiny BA has actually read it and back doored herself out of this issue....
Your Reference Number - Note ID: 3389464
Dear Dimwit Customer,
Thank you for your response,
If you require any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us in the future.
Have a nice day.
Kind Regards,
Destiny B (A)
Feel free to call Destiny BA and her halfwit friends at team sleaze - once you have woken up to how badly they are ripping you off with their scummy internet plans.
Remember Aldi is run by thieves....
The Aldi Moron Phone Co. 1300 989 000
Aldi Head Office. 02 9675 9000
Quote the reference numbers, give any name you want.....
Make up your own reference numbers.........
50,000 people taking up several hours of their time each, over a few months will be really helpful.
I love public discussions - here is one that I started.
Disgraceful Business practices.
Dunolly posted this on Feb 20, 2014
Aldi turned out to be liars just like all the rest. Liars and cheats. you signed up and in the first week they withdrew the $10- bolton. Then they sapped/stole your credit between recharges. Then they cut the data in half and now the unlimited calls are limited to 41 hours- per month. Aldi parent company in Germany must be held accountable for trying to use a subsiduary company like Medion mobile. They have claimed that all these cuts are because of cost pressures.Liars. They picked up thousands of Kogan customers and are raking in the money. What more garbage do we need in a telco. Aldi must use the same rulebook that Slimebag Telstra use.
Read the fine print
Matt W posted this on Feb 11, 2014
(this is about when your phone automatically updates like every 15 minutes, using only small bits of data etc., and how Aldi clocks it up as a Meg of data - it's quite sinister and sleazy)
At first it looks like a good deal, then the cracks show. Data rates are expensive even if it looks like 2GB. In reality Data is charged per MB which means each time you access the Internet, the minimum amount of data you'll consume is 1MB. Very poor and the info is not shown in the critical information.
Actual used data = 132.23KB
Aldi billed data
Session Count 6
Total Data 6MB
So I have used 2.2% of what Aldi mobile has charged. So 2GB could be as little as 40MB if my current usage does not change.
Aldi is a joke
Damir posted this on Feb 08, 2014
Yesterday at 11am i received an sms saying i have reached over 50% of my allocated data, at 6pm i received another sms saying i have exceeded my data and fair use policy and i should topup online. So i go to my account and see i have only used 989mb of my 2.5gig, wtf... This morning i received an email from aldi saying that i have breached term 5.3 from their acceptable use policy and they are about to suspend me, my plan renews tomorrow so it's not a big deal but this is strange because in my 6 years of smartphne use and being with 3 providers during that time i have never had any problems nor have ever been able to go over my allocated 1.5gig of data in that time. So i called aldi ..... Turns out that even though i was on my office and home wireless all data consumed was actually coming off my data plan! Aldi mobile are you serious! And to further rub salt into the wound if i use only 1kb they charge me 1000 x more as if i used 1mb. Oh he reckons you can do 2 things, 1) turn off updates on your iphone so the little 2kb here and there during the day of the phone checking so i don't get charged 1mb each time my phone looks for an update...... 2) turn off cellular data during my wireless connection.... So i don't get charged for being connected to my own wireless network. You have to be kidding me...... That is ridiculous and there i was thinking i'm finally on telstra network and was so excited for not being with optus the fool ripoff merchants anymore... Aldi mobile is a joke...... Just do a search on google there are loads of us unfairly suspended for what can only be seen as unfairly charged for data by aldi mobile. Over it, am leaving for boost, or amaysim but will carefully read their acceptable use policy and try to find how they charge for their data first... Aldi mobile you suck
ALDI Mobile Sucks
nickopatch posted this on Dec 27, 2013
Definately dont recommend,nothing but trouble since the purchase of starter sim,wanted passport copy to activate sim,trouble porting,trouble phone settings,cant send mms,trouble with email on phone,never loads even with full bars of service.Like ringing someone in a noisy hotel when you call the help number,and yes you dont speak to an Aussie.Since starting the product features go down and price goes up .hopeless.Maybe they dont have the full 3g telstra network .they do say they use "part of the Telstra 3G network".
- totally unreliable and sub standard product and service.
4 people found this helpful, do you?
Forgot to mention internet/wifi slower than a dial up connection!
nickopatch posted on 28-Dec-201And the Crape De Grass:
Awwww - those poor old money grubbing terds at Aldi - forgot to tell everyone that their plans were no longer unlimited.... after they changed them to restricted - and they got caught out....
Snuck in every so carefully on their Medion Mobile webpage - is a "not too prominently" displayed LINK - that has been discretely named into the most innoccous term possible.

Misleading Representations Regarding Features in the ALDImobile Unlimited Pack
Between 14 September 2013 and 15 November 2013, Medion represented on the ALDImobile website that its Unlimited Pack provided customers with 30 days of unlimited standard national calls to fixed lines and mobiles, unlimited calls to 13/1300/1800 numbers, unlimited voicemail and unlimited standard national SMS and MMS when, as a result of limits imposed by the ALDImobile "Acceptable Use Policy" this was not the case.
In response to concerns raised by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, Medion has admitted that by making the above representations it is likely to have contravened sections 18 and 29(1)(g) of the ACL and has offered the ACCC a court enforceable undertaking (available at
The undertaking requires Medion to publish this corrective notice, to refrain from using the description “unlimited” in connection with products or services that are subject to usage limits or restrictions, and to implement a compliance program to ensure that this kind of conduct does not occur again.
The undertaking requires Medion to publish this corrective notice, to refrain from using the description “unlimited” in connection with products or services that are subject to usage limits or restrictions, and to implement a compliance program to ensure that this kind of conduct does not occur again.

This Corrective Notice has been paid for by Medion pursuant to an undertaking accepted by the ACCC.
We are excited to announce we will soon be launching some fantastic new plans which will give the ALDI community increased flexibility and better value for money.
We have been listening to our customers and analysing how people use their phones and we discovered that people use a lot less than is included in our current $35 plan.
Value Packs
(*Wanker of a name by the way.)
(Ought to change it to "His Holiness - Handon Dik".)
Self Abuse is Un-Aryian
The management of Aldi - get even greedier and their phone plans are becoming even worse.....
Remember how they started off at "Unlimited Calls and 5G of Data per month" - for $35?
Then they changed this to "~1.2 Hours per day of call time or 2500 minutes and 2.5G of Data per month" - for the same price of $35.
Well now they are pulling the ultimate in lying scams, right from the books of Joseph Goebbels....
How are they pulling the scam?
Just lie to people outright, by giving them even LESS product than ever - by a huge margin, and then telling them that it's better value than ever, and keep it at the same price.
The fine print of the Aldi management bullshit.
They are doing it by dropping the call time to ~ 2/3rds of an hour or 40 minutes per day of call time or 1250 minutes, and 1G of Data per month" - for the same price of $35.
This is the spiralling downward progression per month:
Unlimited call time per day, then down to ~1 hour 20 minutes per day, and then down to ~40 minutes per day.
And from 5 Gig of data, then 2.5 Gig of data and now it's going down to 1G of data - per month.
They have gutted everything out of this phone service without dropping a fucking cent in price, and they are trading from the stupid people who buy their shit from their super markets....
New plans coming soon!
We are excited to announce we will soon be launching some fantastic new plans which will give the ALDI community increased flexibility and better value for money.
We have been listening to our customers and analysing how people use their phones and we discovered that people use a lot less than is included in our current $35 plan.
So we will soon be introducing new Value Pack options which will mean that you only pay for what you really need and starting from just $10. You can see more details below and if you would like to find out more about our new plans, you can visit our help area.
Value Packs
It smells of shit - like Telstra.
On the $35 unlimited plan - it's 40 minutes of call time per day and 1 Gig a month - down from unlimited calls and 5 Gig a month.
So I fail to see where the cost of providing the calls and the cost of data wholesale, has risen so much, and so quickly, that what the managers of Aldi are now selling, 1/5th of the data at the same price, and they have choked the voice calls from unlimited calls to only 40 minutes call time per day.
It hasn't - The managers of Aldi are thieves.
On the $35 unlimited plan - it's 40 minutes of call time per day and 1 Gig a month - down from unlimited calls and 5 Gig a month.
So I fail to see where the cost of providing the calls and the cost of data wholesale, has risen so much, and so quickly, that what the managers of Aldi are now selling, 1/5th of the data at the same price, and they have choked the voice calls from unlimited calls to only 40 minutes call time per day.
It hasn't - The managers of Aldi are thieves.
And this prick.... Truth in advertising?
If you see "Jimmy Masters"* roaming the streets, start throwing rocks at him.
(Ought to change it to "His Holiness - Handon Dik".)
Self Abuse is Un-Aryian
How the Aldi managers let you know that you are getting close to "abusing your phone service" by using it - after they have dropped it from unlimited calls, to 1 hour and 20 minutes per day, and then down to 40 minutes a day, while still charging $35 a month for it.....
I also note they are too stupid to actually tell you how much they allege that you have left.....
But I add in a recent phone call to them - out of the 41 hours of call time per month (until they wind that down to about 20 hours per month or 40 minutes a day), one computer, the said I have like 55 hours of talk time used up and another computer said I had 180 minutes of call time left and 10 days later the email comes through - saying you have nearly used up all your talk time.
Go figure.
But I add in a recent phone call to them - out of the 41 hours of call time per month (until they wind that down to about 20 hours per month or 40 minutes a day), one computer, the said I have like 55 hours of talk time used up and another computer said I had 180 minutes of call time left and 10 days later the email comes through - saying you have nearly used up all your talk time.
Go figure.
Aldi - their management just lies, lies and more lies.
Promising connection to the Telstra 3G network with 3G speeds and gutting that down to a crawl, so that people get abysmally slow internet speeds - at half of the old dial up speeds.
It's a rip off.
And never doing anything to "fix it up"...
In fact they just lie, side step and bullshit their way out of doing anything at all - to "fix it up" - and they have been doing it to everyone and anyone for the last year or so...
Lies, Lies, Lies - and more Lies.
In fact they just lie, side step and bullshit their way out of doing anything at all - to "fix it up" - and they have been doing it to everyone and anyone for the last year or so...
Lies, Lies, Lies - and more Lies.
Charging people on a per meg of data, when their phone checks for updates - ripping people off on the sly for that - the true data throughput is like 0.138 Meg and they charge for 6.000 Meg.
Then they continue to rip off and pull conjob mobile phone plans.
$35 for unlimited calls and 5 Gig of data, and now that is down to 40 minutes a day of call time and 1 Gig of data - for the exact same price.
And they LIE about EVERYTHING.......
Even their idiot glove puppet talks the most absurd and stupid bullshit.
"Jimmy De Master Bator - says "Start your day with a cup of awesomeness"".
Or "Aldi's products might just make your kid a genius".
Or "Aldi's products might just make your kid a genius".
What a crock of shit.
Thank you guys for the info on ALDImobile. I was just about to sign up but as usual I like to search the net for info and that means more then one site. I have read all comments on this page and it is almost unbelievable, but all of you that have input on this site have convinced me to stick for now with my Optus account. If anyone has any suggestions, if allowed to say who is the best Mobile provider in Australia or NSW let us know. I will come back to this site to check for new messages in about week or so.
ReplyDeleteThere should be more of this kind of detailed warning on other social sites.
ALDImobile, you have lost a customer and you will loose more as the time goes by if you don't do some positive changes rather then negative as you have done so far. People are not stupid, if they are tricked they will soon wise up and leave your service and tell others how poorly you perform as it is written already on this site.
Completely agree. ALDI have really fucked this up.
ReplyDeleteI heard that Telstra are changing the way they on sell mobile packages to providers like ALDI and BOOST etc.
ReplyDeleteFrom what I know, ALDI is the first cab off the rank in changing their plans, and the others are about to do the same... So it's really Telstra who's to blame for all of this and for us to get ripped off left right and centre.
Do we still have a communications Ombudsman in this country to help with these problems. I'm in Tasmania and just today my download speedtest was a phenomenal 2.3kb/s, I don't think I can cope with the speed !!!
ReplyDeleteWowwwwww 2.3kb/s...... Fuck Man.... I can only imaging sending a 120 character plain text email - in under 150 tries and 3 and a 1/2 hours...
DeleteWowwwwwwwwwwwww Aldi - your service is so totally fucking awesome....
But Dude! Don't try to use up all of your $50 for 100 Meg of data in less than 3 weeks... otherwise they will threaten to disconnect you for abusing the service......