Charge them for YOUR time - "Origin Energy".

Negotiate with a Knuckle Sammich.

To Origin Energy:

I have asked for a complete documented account history.
You have not supplied it.
I have asked for the raw meter data printout for the last 60 days. Specifically the half hourly splits, daily total consumption, meter readings & confirmation this is actual data and not estimated, and to be printed on paper and to posted to me.
You have not supplied it.
I want you to supply them both.

Your cutting off the power has cost me $315
This is $160 for my time.
And $35 for generator fuel, candles, lamp fuels, lighters etc.
$120 for a 20A charger.
I am going to remove this from the bill, and you will adjust it accordingly.
Following this, I am putting Origin Energy on my payment plan.
I will pay the remainder of the account off, at $10 per fortnight, for the remainder, and I want a printed receipt to be sent to me for each payment.

From Origin Energy:
Thank you for your email dated XX  XXXX 2014.

As per your email on XX XXXX 2014 your ombudsman enquiry has been closed on the basis on your unprofessional response and clarification that you believed that you had already entered into a payment plan. This response was forwarded to the Energy and Water Ombudsman and your file closed.

If you wish to apply for your meter data / account reconciliation you can obtain this through the Origin Energy website.

Origin previously provided you with sustainable payment arrangements that you can enter into. If you wish to discuss your account further please contact 13 24 61.

This response will also be sent to the Energy and Water Ombudsman for their records.

Kind Regards

Ombudsman Team Leader
Customer Relations Team

To Origin Energy:

Dear So and So.

Stick it up your arse.


It's a funny thing that - how when you have an account with them, they can lie, bullshit, give you the run around, make you wait for ages on hold, rip you off, give you estimated bills and all sorts of other bullshit.....

But when you fire them, and tell them, "Your getting paid - on my terms, less the costs you have created for me." - fuck that feels good.

Giving them the arse feels like a HUGE weight has been lifted from my shoulders....

I think, if they make you spend 6 hours of your time on calls to them, for the gross over charging they created - then nail them for YOUR time.

They ought not to be making problems for you and expecting you spend your time to fix it up....

Like they will charge you fees for everything and anything, and then tell you, "Your time and effort is worth nothing...."

Adopt my policy, 

One phone call - record it - and wait no longer than 5 to 10 minutes for it to be answered - and tell them that you are recording the call ALSO - and lay out the issues clearly in 5 minutes or less and then tell them you want it fixed - and any more contact with them from this point will be charged to them, at $60 an hour or part there of.

Now if they start to fuck you around, AFTER this -

Add it to THEIR bill.

I have updated this:

To the Origin Energy Big Knobs.

I am changing the terms of our payment plan from fortnightly to monthly.

This is caused by the aberrations in billing, stemming from your refusal to amend the bill to remove my costs, to provide written receipts per payment, and your refusal to provide the smart meter readings.

This decision is subject to further review and amendment according to Sections 14.3.a to 15.2.2 of our policy and procedure manual.

Further to this, an administrative fee of $30 PCM will be applied until this matter is resolved.




Lets see, out of email mode.

$10 a month in payments - auto Bpay of course - so there is no effort there.

Less $30 a month in account keeping fees.



I could drag this out for a fucking century......

This is the all in sort of corporate warfare - where you can take the laptop and fishing rods down to the river and do it all, while you wait.

Or down the park and have a BBQ.

If a million people get burned with a million bogus bills - hammer them....

Become the "adversarial consumer", who goes after and gets their pound of flesh.

If they fuck you around to the ends of the earth, attach your own price tag, for every inch they drag you.

Immaculate record keeping, a filing cabinet, go for the throat.... 

Hunt them down and bring them down.

They want to give you a bogus bill of say $2000, when normally it's around $500. 

They then demand payment.

The problem is, they are not supposed to be serving up the results of their shitty administration and incompetence, onto the consumer, with the expectation that the consumer will either just roll over and pay it, or pay it from fright, or the consumer will spend hours on  the phone trying to get this bullshit fixed up - costing themselves time and money.

Apply the 5 minute wonder solution. 

Make one call - no longer than 5 minutes. Tell them you are recording it. Detail the issue. And tell them to fix it. Include the fact that if this fiasco continues, that your going to be billing them at your rate, per hour or part there of.

Add in that you want $50 knocked off the bill for your time to make this call.

But if it goes on and on and on - add the $2000 to their costs - AND - make them reimburse yourself for your own efforts - because your time is worth something.

But in the process, make sure you shift the cost of your expenses, and their bogus billing, to their side of the ledger where it belongs.

Never ever allow incompetent's, the "Awww it's not my problem" and the arseholes and their bullshit to add the cost of their efforts, to your expenditure.

The relationship is this:

You enter into an exchange - you pay them to supply you with electrons under pressure, and the supply costs of the hardware and the administration of the business, to run that account.

 No where in that agreement is there anything that states that your just going to cough up the cash for bogus billing and incompetent administration.

In  fact given how many people get bogus bills and shonky shit going on with their accounts, it wouldn't surprise me if this includes the corporate crime of turning a blind eye to how much "excess income" comes in, under the rader and is shifted off the books..

I have seen the broad ranging, wholesale dishonesty in the admin... 

Penetrating all strata in the organisation.

And so have many others. 

Matter-o'-fact - stand up to them, and if it happens again - fire them.

Fire them anyway.

There are plenty of other providers welcoming the consumers who lack the tolerance for being fucked around one more time.

But make sure you get your pound of flesh in the process.


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