They are on wages the tradie said.

Todays penultimate piss off is unthinking clots who drag a simple conversation out by just being stupid.....

Not fucking dumb, but unthinking..

Conversations that can be held in very concise, to the point terms...

They get dragged out - if you let them, where the matter should be discussed and acted upon in 3 minutes or under... and the other people will drag it out for like 15 minutes or longer....

When I ask, "Hi I need to buy / send / contact / talk too etc., ", the reply usually comes back as "Do you have an account with us?" / "Where is it going to sorry?" /  "And what is your name?" / "Have you talked to them before?"

Etc., etc., etc.,

So I usually shoot back - "Do you think I would be asking about MY account, if I didn't already have an account?" / "I can introduce myself - can you just transfer the call thanks." / "Well it would appear to be a foregone conclusion that if I was waiting for a call back from them, then I would have talked to them before" etc..

I also hate ROBOT phone messages, especially ones that tell you, "The call may be recorded / to hear our privacy policy  / you can do it on our website.... etc., etc., etc....."

Well all that shit achieves is 1000 people a day having 5 minutes of their lives wasted listening to bullshit....

"Stop recording the calls, stop having privacy policies and if they wanted to get on the web and do it there, why would they be going to the effort of making a phone call?"

Stop telling everyone the same shit, time after time, day in day out, every fucking time they call up.....

I fucking hate being pushed 10 minutes closer towards being dead, for no particularly good or useful reason, other than the other person / people who organised it, are stupid fucking human beings.

I fucking hate hearing the messages, "Due to unusually high demand - call waiting times will be longer than usual."

I also hate the recorded messages, that interrupt the recorded messages....

"Did you know that idiot bank / Govt Dept / etc., has" --- "Your call is important too us, please keep waiting, and we will answer you shortly" ---

"See our website for our monthly specials - this months specials include" --- "Your call is important too us, please keep waiting, and we will answer you shortly" ---

"Road safety is important to all of us - next time you drive on Dick Roads, be sure to" --- "Your call is important too us, please keep waiting, and we will answer you shortly".

Fuck I want to kill idiots that do that kind of stupid shit...

The phone message issues.... Cure them.

Either HIRE more staff to reduce call waiting times, make a phone message of elevator music - with periodic updates "You call has moved to number 5 in the cue, expected waiting time is 7 minutes" or offer to keep their place in the cue, and make a call back if people press HASH now and hang up.

But considering the technology available - keeping people on hold for 15 or 20 minutes or even WAY longer, and nothing to listen too except idiotic messages that interrupt other messages....

Wasting their time, driving up their call costs... etc... and for fucking what?

You know - like wake up Australia.

 So after a whole morning of dealing with people who just can't get to the fucking point in like 30 seconds or less....

Or they repeat back to you, what you have just said to them... with the expectation that your going to affirm their 5 second or less attention span... and repeat it back to them...

And if you don't, their retarded brain cell goes into dysfunctional stupid overload, for not playing along with their idiot script - followed by a huge grinding to a halt of the conversation.

"Oh didn't you know, I so totally fucked up as a special education teacher, so I am going to have to talk to you like someone who is not an idiot."


I guess it gets really painful when you have to deal with 10 calls in a row, and 9 of the people mope and drag their arse and simple fucking things take forever.

If they had their way, 90% of the conversation would be of them repeating themselves, expecting that saying something that is totally irrelevant, for the 10th time, will somehow value add to the conversation and process.

Ideally - talking to 10 people should take between 3 to 5 minutes each. All up that is 30 to 50 minutes per day.

Dealing with dimwits, who drag things out and bullshit on and on and on, each one of these fuckers, will take 15 minutes to half an hour to do the same things that a smart person will take. So multiply say 20 minutes by 10 calls, and you have allowed them to make you have your time wasted, as an additional, 150 - 170 minutes, on top of the 30 to 50 minutes it should have taken.

That all up, is about 2 1/2 to 3 hours of EXTRA time, that the mentally lazy fucks, have wasted of your time for being alive.

Stupid people do need a psychological kicking, because as soon as you stop them from getting away with wasting YOUR and EVERYONE else's time by turning a 5 minute conversation into a 15 minute diatribe of mostly shit.

They usually don't appreciate it at the time, but telling them to get to the fucking point helps them along.

But some people are intractably dim witted, and there are so many who turn up to work on a champions diet of a slab of Valium and 5 laps of the office coffee machine.

What ever, the point is, to use your time with enthusiasm, joy, and passion, not let others squander your time, for being alive - right now.

You have to know the value of your time, and live it accordingly.

As my friend the tradie said, "They are on wages - and they don't have to give a fuck."

They don't see it as their problem when they are wasting the customers time, as that is not their job.....


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