Feminists, the media antagonists and their agendas.

Women and body image.

Women - A few generations back.

"From your mothers side of the family - obviously."

The woman evolved into a mixture of ghastly chisel faced stick insects and lard arses that eat too much and never exercise.

The current crop.

This is more advertising agency / socially enlightened movement - to stop presenting women as stick insects so the fat chicks feelings are not hurt for being failures when they compare themselves to the mutants that crawl out of the fashion industry pages..

But pretty much all of those women, are that shape, from being just fat enough to pass as "light weight" normal - when the average woman is obese....

The dead give away, is that the advertising / feminist body image bullshit artists, and what they present, is that in the parasites in the "Victoria's Secret" run mutant stick insects and the "Dove Soap / Cosmetics" campaign - ALL the women are fat and not at all fit - because they all lack muscle definition.... 

This is how to sort them.

If a box of donuts were placed in their exclusive tea room, there are basically 4 kinds of women....

There are the super fat ones, who just eat the whole box - and never exercise at all.

There are the ones who might eat half the box - these are the ones in the dove add - and never do any exercise.

And then there are the ones who are a healthy weight, and have a healthy diet and do adequate amounts of exercise - who might eat one or two donuts now and then.

Finally we get to the stick insects who guts the lot - and then run into the toilet to binge and puke and all sorts of bullshit....

None of the women in that Dove add, look like they ride a bicycle 20K a day... or walk 5Km or go swimming 1000 meters, 3 times a week.

They are the ones who only eat half the donuts and don't blow out into rolls of blubber.

That is it.

See the body building gym bunny image...

I mean it is superb looking, but not terribly practical.

I DO think that this is a remarkably beautiful body - looks superb - absolutely.


In terms of dating, most fitness nut women tend to be more nut than women.

Women tend to have the peculiar habit of only talking about what they are into - to the almost complete exclusion of everything else. The more obsessed they are, with the particular issues they are into, the narrower the focus becomes.

Gym bunnies tend to have nothing particularly interesting to say, and they tend to be rather fucking self centred.....

Their whole world seems to have shrunk to their grams of body fat, the next competition and the training, and carbs to protein ratios - as she deep throats her 15th Power and Muscle Protein Shake for the day.

They have nothing else they can think about, and they have absolutely nothing else that they can talk about.

However if you hold up a full body sized mirror and say, "Wow - your so awesome" - they are fucked.... STUCK.

Like a fly on fly paper.

The media bullshit artists who spend their time marketing crap, and polarising the arguments, and spewing the feminist agenda - as to which branch of feminisim acolytes, are going to war against another branch of feminist acolytes...

Well they, and the stick insects and lard arses in the Dove add can all go fuck themselves.

This is what I like.

Reasonably fit, with yummy wide hips, nice looking tits, a full rounded arse and meaty thighs with a furry surprise.

The way that seat runs up underneath her cunt....

In terms of erotic sexual value - it's sort of better than fucking....

I look at her cunt and her arse - and the overall package and I go,  "I want to give her a head job and then fuck her for hours........"

Very nice.

But if this was the real world instead of an add for a electric bicycle - it would have to pass the personality test.

Does it have one?

How useful is it?

Can it do stuff?

Is it a hard worker?

Can it talk about more things than just chipping it's nails?

Is it aware that "pot" is a thing you put plants into, instead of just smoke?

Can it masturbate - or won't it's friend in low earth obit approve - while he and his old man watches.

What is it's mother like?

What is it's peer group like?

Can it handle it when you pull an idea out of thin air like "Yeah lets create two forms of star tracking for a deep space telescope." - and then do it.


So while I might think "Whoaaa that's nice."

The truth is that - "Tits, arse and a steaming cunt - does not a good partner make".
Helps in the advertising though.


Damn.... mentioned telescopes and astral tracking again didn't I.

 There is something about the multiple simultaneous variable calculations involved in tracking a star / planet / rockeroid** / lunari etc., while it does it's thing, and the planet spins and wobbles and orbits - all at the same time.

**(meteor - oid - ite; asteroid etc are now officially redundant terms)

Astronomers tend to be rather good at peering up the guts of a large microscope turned the wrong way around - but they also tend to be particularly dim-witted and impractical with anything else.

For instance:

Observatories tend to be really fucking cold and dark.

This is an extremely stupid way to use a telescope.

This is even worse - as there is not much room for you and your chum to lay down inside two sleeping bags that have been zipped together... and there are no hand rails to stop you both toppling off the edge and going to admire the concrete 5 meters below.

This is good - love the wooden legs. But there is no where to SIT or LAY and the telescope cannot be locked onto a particular object in space, and then track it - and your out in the weather - the cold wind etc....

The other thing about looking at things far away, as in a LONG way away - as in light years away - is that they "appear" for all intents and purposes, to be stationary in the sky. But the earth is spinning a full rotation every 24 Hours.... One full rotation of the earth = 360* (degrees)  divided by 24 = 15* of rotation every hour, or 0.25* every minute.

So by aiming your telescope at a distant star or planet - and centering it to that object and going for a 20 minute exposure time - due to the earths rotation, your object will have been taken off centre by 5*

Looking like this:

And if your looking at the moon - it moves so quickly across the sky that you have to track constantly to keep the moon within view.

So we NEED to make a BIG telescope, that totally tracks the object in question, with a comfy seat at the end of it, and it ALL swivels on a common mount.

This - or something quite like it.

Plus This:

(And give this a good fucking while I am at it, then keep the comfy seat for the telescope and make it stay in the kitchen making sammiches - where it belongs)

So we got the seat...

Plus this:

Plus this:

Incredibly sexy and clever astronomer chick - complete with moustache, horn rimmed glasses and leather patches on the elbows, in Uber-Nerd fashionable dress - at least 30 years out of fashion - 40 years would be far too sexy - but I'd accept it.

Comes complete with personality and the ability to read books with big words - and knows loads of clever things..

(Just reading her - she looks really fucking nice - but unfortunately is long dead, buried and gone and lived on the other side of the planet.)

Plus this:

To peer at and take pictures of things like these...

But the Hubble Telescope - will always make super brilliant images...

The position for a clever, sexy astronomer chick, who can do all the maths and program the computer to do automatic tracking etc.. is open actually......


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