First off - The Chicks.....
I collect the odd really interesting animated gif - the really clever little avatars and such like. Not a huge number of them - but some of them are such remarkable little bits of animation...
And one I came across was of a 2 or 3 second animated gif of a girl group / band from Japan.... (I think?)
And the "WOW" factor - of the lead performer.......
The way she minces, and wiggles and winks.... "Ohhhhh - She is something else..."
She is just SOOOOOO fuckable...... Uhhhhhh beside myself...
Anyway - looking for a particular subject on Youtube last night and I came across a link in the side of the screen of a video by a girl band from Japan called AKB48 - composed of some 140 members (That is another story in it's self - best look them up to find out all about them) - and to put a long story short - Yes the Japanese do look SIMILAR but each is distinctly different in both obvious and subtle ways....
So I think I was able to pick THE actual performer from the animated Gif, who may have been in the ABK48 group.... though a few looked similar and the animated gif that was my source - was a small image and not super clear.
Anyway I thought I would go and become a besotted madly in love and lust groupie, for at least a few hours... and I searched the net a bit and the groups website and all and - well while I do fancy her - in the "admiration" from afar - "me in the audience and her up on the big screen kind of a way"......
But the amount of material that has been published online by the group and the billions of fans in Japan..... over a couple of decades.... is HUGE....
So while I did want a HIGH resolution video, that the original animated gif clip was made from, I was not keen enough to persue the matter indefinitely...
But in amongst it all was a bunch of clips on Youtube of parody groups imitating the AKB48 group...
And they are ALL fucking NICE......
They all actually play the instruments and it's a pretty good song......
You might have to go through a little bit of religiously manipulated bullshit to see it....
The following content has been identified by the YouTube community as being potentially offensive or graphic. Viewer discretion is advised.
But this is fantastic.
Suits me..... and they are all fucking gorgeous.
This is an absolutely FABULOUS video..... v=daB0Mu63rmY&bpctr=1401291412
But the tragedy of it all - the ultra yummy lead (ing) singer with the silver guitar, I think she was the one in the animated gif, "Ohhhhhhhh so hot!!!!" - but she has a FLAT ARSE.....
Pan across to the horn section......
The horn sections arses.... A bit skinny.... Not so good.
And the lead (?) singers arse...... (covers eyes)
Like the typical woman from Japan, has slim hips and a small arse..... a bit of curve to the bod....
And that is all right......
But skinny hips and a flat arse.... Ohhh mmmmmm groan.... tragic etc.
I really can't look at a woman with NO arse.... They don't look "womanly".
It's fucking ghastly.
"Arrrgggghhhhhhh" - runs screaming from the room,
"That woman has no hips or ARSE."
I also find the Australian man - who has the beer gut, and the shorts and thongs on (rubber foam shoes), and a flat arse to be about the most tragic object on the face of the earth.
You know where if they stand side on, the line between their spine and the back of their legs, has no significant deviation from the straight - as it goes over the bit in between...
The guys generally don't do it for me - but the flat arse on anyone is a fucking national tragedy.
So my mythical imaginary romance is rooned.
But now I have a new one.....
She pulls this cute + look about 20 seconds before the end.
It's one of the most enjoyable "whole human" video clips I have ever seen.
And it's lots of fun.
And they are all fantastic......
And the skinny arses - they are not THAT bad....
I am sure if they all came to my room after a gig, we could work something out.
It's a great performance.
And one I came across was of a 2 or 3 second animated gif of a girl group / band from Japan.... (I think?)
And the "WOW" factor - of the lead performer.......
The way she minces, and wiggles and winks.... "Ohhhhh - She is something else..."
She is just SOOOOOO fuckable...... Uhhhhhh beside myself...
Anyway - looking for a particular subject on Youtube last night and I came across a link in the side of the screen of a video by a girl band from Japan called AKB48 - composed of some 140 members (That is another story in it's self - best look them up to find out all about them) - and to put a long story short - Yes the Japanese do look SIMILAR but each is distinctly different in both obvious and subtle ways....
So I think I was able to pick THE actual performer from the animated Gif, who may have been in the ABK48 group.... though a few looked similar and the animated gif that was my source - was a small image and not super clear.
Anyway I thought I would go and become a besotted madly in love and lust groupie, for at least a few hours... and I searched the net a bit and the groups website and all and - well while I do fancy her - in the "admiration" from afar - "me in the audience and her up on the big screen kind of a way"......
But the amount of material that has been published online by the group and the billions of fans in Japan..... over a couple of decades.... is HUGE....
So while I did want a HIGH resolution video, that the original animated gif clip was made from, I was not keen enough to persue the matter indefinitely...
But in amongst it all was a bunch of clips on Youtube of parody groups imitating the AKB48 group...
And they are ALL fucking NICE......
They all actually play the instruments and it's a pretty good song......
You might have to go through a little bit of religiously manipulated bullshit to see it....
The following content has been identified by the YouTube community as being potentially offensive or graphic. Viewer discretion is advised.
But this is fantastic.
They are all having fun, making a really cheerful, up lifting boppy tune, they are all attractive, they all appear to be able to play a whole heap of different instruments - including brass wind instruments (Yay the horn section) and they are NAKED.....
Suits me..... and they are all fucking gorgeous.
This is an absolutely FABULOUS video.....

But the tragedy of it all - the ultra yummy lead (ing) singer with the silver guitar, I think she was the one in the animated gif, "Ohhhhhhhh so hot!!!!" - but she has a FLAT ARSE.....
Pan across to the horn section......
The horn sections arses.... A bit skinny.... Not so good.
And the lead (?) singers arse...... (covers eyes)
Like the typical woman from Japan, has slim hips and a small arse..... a bit of curve to the bod....
And that is all right......
But skinny hips and a flat arse.... Ohhh mmmmmm groan.... tragic etc.
I really can't look at a woman with NO arse.... They don't look "womanly".
It's fucking ghastly.
"Arrrgggghhhhhhh" - runs screaming from the room,
"That woman has no hips or ARSE."
I also find the Australian man - who has the beer gut, and the shorts and thongs on (rubber foam shoes), and a flat arse to be about the most tragic object on the face of the earth.
You know where if they stand side on, the line between their spine and the back of their legs, has no significant deviation from the straight - as it goes over the bit in between...
The guys generally don't do it for me - but the flat arse on anyone is a fucking national tragedy.
So my mythical imaginary romance is rooned.
But now I have a new one.....
She pulls this cute + look about 20 seconds before the end.
It's one of the most enjoyable "whole human" video clips I have ever seen.
And it's lots of fun.
And they are all fantastic......
And the skinny arses - they are not THAT bad....
I am sure if they all came to my room after a gig, we could work something out.
It's a great performance.
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