Product Model and Serial Numbers

In tiny hard to read lettering, on labels, applied in obscure, hard to reach locations....

This topic shits me to tears - it does.

I wish all these fucking cunts would just PRINT:


The MODEL and (possibly)

The SERIAL number

In large, clear, easy to read, LETTERING on the front of the shit they make.

The manufacturers that print the information, on things like mobile phones, in microscopic fonts, on a sticker, underneath the battery - and you really DO need a jewelers loupe  to read the writing....

Or they put it on a sticker, in a really tiny font, and then they poke that sticker underneath, or on  the back, or some where out of sight....

Yes... it's on the back of the refrigerator, 40 mm above the floor - in 2mm high lettering.

Or it's on the back of the computer monitor / TV / amplifier / etc., etc., etc. behind the cables...

So not only do you have to switch it off, unplug the video cables, turn it upside down or hold it over your head and use a magnifying glass and torch to read the lettering on the sticker.

Why can't these idiots make life easier by writing ACER  2247AU (Brand and Model Number) on the front of the Monitors casing, instead of just ACER....

I also hate the fact that the dick heads in China - almost universally print manuals and everything else in ultra fine font, that no one can read....

I mean really - I picked up a cheapy graphing calculator once, that had a little book, that had the print go up to the glue line inside it, and much of the text was zero POINT seven millimeters high.

Seven tenths of a millimeter.

0.7mm high lettering - in a "graphing / engineering" calculator user manual.

 Absolutely perfectly printed letters....  just really, really, really fucking TINY.

Like the whole of the fraction is 4.5 mm high.

The x in the x3 (find it - it's there) is 0.7mm high..

Great fun trying to read that in a dim light at 3am.....

Almost impossible in sunlight with a magnifying glass.

What is the point in writing manuals that no one can read?

 So I contacted the factory and asked for a PDF in A4 sized pages, -  the manual they produce and then reduce to fit on a postage stamp.....

And the useless people did fuck all about it.

It probably wasn't a bad calculator, but the inclusion of button cell batteries instead of AA batteries for performing functions that chew up power, and an idiotic manual that requires a low powered microscope to read - probably went a long way to kill that product line off....

And ALL of the product importers / suppliers etc., who all get their own branded shit or just on sell - never ever say anything about it.

None of them EVER say, "jesus fucking christ! don't you cunts get it? You clueless fucks - we want manuals that are in size 11 font."

We want the mobile phone to say "Samsung GT-447" on the cover / case - instead of just "Samsung" - without having to dive into drill down menus or dismantle the phone and get the battery out and then find a microscope to read the print on the label etc..

Or to have the fridge / freezer with Haier 148 HA - on the FRONT - on the LID - and not on some sticker, on the fucking back of it....

Excuse me while I get the crow bar so I can move the loaded up chest freezer away from the wall, and a magnifying glass so I can read the ultra small print.........

"What you mean they didn't "get that" in advance?" - having to move the fully loaded deep freeze, that does not come with wheels, away from the wall, so that you can read a sticker with tiny writing on it, that has the model number on it,  and the sticker is at the back of the freezer?

Or fucking tyre manufacturers, writing the inflation pressure in 6 mm high writing (or moulding into) on the side wall, in black (obviously) rubber. Why in the fuck can't these pricks make the writing  in 20 mm high letters with WHITE print on the surface of the letters?

This issue of getting down on your hands and knees to read the inflation pressure....

Fucking come on.

You mean these fucking idiots "Don't get it"?

Why do these fuckers not get the idea of providing the simplest of information, in an easy to read, obvious location.

What is there with these fucking manufacturers hiding this information?

What is it? Some kind of status consciousness - where the programming of people to link their self esteem with the latest model?

Person A, "Oh I have the Samsung Model X52A phone...."

Person B, "Really - I have the Samsung X52 "B" phone - Wow - it's so amazing etc."

Person A - goes and slashes wrists as they can't afford to upgrade.

I fucking HATE having to call customer service and then dismantle or go off on expeditions to find out basic shit about things - that would have been so easy to just print on the front of the fucking item.

Even books have relevant information (usually) on the spines.

A repair manual:

Publisher - Brand, series, years of manufacture etc.

And the microprinted manuals - people should be punched in the face for bringing out things that are that stupid.

We will import / get made in our brand / drop ship / onsell / rebrand and include a fucking manual that is in print that is so small, that is so fine and printed on rice paper - about the size of a postage stamp - that NO ONE can read.....

And include it with the product.

"Grow a fucking brain." Kerrrrrunch!


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