Aircraft Systems Engineering

Oh joy. Oh Joy. Oh Joy - MIT or the - Massachusetts Institute of Technology amongst many other "University" type institutions, is offering "Open CourseWare"....

Jolly, jolly, jolly good.......

“The idea is simple: to publish all of our course materials online and make them widely available to everyone.”
Dick K.P. Yue, Professor, MIT School of Engineering

Unlocking Knowledge

MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) is a web-based publication of virtually all MIT course content. OCW is open and available to the world and is a permanent MIT activity.

Empowering Minds

Through OCW, educators improve courses and curricula, making their schools more effective; students find additional resources to help them succeed; and independent learners enrich their lives and use the content to tackle some of our world’s most difficult challenges, including sustainable development, climate change, and cancer eradication.
 And their Aircraft Systems Engineering course, has 21 videos, showing some 50 hours plus of video..

Very clever people, designing and building very clever things, that have to work together in very clever ways.

The videos are excellent and downloadable....

But there has been a global bullshit trip about "OPEN LEARNING" / courses / socially enriching offerings by my schools and universities - which are anywhere from interesting to enlightening - but way too many of them either offer lip service courses, which are nothing more than open ended, non engaging "courses" - meaning that there is nothing to enrol in, study or get assignments to do or obtain qualifications from....

Or they are hooks to formal enrolments, that cost staggering amounts of money - and they do things to restrict intake - via "expressions of interest" etc

The lying fuckers at MIT - are offering "courses", in name only, because they put "Courses" on the web pages. 

These "online courses" for the most part, are nothing more than "smart TV" as opposed to idiot TV - which if watched, raises your comprehension, insight and overall smarts - and it's good brain food - but the pricks running MIT are not providing "a course" - they are providing lip service "courses" with some worthwhile content.

But it is very educational.....

Before the "MIT course video's" on Aircraft Systems Engineering commence - watch this:

This guys video about the scam called higher education, and the arseholes who run universities and the bullshit they get up too, running the universities as profit and loss centres - ought to be compulsory viewing:

They employ researchers who bring in funding and they educate students as cheaply as possible - because although they charge through the nose for the courses, they give them the lowest cost education possible.

If you have ever done "university" - it will explain much.

About the MIT course:

The camera operator/s kept the camera on the presenters, but they refused to capture the images and slides that the presenters were showing. This is an example of technically "inept and clueless" filming.

It's a stupid thing to not do, as the series of guests, and their knowledge, all coalesced into the one series of videos - and to exclude the slides and photos that they brought with them, and stood there pointing out what their field of expertise or what they had worked on, and to refuse to pan the camera directly on the presenter, and onto the slide or projection that the presenter was pointing out details on - was dumb fuckness in the extreme.

However - at the MIT site, the individual videos are downloadable AND they have transcripts available.

And they call them "Course" - but there is only a series of very good plain speaker at the front of the class lectures, but there is NO course of study and accreditation.

If you look up Google: "Open Learning" - the results are basically a huge wave of the new revolution of Open Accessibility / Open Learning / Online Education - run by packs of inept money grubbing cunts who are the administration of universities, offering badly run, cheaply made online courses.

The junk food education, from the prestigious 5 star university......

So I regard the whole online open learning issue as offered by pretty much all the universities as one huge nazi-lock step bullshit trip....

And despite all the quotations of Einstein and others, that the greatest impediment to learning is the education system, the dumb fucks running these bullshit trips are getting away with it, because they have monopolised the system - because "they are the system."

So onto the  MIT's Aircraft Systems Engineering "course" video's.

 Course Features

Course Highlights

This course was administrated by shuttle astronaut and MIT Professor Jeff Hoffman and Professor Aaron Cohen, who was the Space Shuttle Orbiter Project Manager.

Guest speakers provide the majority of the content in video lectures, discussing topics such as system design, accident investigation, and the future of NASA's space mission.

Course Description

16.885J offers a holistic view of the aircraft as a system, covering: basic systems engineering; cost and weight estimation; basic aircraft performance; safety and reliability; lifecycle topics; aircraft subsystems; risk analysis and management; and system realization. Small student teams retrospectively analyze an existing aircraft covering: key design drivers and decisions; aircraft attributes and subsystems; and operational experience. Oral and written versions of the case study are delivered. For the Fall 2005 term, the class focuses on a systems engineering analysis of the Space Shuttle. It offers study of both design and operations of the shuttle, with frequent lectures by outside experts. Students choose specific shuttle systems for detailed analysis and develop new subsystem designs using state of the art technology.

Or here:

And the paperwork....

The 15th video is about accidents in relation to the shuttle/s

As soon as I had heard about the Challenger has disintergrated on reentry - and it was suspected that a piece of foam had hit the leading edge of the wing, had damaged the leading edge - it took me seconds to figure that the leading edge had been damaged and the hot gasses of reentry had burned through and weakened the aluminium framing inside the wing and the wing had just blown or swollen up and then blown apart.

They released their report some 10 days later - backing me up.

The introduction:

"Sheila Widnall.

We are really lucky that she is able to come and talk to us today.

She has been here at MIT since 1964 as a professor and then as provost, but she didn't serve very long as provost because she was assigned to go to Washington by the President to be the Secretary of the Air Force, which she did for almost five years, I guess.

Four years.

Then came back here.

And she is now an institute professor which basically means you can do anything you want, right, including come and talk to our class.

In particular, Professor Widnall was on the Columbia Accident Investigation Board.

And that specifically is what she's going to talk to us about today, along with just general comments about how this relates back to systems engineering, the design, operation of the Shuttle, and basically anything else that you would like to say because it is your time."

She goes into detail about almost all of the issues surrounding the breakup of the Columbia shuttle on reentry.

This is the video she / they produced - and that she refers to - mostly the internal view of the foam hitting the wing


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