The Numb Skulls of Origin Energy - are at it again.
I was paying off what I owed at $100 plus per fortnight - and the cunts decided to cut my power off, I spent up to restore my own power supply and lighting - and then the ombudsman told them to reconnect the power.
Then the IDIOTS at Origin Energy - then decided to push me into a payment plan of $76 every two weeks...
If they had of just left me alone, they would have gotten paid off at nearly double that rate...
After YEARS and YEARS of never ending bullshit - that was the last straw.
I changed power companies - to any one of a selection who OWN renewable energy generation gear - wind farms etc....
But I also found out that the shit heads running the big corporations - are trying to do all they can, to kill off renewables - including those who run Origin Energy - so they can keep the power prices artificially high, from their dirty antiquated coal burners.
So anyway I have told the shits at Origin Energy that they are on MY payment plan for them, of $10 a month....
And now the fucks (falls off seat laughing) have threatened me with court action via idiot debt collectors.... to make me pay,.,,
I bet the idiots spend up like $3000 in fees and posted letters of demand, over the next 10 years... to recover what is being paid anyway - less my generation costs.
I mean that is how stupid they are.
I could open a paper pulping mill and build a house with everything they send.
I could also lodge a counter claim - for 20 years of shit.......
"Origin Energy" reviews
This is fairly representative of what fucking idiots and scumbags they are:
There are a few gems in amongst these too..
Are we being ripped of by Origin Energy?
It is obvious that Origin Energy's computer system is a utter shambles, when a new meter for our Solar panels was installed we where somehow disconnected as a customer, we where than forced by Origin to sign up as a "new customer" Upn receipt of the the "New Agreement Schedule" from Origin we found out:
In December our rate c/Kwh was 15.9505 now with the new rates the ball park has changed to include a Suppy Charge of 33.649 cents per day, pluss a metering charge of 21.318 cents perday and the rate per Kw has gone up to from 15.9505 to 21.1838 and the so called by rewarded with Origin's Premium Feed in tarrif has in item 12c of the agreement a Credit limit of $50.00.
So Origin Energy semms to be ripping the customers who have Solar Power system by:
Limiting the credit to $50.00 (Than one assumes that one one with a credit on Solar power back of more than $50.00 Origin Energy get the excess for free?)
Has Origin Energy made up a system of so called "new rates" to make more money under false pretences to rip of customers that have Solar power installed?
To make matter worse we have actully received 3 sets of "Premium Feed tarrif Contract Schedules" in the last months, a clear indication Origin Energy Computer System is up the creek.
The Origin Energy Credit limit of $50.00 must be a worry to those that have more than 1 kw installed, the way it looks Origin Energy wont be paying or crediting any one for power gererated beyond $50.00.
Any similar experiences and advise where we can get better tarrif rates are welcomed.
In December our rate c/Kwh was 15.9505 now with the new rates the ball park has changed to include a Suppy Charge of 33.649 cents per day, pluss a metering charge of 21.318 cents perday and the rate per Kw has gone up to from 15.9505 to 21.1838 and the so called by rewarded with Origin's Premium Feed in tarrif has in item 12c of the agreement a Credit limit of $50.00.
So Origin Energy semms to be ripping the customers who have Solar Power system by:
Limiting the credit to $50.00 (Than one assumes that one one with a credit on Solar power back of more than $50.00 Origin Energy get the excess for free?)
Has Origin Energy made up a system of so called "new rates" to make more money under false pretences to rip of customers that have Solar power installed?
To make matter worse we have actully received 3 sets of "Premium Feed tarrif Contract Schedules" in the last months, a clear indication Origin Energy Computer System is up the creek.
The Origin Energy Credit limit of $50.00 must be a worry to those that have more than 1 kw installed, the way it looks Origin Energy wont be paying or crediting any one for power gererated beyond $50.00.
Any similar experiences and advise where we can get better tarrif rates are welcomed.
(lots of feed back on that)
origin energy reviews
Overall Rating: 22%
An overall rating of 22% is given based on 44 reviews
These average scores represent customer ratings for the displayed supplier, calculated from all the customer reviews displayed below.
Customer service 8%
Payment options 28%
Discounts and benefits offered 18%
Bill clarity and accuracy 9%
Would you recommend to a friend? 6%
Nick Daly Newbie 1 review
What a stuffed company. They sent me a bill for a house I moved out of a year ago. I called them to find out why and was told there was a billing error and that I was charged 22 cents a Kilowatt when I should of been charged 44 cents a Kilowatt. It took them a year to find this out. I have no way of verifying this but I do remember signing up to Orgin after a salesperson had called at my place with a special deal but unfortunately I cannot remember what the deal was. Therefore there is no way I would recommend Origin to anyone.3 weeks ago - 20/05/2014
Oolongdesi 18 reviews
Their power charges and customer service are really bad.I had enough experience in their exhibition street office and in elizabeth street.
Please avoid Origin Energy...
About 330 results (0.19 seconds)
Cue an angry phone call to origin (40 minute hold time to help the anger stew). Apparently its not their problem, Energy Australia was told not to ... |
Origin were not technically able to read our meter, and requested we travel 120kms ... I recently asked Origin Energy for a copy of my contract. |
Myself and one other from my place of employment signed a contract and paid a deposit to Origin energy for a Solar electricity system purchase ... |
Myself and one other from my place of employment signed a contract and paid a deposit to Origin energy for a Solar electricity system purchase ... |
Within 3 days of speaking to Origin, I'd received my bill. But it showed ... At this stage of the game I had no emotional energy to argue that point. |
Some others were too BUT Origin Energy were the complete opposite. I never imagined in my wildest dreams a utility company could be so ... |
I have read the posts below and it seems that Origin has not learnt ... But one has to wonder what the energy authorities are doing when a ... |
I called Origin Energy in January 2008 to cancel my electricity and move house. A year later I receive a debt collection notice. I never saw the ... |
I also had a lot of problems getting Origin to install my panels and inverter. ... If this is ever fixed I will find another energy company. The sad ... |
Posted: 17 Nov 11 09:56. Post subject: Origin Energy phone delays. Currently I am trying to arrange abolishment of power and gas to our property to demolish it. |
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 - and the pages go on and on and on......
- Geetha KhistyToday at 5:35pmAs a highly disappointed customer, I would like to bring to all Facebook users that please watch out when dealing with Origin Energy company. After two years of complaining that our electricity charges does not seem correct, considering we have a 3.5 kwh solar panels installed in 2010. In Jan 2014, Origin finally admits that they were invoicing us on a meter that is not in our property since May 2012. In these two years, they have prevented us from switching to another provider, their credit department continually hounded us, they have used incorrect solar feed-in tariff in their calculation and sent series of incorrect amended bills. We still wait for a full and complete resolution from them. So I strongly recommend every one to check your bills closely and to maintain a regular personal meter log.
- Mavis ParsonsToday at 2:38pmLess than Happy with this company. After the runaround last night with my complaint of no gas and spending over an hour on the phone, being put on hold a second time when i was told a specialist was coming on the phone to talk to me (resulting in at least half an hour on hold in total) I was then told by a new "customer service person" (who I had to start again with) that nobody would even come to look at our problem till after the weekend. I asked to speak to a supervisor and after this hour on phone was hung up on! I then put in a complaint on here. Someone called Claire did reply and get someone to ring me back within half an hour and they did! Wayne assured me we came under an emergency situation to be looked at today which was the 13th June. I asked who should I ring if i have a problem and he said the emergencies line. I asked if they were the ones who needed to check the meter and was told they are the ones that come out. well joy oh joy we have not seen or heard from anyone today the 14th June so I rang the number i was told to be told that yes a request was in but they had no idea when someone would get to us it was down for today if they could but the high priority is leaks and they will be done first and that is over the whole of Victoria. It begs the question how many teams are working the whole of Victoria? So the customer with no heating, hot water or cook top just sits and waits not knowing when or if gas will be restored any time soon.
- Daggy Wingin-ItToday at 7:17amoh dear, looks like i'm just another dissatisfied customer after reading all the poor service posts about your company. my story is that we moved into our newly built house in a new greenfield estate on Jan 12th. prior to us moving in I organised the electricity & gas connection with Origin which was completed by the time we moved in, the gas runs our hot water & cooking. we have been an Origin customer for the past 9 yrs & all seemed good for a few months until we realised that we had never received an account, so I called up only to be told that I don't have an account with Origin & that I need to contact my service provider, Origin you ARE MY service provider. after we were connected in January i received a number of emails from Origin with my contract agreement details so how could you NOT be my service provider. the guy I spoke with, Leon, could not have been ruder if he tried, refusing to believe that I was an Origin customer. after much discussion he then admitted that I was a customer but that an account had never been set up for me & I would now have to wait 90 days before I could get a bill. so apparently it takes 7 mths to get my 1st account, please hurry & do this so I can transfer to a company that cares about it's customers, or am I now not a customer of yours again, I give up.
Origin Energy shared a link.
Storing energy can be tricky, so we make it fresh every day. Find out why.- Stijn Scrayen, Ellen Cox, Shazma A Gaffoor and 7 others like this.
- Shane Clayton I listen to your radio advertising every day and it really annoys me to hear you making the comment that you "make energy" you cannot make energy. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed it simply changes state. refer to this link in regards to the law of conservation of energy physics, the law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an... See More
- Origin Energy Hi Shane - thanks for taking the time to provide feedback on our advertising campaign.
To clarify, the purpose of the campaign is to highlight that Origin is not just an energy retailer, but that we are also involved in the generation and production of energy.
We use the words "make" and "made" to refer to these activities in a general way that ties in with the fanciful themes of the campaign such as making light bulbs in egg cartons and milk bottles. Thanks - Renee - Wayne Heywood Just had your ad in my newsfeed. I have no idea why because I divested from you several months ago for investing in gas while your promotions were all about renewables. I felt this was deceptive.
I think rather than cute little fictional bottles you should on show the damage that fracking does on our water and land. That's what making energy from fossil fuels really looks like. - Shane Clayton Thanks for your reply but to be accurate you should remove the word make and substitute it for convert or generate which would be more accurate. Having studied physics for engineering it really annoys me to hear the terms you use in your advertising, as it is a "lie" to say you "make" energy. As I stated earlier if you read the information in the link "energy can neither be created nor destroyed it simply changes state"
Cheat sheet:
How your energy provider rates
Australia's biggest energy providers, including Origin and AGL, are being slammed by customers online for poor customer service, billing errors, incorrect meter readings and high account fees.Customer service
Origin Energy got the worst rap in the category of customer service, with people complaining of poor reliability and flexibility when arranging meter reading times and being hung up on by customer service staff.
Meter reading
Origin also clocked the most complaints about incorrect meter readings, with one customer reporting being charged for a meter reading almost 200 points higher than the actual figure showing on the meter at her home.
Other customers, especially those in regional areas, report being upset over ‘estimate' readings which lead to bills that are higher than those based on ‘actual' meter figures.
The management of Origin Energy use fracking - that poisons the ground water and springs up gas leaks everywhere....
The report measured key indicators of fracking threats across the country, and found:
• 280 billion gallons of toxic wastewater generated in 2012,
• 450,000 tons of air pollution produced in one year,
• 250 billion gallons of fresh water used since 2005,
• 360,000 acres of land degraded since 2005,
• 100 million metric tons of global warming pollution since 2005.
“The numbers don't lie," said Rumbpler. "Fracking has taken a dirty and destructive toll on our environment. If this dirty drilling continues unchecked, these numbers will only get worse."
The Environment America report comes on the heels of a study released by researchers at Duke University earlier this week that found a "surprising magnitude of radioactivity" in the local water near a fracking operation in Pennsylvania.
In North America, shale gas has become increasingly controversial because of fracking. Huge volumes of water are mixed with sand and dozens of toxic chemicals like benzene, toluene and xylene, and then injected under extreme pressure to shatter the underground rock reservoir and release gas trapped in the rock pores. Each ‘slick-water frack’ uses nearly 20 million litres of freshwater. The toxic chemicals mixed in the water endanger groundwater aquifers and threaten to pollute nearby water-wells. With horizontal drilling, a well can be fracked more than a dozen times, making the fractures extend several kilometres.
The little town of Rosebud, Alberta, knows a lot about the dangers of fracking. At least 15 water-wells in the community have gone bad since EnCana Corporation fracked into their aquifer in search of shale gas in 2004. Says Rosebud resident Jessica Ernst: ‘EnCana told us they would never fracture near our aquifer.’ By 2005, she says, ‘my water began going bad. I was getting horrible burns and rashes from taking a shower and then my dogs refused to drink the water. That’s when I began to pay attention.’
In 2006, Ernst decided to go public, showing reporters how she could set fire to her tap water, and speaking out about the industry. Ernst says she heard from ‘at least 50 other landowners the first year’ and she continues to get calls. Groundwater contamination from fracking ‘is pretty widespread’ in Alberta, she says, ‘but they’re trying to keep it hidden’.
Filmmaker Josh Fox found the same thing happening across the US in many of the 34 states where fracking is taking place. His feature-length documentary, Gasland, won a Special Jury Prize at the Sundance Film Festival and was nominated for an Academy Award this year.
Gasland shows a man setting his water alight and people in 10 different states talking about how their communities were ruined by hydraulic fracturing. One gas company recently bought out the town of Dimock, Pennsylvania, for $4.1 million because fracking made the water completely undrinkable. Fox calls his documentary ‘a public health story’ because ‘health problems throughout these regions are really rampant’.
Origin stops coal seam gas drilling after chemicals found in water near a coal seam gas ''fracking'' site in Queensland will have their water supplies tested for toxic benzene and other chemicals today after Origin Energy found contaminated water near drilling sites.
The discovery of BTEX - a mixture of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene - around eight coal seam gas wells near Miles, west of Brisbane, marks the first time a resources company has admitted to contaminating water at a fracking site.
Origin detected the chemicals a week ago and told the Queensland government - which is legislating to ban the use of BTEX chemicals during coal seam gas drilling - on Friday.
Most landholders in the area have been notified of the contamination. There is no known impact on drinking water in the gas field. Origin has shut down all 17 of its drilling rigs across a 40-kilometre-wide area while an investigation is carried out.
Fracking, or hydraulic fracturing, involves injecting water, sand and chemicals underground to fracture rock formations and force gas to the surface.
The controversial process has fuelled protests from landholders in Australia and the United States, where government tests have detected harmful levels of hydrocarbons, including BTEX, in drinking water wells in areas where fracking is used.
Origin refused to disclose the mixture of chemicals used in the fracking fluid that it was using on the site. The US company Halliburton supplied the fluids.
Powerful argument - Origin energy boss Grant King defends fracking can dress a salad with one of the key chemicals used in "fracking" and drink or wash in most of the others.
So said arguably the nation's leading energy executive yesterday in an assault on Green politicians, whom he said had used a "simple lie" to attack fossil fuels, including coal seam gas.
Grant King, CEO of $15 billion power behemoth Origin - which owns Integral and Country Energy - used a speech to the Committee for Economic Development of Australia in Sydney to, he said, put some "facts in the debate" about "good" and "bad" fuels.
"If, as green groups say, fossil fuels are 'bad' because of their CO2 emissions and other environmental impacts, and renewable energy is 'good', we should also consider the environmental impacts of the production of renewable energy to ensure we have some balance in discussion on these choices," he said. The Greens denied his claims.
The first was that making solar panels required hydrofluoric acid, phosphoric acid and sodium hydroxide - highly toxic and corrosive chemicals.
"The scaling up of PV production would require the industrial scale production and transport of highly toxic chemicals through our cities and our suburbs," Mr King said.
And, while advocates for renewables demanded exclusion zones around CSG projects, they criticised exclusion zones around wind farms, which were visually offensive "to many in the community", created low frequency noise and "allegedly can cause health impacts".
Mr King said had the audience been given a salad with their lunch, it could have been dressed with one of the key chemicals used in the CSG production technique known as fracking - hydraulic fracturing, where fissures in subterranean rocks are forced open using liquid at high pressure.
That chemical was acetic acid - the main component of vinegar. People drank and washed in almost all the other agents used in fracking, he added.
Greens Deputy Leader Christine Milne said: "Nobody should be the least bit surprised that the CEO of one of Australia's most polluting companies is doing his best to hold back the growth of solar and wind technologies."
Gas bubbling up through Condamine River proof that coal seam gas threatens our water RELEASE - 30 May 2012
The Greens NSW spokesperson on mining Jeremy Buckingham said today that footage of methane gas bubbling up through the Condamine River in Queensland, close to coal seam gas well sites, was proof that the industry is unsafe and puts at risk our water supply. He warned that the O’Farrell Government was about to put NSW rivers at risk by unleashing coal seam gas.The footage of the gas bubbling up through the Condamine River can be viewed here:
“Gas bubbling up through t a 5km stretch of the Condamine River is the worst case recorded so far of what appears to be pollution related to fracking for coal seam gas,” said Greens MP Jeremy Buckingham.
“Fracking and drilling for coal seam gas by Origin Energy may have caused the rock to crack allowing gas to migrate into the aquifers and up through a major river.
“This is the canary in the coal seam gas well. The O’Farrell Government must not allow the coal seam gas industry to pollute rivers and aquifers in NSW.
“The Condamine River is used for drinking water and irrigation. It is both frightening to think the O’Farrell Government is willing to put rivers including the Manning, Namoi, Gloucester, Hunter, Richmond, Clarence, Nepean and Hawkesbury Rivers at risk.
It has also allowed drilling in the Special Catchment Area on the Illawarra Plateau and near Warragamba Dam.
“The industry claims it is safe, but we’ve had toxic spills killing trees and polluting creeks in the Pilliga Forest, we’ve had well blow outs in Western Sydney and in Queensland, we’ve had contaminated aquifers in the United States, and now it seems they have fractured the rock beneath a major river in the Murray-Darling Basin and gas is leaking out uncontrolled.
“How many incidents do we need before the government wakes up and commits to protecting our water and land?
“It is disturbing that it falls to the public to highlight these incidents, while the companies and government either do not know what is happening, or are covering it up,” he said.
Contact: Max Phillips – 9230 2202 or 0419 444 916
This is just how corrupt the government and ministers and power companies actually are.....
One Response to “New ‘fracking’ permit: Otways up for exploration”
The report is a sham – paid for by the taxpayer to ensure to ensure a recommendation to lift the moratorium and proceed to drill.All the taskforce members, including Mr Reith, represent energy companies or associated industries and lobby groups.
In addition to Mr Reith, the taskforce comprised of: Mr Mark Collette, the Group Executive Manager of Energy Markets for Energy Australia; Mr Frank Calabria, the Energy Markets Chief Executive Officer for Origin Energy; the President of Dow Chemicals Australia and New Zealand, Mr Craig Arnold; the Chief Executive of the Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association, Mr David Byers; Ms Cheryl Cartwright, who is the Chief Executive of the Australian Pipeline Industry Association; a Federal Liberal MP and director of Port Jackson Partners consulting firm, Mr Angus Taylor, and Mr Innes Willox, who is the Chief Executive of the Australian Industry Group.
When you look at these board members, you can see that the government wasn’t interested in independent costings involved to the State as not one of these people on the board is an accountant. There is no independent hydrologist, geologist, ecologist, botanist, agronomist or any type of scientist on this board so the government has no interest in the impacts on water, air, soil, animal health and the food chain. There are no medical doctors or toxicologists on this board so the government has no interest in discovering the impacts on people.
So Peter Reith was being paid $2000 per day on top of his Salary from First State lobbyists to tell us gas is good with a committee that included energy company marketing executives for an “independent” report commissioned by the Victorian Government
Should the Victorian People want a real report into the effects of drilling for gas in their state and make up their own minds on the facts – It would be cheaper and more effective for the Victorian Government to have real experts do real studies of the already operating gasfields in Queensland, than to pay for a study from fat advertising executives working for energy companies. I wonder if a single one of them has ever been to a gasfield?