Yummy - Curves and Cunts

I have a thing for women with nice wide hips and firm full luscious thighs.

I saw this one in some Youtube BBC docco and went "WOW - I am in lust!"

The face sucks lemons - but the body is great.

And contrary to much of the internet - it has all of it's clothes on too....

She is in this - comes in at about 5:35

Actually this is really worth watching.

Horizon The £10 Million Challenge BBC Full Documentary


There is a story behind this image - it's the marine chronometer - that enabled non traditional sea farers to navigate by time and location, around the world in the late 1700's.

This is a different watch - supposedly made by the same guy.


In 1714, the British government offered a longitude prize for a method of determining longitude at sea, with the awards ranging from £10,000 to £20,000 (several million pounds in modern terms) depending on accuracy. John Harrison, a Yorkshire carpenter, submitted a project in 1730, and in 1735 completed a clock based on a pair of counter-oscillating weighted beams connected by springs whose motion was not influenced by gravity or the motion of a ship. His first two sea timepieces H1 and H2 (completed in 1741) used this system, but he realised that they had a fundamental sensitivity to centrifugal force, which meant that they could never be accurate enough at sea. Construction of his third machine, designated H3, in 1759 included novel circular balances and the invention of the bi-metallic strip and caged roller bearings, inventions which are still widely used. However, H3's circular balances still proved too inaccurate and he eventually abandoned the large machines.[7]

Harrison solved the precision problems with his much smaller H4 chronometer design in 1761. H4 looked much like a large five-inch (12 cm) diameter pocket watch. In 1761, Harrison submitted H4 for the £20,000 longitude prize. His design used a fast-beating balance wheel controlled by a temperature-compensated spiral spring. These features remained in use until stable electronic oscillators allowed very accurate portable timepieces to be made at affordable cost. In 1767, the Board of Longitude published a description of his work in The Principles of Mr. Harrison's time-keeper.[8]


(After 9 weeks at sea, Harrisons clock was accurate to within 5 seconds)

This also can be spun back to an earlier rant - about the woman in the hardware chain store - NOT knowing what a scriber was, and not knowing how to spell "SCRI  --  BER" and not even attempting to spell "SCRI  --  BER" - and my cracking the fucking shits about that...

That is what I meant - about collective stupidity - and people not knowing how to THINK or KNOW or LEARN, because they never have to DO.

 (or make things - that require thinking).

And then rather than mostly pointless syllabus content - I am all for making people go and do all of these different hands on "thinking and doing skills" type projects - where you have to use your brain and figure things out - and then do it.

There are two sorts of things - totally from scratch and having an example to research - a reference point.

But that is what I meant when I said, "Making a clock from brass" -

And - I am all for families doing PROJECTS together...


In around 1700, the Harrison family moved to the Lincolnshire village of Barrow upon Humber. Following his father's trade as a carpenter, Harrison built and repaired clocks in his spare time. Legend has it that at the age of six, while in bed with smallpox, he was given a watch to amuse himself and he spent hours listening to it and studying its moving parts.

Hence my rant on bullshit education system that dumbs people down and churns out morons....

And the NEED for doing things that require smartening up - instead of dumbing down through conformity.






This was really funny - they were so nice, fun and natural....

Girlband ADAM Gets Orgasms While Singing

I think the story is that they jumped in front of the camera, riding vibrators, and sung their own song "Go to go" - while they climaxed etc....

It was really fun.

You have to be accurate on the time, because they switch views really quickly:

The blonde one - at 2:02 - she is really funny - and she gulps like a fish and pulls a face.

And at 2:12 - she goes "Ohhhhhhhh.... "  and then looks to the side.

Fuck it was funny - had me giggling in fits......

But "Ohhhh she has such a sensuous mouth......."


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