Quantum Leaps of Dumb Fuckness.

By the cock of Jehova, what a day.

First up - Why dumb fucks never go far - because they never make themselves;

This is a video that I came across, that as a bit of a fan of time and space and science and all - well it just blew me away.

This video is on TIME and SPACE - not the usual theme - but it's a scientific type of video... on mathematically provable time STREAMS and parallel universes etc...

It's easy (sort of) to follow (sort of) but it's brain damage producing smarts....

It's a deep interplay of really, really full on stuff - it's not hard to digest, but there are so very few extraordinarily interrelated issues, of significant complexity, and these are so rare - that this is absolutely fabulous...

These are things to aspire too... the capability of the capacity to understand and do - to process all the factors into a coherent outcome.

I am not saying that LSD etc., is not a bad thing, but I think Timothy Leary kind of talked out his arse - because real mind expansion, is like lifting weights.....

It requires effort and time.....

This is the real drug free mind expansion material.... amongst much of it, that does exist, in the real world. 

To put a positive downer on this video...

The content is very, very, very, very clever - the way the content "fractions" are woven into a cohesive picture or story - and the content of the story, and the entire story is so very, very, very, very, very very, clever - so much so that after three and a half hours of it, that it's a seriously brain damaging degree of smartness.

It's head ache and nose bleeds sorts of smarts....

It's a take an asprin and lie down for a while type of smarts.

Perhaps watching it 10 minute sessions, might be the go....

Brilliant video though. Mind warping subject.

Download it and use it as an exercise in comprehension. While "Mien Kapf" is totally indigestible bullshit - it's fucking hard going;

This is totally hard going, iin a similar way - it's not indigestable, and it's not hard...  - but trying to comprehend it - as a whole interwoven very clever to abstract kinds of many bits to the one subject - it's like being stuck on LSD without taking it.

Fucking brilliant video though.....  absolutely amazing.


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