Shit workers are like shit dates.

Or how to rid yourself of a succession of dumb fucks.

OK the reverse cycle air-con took a huge shit.

It stopped working.

1am - "Ohhh me feet are getting cold...."

So the call was made to the service centre, and so, in a couple of days, they sent out an electrician type guy.

Now - I say that is a bad call.

Why? Because most electrician people ONLY check that the power is ON, or actually getting to a aircon, without actually being able to do a circuit analysis - of the bits inside it and how they interact with each other to run and regulate the system of extracting energy (heat) from on area, and pump it into another area.

So the guy turns up... pulls off a dust filter, comments that it has (a little) dust on it and "um's and ahh's" and shows no motivation to get the circuit diagram and operational flow chart from the manufacturer.

We have an air con, that the inside fan works - by it's self, the fan and the heat exchanger work, when it's on cooling, but when the internal heat exchanger is on heat, and the fan is supposed to blow heat from that, into the room - neither the heat exchanger gets hot, nor does the fan run, but the external fan and heat exchanger does run, and I am assuming that the external compressor does as well.

I explain to him the relationship between the valving, the temperature sensors, the chips on the circuit board etc., and how the issue of the componentry all interact to produce different functions under different conditions.

So in having done nothing, he then fucks off.

He goes back to the service centre, and says that he "inspected the unit" when he didn't, he says that the circuit board is fucked - when he didn't even pull it out, examine it, or test it and declares that the whole thing ought to be replaced - at I am assuming some $1500 - $1800.

But the thing is that the people who are familiar with air-con's and have service arrangements for this particular brand in place with the manufacturer - they are the ones who ought to have been called out - and they weren't.

So what then happens is that I hate waste, lazyness and bullshit artists, and I go digging a little bit deeper.

The guy running the service centre, claims that he has been trying to contact the aircon people to get the unit replaced, but the guy is NOT returning the calls.....

And it also turns out that the air-con is about 3 years into a 5 year warranty.

So it should be repaired under warranty.

And so I go digging a little deeper.

I figure that after two weeks of getting fucked around by bullshit artists and idiots.. that I had better get it fixed and since it is the middle of fucking winter...

Here comes the issues...

The company who makes the air-con, has service agents on it's books.

So me, the company and the service agent, all tee up a time a 3 days into the future to make the repair.

The time was for between 12 and 2 on the Thursday.

Come 3pm - they have not arrived.

See so they have not arrived, they have not called me to tell me that they are not coming, and they have not added on any effort to reschedule to another time.

To me that is disrespectful and it's unprofessional.

So I call the guy.

His excuse for non appearance? "Oh we had a big commercial job come up all of a sudden."

I didn't feel very convinced by his explaination.

Further to this - he only offered to come about 5 days later, after I had called him on his bullshit.

I have a policy of "IF you make an appointment - you keep it." and if you can't you advise others accordingly.

So not only is there him and others, out on jobs, they also have a or some, people in an office doing all the bookings.....

Neither he nor they bothered to call me back to say they were not coming...

And their practice of deviating from the first  come, first served basis, to disregarding one customer and their commitment, over another, and leaving the first customer in the shit, without calling them or rescheduling and only rescheduling when the customer has contacted them, after their non appearance - and their excuse for not turning up sounds like bullshit.....

Well the only response to that is, "Mate - You can go fuck yourself."

So we go back to the company who sold the aircon with a warranty and get some other fucking stooge to come fix it.

See the repairs under warranty - mean that as long as the unit dies or malfunctions as a result of it's own running - the onus on the cost of repair under warranty rests with the company.

So the next fucking stooge - we start talking over the phone - and the guy starts with all this shit - that I ought to be stumping up the cash for his travel expenses, and $130 a Kg for the refrigerant (working fluid), and and and .......

I told him that he has to reclaim, his costs from the company and if the gas has leaked out, then that comes from faulty seals and faulty assembly..... etc., etc., etc....

And the stupid cunt just goes on and on and on and on...

I tell him that he ought to seek employment for himself and his bullshit else where.

So I have taken up the issues of the bullshit electrician saying he "inspected" the air-con, when he didn't and the matter of doing a full replacement - and his employer going along with with it - when it was a repair under warranty....

And I have taken up the matter of the two fucking deadshit air conditioning crews who just bullshit their way into and out of contracts and told them to take their crap else where.

I am not a fucking psyche nurse for idiots.


Until I can get my solar heating finished off - meaning that on most days, except the really dark, wet winter days, in some kind of sunshine I can probably put about 2000 - 3000W of heat non stop, into the building for about 6 or 8 hours a day - and with the insulation and all, it will warm up enough to be comfortable, and it will also stay warm enough into the evenings.

So in the absence of "heating" per sae and the total unwillingness to spend up on a proper heater - probably because the bullshit trip might finalise soon and the air con will work again.... eventually.

The basic heating - meaning that I can be fully clothed - with a jumper, and NOT have my fingers freeze on the keyboard, or my breath is turning to fog on the exhale.... is being met by using a Sunbeam brand electric fry pan, turned on it's side at about 45* against some furniture....

So it has thermal regulation, and the inclined position, allows for air to go towards it at the coldest floor level and then rise by convection, to slowly warm the whole room. They allow for plenty of air around them, and they don't get that hot...especially on a low to moderate setting.

The other cheap device is the vertical grill - but these are a different kettle of fish.

By removing the grease trap and all the crap inside - allowing the air to vent through it as quickly as possible, they make GREAT heaters.

But they must be placed on a firm surface, like a couple of bricks - so as to allow air under them, and they must be placed in a location where they are NOT going to get knocked over.

And they must only be placed on the lowest of settings. Why? because vertical grills - tend to run really, really fucking hot - especially if stuck on HIGH.

They have no radiant heater type safety features, like a thermal cut out, or a tilt switch etc... and they - with their glowing red elements when on HIGH - to GRILL the meat -  are I'd imagine, great little fire starters, if left on their side, and turned up on high.

So kudos for putting one on the lowest of settings, on a couple of bricks, in an upright and out of the way place, and using it to take the chill off the air, and woe betide the idiot who puts them on HIGH, and parks them on the long thick shagpile carpet..

For a few $$$ from the recycling place, they are good value. Certainly much better than the fan heaters or the oil filled column heaters, or the radiant heaters - but your also paying for heaters with all the safety switches and thermal fuses etc., which the $2 vertical grill does not have.


So shit workers are like shit dates.

The only dates worth going on, and the only workers worth hiring, are the ones, with people who if circumstances suddenly change, they will call to let you know what has happened and they will reschedule at the same time.

They know what they are doing and don't bullshit their way through things - or do them in a half arsed manner....

It doesn't matter if it comes with a cunt or a bag of tools.

The important thing is that what you see is what you get, and if they are full of shit- that you don't put up with them or the crap they bring along with them.

Like the electrician who does NO testing, and then expertly says that the air-con needs replacement (Big $$$) when it's still under warranty (fixed for free). And he bullshits the guy who hires him to come out and fix it? Rehire him? Never.

And the air-con guy who makes and appointment and not only does he NOT turn up, he never bothers to ring or make other arrangements, and he bullshits his way out of it when he is cornered? - Hire him or his company again?  Never.

And the wanker who just bullshits on and on and on, about me paying him, for his costs on a warranty job? Fuck Off.

What you see is what you get... and the reasons for accepting a date, or dumping the date - whether personally or professionally - all have the same reasons.

The only thing that matters is if they are quality relationships.

Trust. Commitment. And Honesty.



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