The dangling dick syndrome - how to spot phoney women.

Or why typically selfish women, only "get nice" when they are facing the prospect of getting laid.

The good news is that I have invented a NEW phrase: "The Meaty Magnet" - which is for chix and dicks.

Having said that, into the issue.

Take away the "cock struck syndrome", and many women are back to being lazy, selfish, self centred cunts.


No wonder guys tell them, "Back in your kitchen bitch and make me a sammich."

If they are not nice all the time - get rid of them at the outset, because what you have got, is a self serving arsehole who puts on fronts when it's convenient for them to do so, so they can manipulate others, to get what they want.

They will only do it for dick or dessert.

Feed their fanny or feed their face. You can tell where that will end up going don't you.

5 years later, fat, screwing the kid next door and taking all your stuff - and leaving you out on the street with nothing by child maintenance, and huge debts in your name etc...

Watch all the bullshit, the side stepping, the lying and the selfish "go fuck yourself" feminist and sisterhood empowerment crap  - when the girl on girl action starts.


Here is the scientific testing:

Put some hot cock on the plate and watch them go from an indifferent "go fuck yourself" selfish and self centred arsehole, into a drooling with delight, only too happy to go out of my way to do anything for you bullshit trip.

It's the disparity that you need to watch for when dating etc. Either consistently generous, nice and sharing and caring OR a selfish shit - but not one thing one way, or the other, when it suits them to be so.


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