Womens Logic - or how the mentally defective think.

Confession time - I once had a relationship with a woman - who "had issues" and although she had many outstanding possibilities - some really incredible great things, there were equally incredibly difficult things - and I consider that relationship, was a brilliant opportunity to do a lot of growing up.

I ran across another woman recently who when I presented her with an opportunity, said, "Oh I can't do that, because I don't know anything about it."

And I went, "Oh fuck no... that 'shit can things before you even do them' attitude is so bad......"

It's really fucking crazy making........

So I just pressed all my own buttons and I flipped out.....

I acted with great restraint and more or less kept my trap shut and left her with her issues.

What it comes down too:

Women are like used cars, sitting at the car dealers.....

You want to only pick the ones that start and run and are reliable.

A Great Car is like a Great Woman.

A Shit Car is like a Shit Woman

You don't need or want one, that sits there and belches flames out the carburettor and farts smoke and barely runs, sometimes, and is forever needing to be pushed everywhere.

In order to get anything done, "you need to be forever pushing it" - because it won't push it's self.

That is a HUGE warning sign.  What you see, IS, what you get.

This is a definite sign of a non starter and how not to participate in their shit with them.

The fundamental point:

Me: "Here is an opportunity to do something great."

Her: "Oh no I can't do that - I don't know anything about it."

Which can reoccur in many forms:

"Hey - would you like a ham, cheese and pickles sammich?" - which she will follow up with "Oh no... I have never had pickles before, I might not like them."

In a world full of brilliant people and brilliant opportunities, losers cultivate that mindset of shit canning things - before they ever go and develop any "good reasons" for shit canning them.

And a person of the mindset to kill opportunities before they ever take them, is intent on killing opportunities - period. 

 That nasty bit of mind fuck circular reasoning - is ONE HUGE RED FLAG.

Straight out.

So when she says,  "Oh no I can't do that - I don't know anything about it." -  walk out.

Or if she knocks back the offer of a ham, cheese and pickles sammich - because "she might not like pickles because she has never had them" - that grip on reality is about all you need to end the relationship - at what ever level it is at, and a prompt exiting of the situation is all that is needed.

It's really important to get away from people with severe crazy making bullshit...

While one CAN rationalise about supplying possible answers, and engaging in a range of future interactions, and thoughts of embarking on a career to correct her defective thinking - the fact is that up front your dealing with a significantly fucked up human being.

Sane people do not respond with insane responses. "Go Getters" don't present as "shit canners". And unhealthy people, can't elevate their consciousness into a healthy consciousness.

It's like trying to give a basement dweller, a penthouse view perspective. 

While they remain in the basement, they will never get that perspective - and in having never been there, it's also beyond their comprehension - of what a penthouse view is like.

If the term, "The basement view perspective" is swapped for "a mentally or emotionally defective perception" - well just as they are incapable of  understanding "a penthouse view" - they are just as incapable of having an "emotionally or mentally healthy perspective."

It's like exactly like maths - if you have enough maths to run a house and business and some taxes etc.,  well it's a whole level of magnatudes way more, to be able to mathematically build a nuclear bomb.

So by the time that the person is presenting with their default "shit can it" answers, they have been doing it for a long time, and it's probably been learned from their mothers, and the attitude is inextractably entrenched.

See, a real goer will see that opportunity and a number of possibly great things that can come from it, as some thing to delight in and explore.

A loser will shit can it from all angles and piss petrol over the whole thing, then burn off the leaves, chop off the branches and grind out the stump and then poison the ground.

That is a totally toxic relationship, and if it's that way from the start, at the big red flag stage, it's going to continue like that.

When you have a really negative person, the totally WRONG response is to respond.

The totally wrong thing to do is to remain involved with them - trying to encourage and support them into "greater levels of enlightenment" because if this is what they are like at the outset - well guess how they are going to be conducting themselves in the future?

Yep - your going to be pushing that pile of shit around with you, every where you go - just like getting the shit box car from the car dealers.

And the crap will go on forever.

But sometimes with some people, it does pay to confront them... probably because they fucking need it.

When you state a singular fact like "This motorbike gets 120Km a litre" or "This wheat comes from the Hindoos Valley in Iraq" or "Putting a cap on the grease hole stops grit getting into the grease and wearing out the bearing,", there are so many of them that will say, "Oh I don't know about that." which in terms of being a brainless answer, it's about as "out of synch with reality" as answers come.

The only healthy response is to confront them, with "Are you always in the habit of making really stupid responses?  (stern glare plus pause)  I just made a statement. I didn't ask you a question. So pay attention when I am speaking to you, because when I state a fact, it's a fact, and I am not asking you for an answer."

It does not matter whether it's dating or making dumplings - some people are totally into self sabotauge and buying into their bullshit is a great way to derail yourself.

So you let them go, bypass them - promptly; and always use minimum qualifiers as a standard for engagement.

You want the one that says, "That sounds fantastic - I will give it a go / When can we start on it? etc." or "Mmmmm - a ham, cheese and pickle sammich - never had pickles before - that sounds terrific!, Tell me, what are pickles and how do you make them?"


As me and one of my friends many years ago worked out, there are only three answers you can get. "Yes", "No" or "Yes - with conditions."

"I will think about it." is not an answer.


A fun song to sing along with.


Defecate on My Face.

Album: Great Truckin' Songs Of The Renaissance

(yeah and fuck you, you politically correct stupid cunts)

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Sing along with the cheery christian lyrics.

(the versions do vary according to album etc.)

Come home tired, what a day I've had
News ain't good from Stalingrad
I've been busy protecting the German race
So come on baby, defecate on my face

So, come on baby, send it on down
Bend over Braun and gimme your brown
There's trouble brewing in the Warsaw Pact
So hurry up Eva and move your digestive tract

Defecate on my face, defecate on my face
Defecate on my face, defecate on my face
Defecate on my face, defecate on my face
Defecate on my face, defecate on my face

Get to the bunker, looks like a stye
Turn on the TV, it's all one big lie
Here, Eva, have these prunes to chew
We have ways of making you poo.

So, come on baby, send it on down
Bend over Braun and gimme your brown
There's trouble brewing in the Warsaw Pact
So hurry up Eva and move your digestive tract

Yesterday my troubles seemed so far away
Yesterday my troubles seemed so far away
Yesterday yesterday yesterday........

Here come the Russians, it's near the end
Proud to say that my girl never used an S-bend.
What's that, Eva? Your bowel is on strike?
Then it's all over for my Third Reich.

So, come on baby, send it on down
Bend over Braun and gimme your brown
There's trouble brewing in the Warsaw Pact
So hurry up Eva and move your digestive tract

Defecate on my face, defecate on my face
Defecate on my face, defecate on my face
Defecate on my face, defecate on my face
Defecate on my face, defecate on my face


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