I was in the shower washing my arsehole.....and

I just started thinking about how much of peoples lives get spent in meaningless repetition, and that flowed to the TV.....

The enemy of the people.

The great cultural lie.

Societies great dumbing down machine.

Or stupid is as stupid does.

What stupid does, stupid becomes.

I was raised in an effluent society - where the NORM on TV was to show generally stupid cartoons, and then then spin them off into variations of the other characters imaginary goings on.. and to then show this crap as endless reruns for decades.

I was thinking about "The Flintstones" - and to keep the stupid people, glued to the screens, buying the crap on the adds.

And to keep milking this crap for all that it is worth... the Flintstones (Fred and Wilma) and their neighbours, Thingo and Barney Rubble... well they had fictitious children who had imaginary lives from the heads of script writers and people who crapped out doing the cheapest animated frames at the animation shop....

After several decades of reruns, the show owners decided that the imaginary children should grow up and  have a fucking show of their own....

The Pebbles and Bam Bam Show....

And this bullshit on TV is a great way of training people into pointless, aimless repetition -  a life of nothingness and endless reruns of the same shit.....

Then we had Gilligans Island and endless reruns of every fucking bullshit show from the USA - the land of the know nothing dumb cunt - and Australia is the 53rd state of the USA...

 The Brady Bunch - was another monumental pretentious psychological fuckup, along with the never ending reruns of Saturday afternoon craptastic Elvis beach party movies.

The people who churn this "Hollywood Formula Movie" bullshit out - are dumb cunts. The people who run the media circus in Australia - ARE dumb cunts... cheap skate dumb cunts at that...

"Oh the whole series is from Merika! - and only $29.99 for the whole series complete with a free set of Cut-Dung steak knives. Hey we can broadcast this shit forever and ever.... - with 5 minutes of adds, and 5 minutes of show, pretty soon the dumb fucks will completely lose any memory of movies being distinct from adds, and they will start to complain about the movie breaks interrupting the add show....."

The best thing a TV network in Australia can do is go out of business - especially if it's a side show circus glove puppet with Murdock's fist up it's arse.

But cartoons, and story telling are not BAD things, it's how they are created, that makes them BAD things.....

You see TV is a dead end one way medium....

And you get fed LOTS of lies to make you a good little obedient consumer.... filled with endless insatiable needs....

"Buy, Buy, Buy - and you will be happy!" - the drum beat goes on....

The thing about all of this is RELATIONSHIPS.......

The necessary factor for all.

IF the TV was thrown out - as it should be - being the instrument of the devil that it is...

Then people could get to make up their own plays and shows....

Finger puppets, glove puppets, you can do dress ups, read books, slide shows on the big wide world...

Story telling.......

Spending time studying useful and interesting things...

It's people interacting with other people.....

And that is a choice.

And with TV - you don't get a choice - they tell you what to think, and what to think about, and how to react to it.

Throw the TV out and get out the finger puppets, learn to play the piano, put on shows and invite the neighbours over....

Unless of course they are jews, moslems or christians, because they receive magical instructions from their imaginary friends and the book of rules, but if you do, make sure that your finger puppets are just dumb fucks doing lame things, and are not gifted with magical super powers, and they will kill you, thus spoiling your TV free party.

Deuteronomy 13:7-12

    1) If your own full brother, or your son or daughter, or your beloved wife, or you intimate friend, entices you secretly to serve other gods, whom you and your fathers have not known, gods of any other nations, near at hand or far away, from one end of the earth to the other: do not yield to him or listen to him, nor look with pity upon him, to spare or shield him, but kill him.  Your hand shall be the first raised to slay him; the rest of the people shall join in with you.  You shall stone him to death, because he sought to lead you astray from the Lord, your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, that place of slavery.  And all Israel, hearing of this, shall fear and never do such evil as this in your midst. 


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