The Ultimate Dumb Fuck Question - The Foreign Call Centre Syndrome.

Well at least one of them...

I could probably think of of a few more if I had the time and head space for it.

And although this is a real "does not connect the dots" issue, it's not exclusive to foreign call centres - it's fairly endemic amongst stupid people to do this shit on the phone...

And stupid staff equate with stupid management.....


I have an account with X Phone company.

They have a number,

I go and look up the number -

I do this by making the effort to FIND the company, and then match Company X's details with their phone number.

I then dial this number.

Shit for brains script monkey answers the phone, and says, "HI you have rung the X phone company - can I help you?"

Well this is good, it means that the data I have looked up, and the number I have dialled, has actually gotten me through to the customer service dept at the X brand Phone Co.

I did not get the neighbours, the police, the pizza shop, the mechanics, the scuba diving school, the hair dressers, the furniture store, or any one of the 20 million other fucking people in Australia - yes the number for the phone company actually went through to the phone company and was answered by someone at the phone company.

What a fucking co-incidence.

So I say, "Hi I want to check up the remaining data on my account."
What does idiot say?

"Do you have an account with the X Brand Phone Co?"

I reply, "Nooo I don't - I have an account with the Y Brand Phone Co, which is why I am ringing a dumb fuck like you at the X Brand Phone Co., because I like to be spending my day doing dumb shit with all the wrong people."

 Which could be loosely translated into, "Well do you think I would have rung THIS company, on this number, if I didn't?"

Or that if I had of fucked up - that when he said, "Hi you have rung the X Brand Phone Co., that I could have said, "Oh sorry - I have rung the wrong number. Bye."

This kind of stupid shit just goes on and on and on and on - forever..

Isn't there some kind of employability test where instead of asking FUCKING stupid questions they say, "OK what's your user name or account number?"

That the default sequence of SIMPLE logic if followed?

The next worst follow on is where they just can't do it, they have to start asking why.

Stupid people want explainations for everything - instead of just doing it.

For instance, I wanted to find out if the modern method of capturing fuel fumes and directing them inside an engine, for later release, to be burned when the engine is started, is compulsory on the types of power units in Australia.... as compared to some other countries.

I ring one engine shop... to inquire about the current state of affairs on the market.

They put me through to the mechanic.

Stupid says, "Ohhhh what do you want to know that for?"

I just nail the fucker, "If you don't know - then say so and quit fucking other people around."

"Ohhhh Ohhh Ohhhh" goes the moron.

Click. Go I.

(Or "Considering that your supposed to be a specialist in the equipment that you sell and repair, that if you are not paying attention to the markets in which your products are made to be sold, with and without assorted compliances on them, then don't ask me to do  your job for you - shit for brains.")

Second shop....

"Naaaa not mandatory on equipment sold in Australia. They make them up like that for overseas markets and send them over here with the gear on them."

"Ahhhhh cool thanks."


Go with the shop that gives the service.......

And get rid of the dumb fuck that spins the spanners and then sits around the pub all day, going "Awww mate - beeeeer." - instead of doing his fucking homework on his market and his business - and paying attention to what is going on.

Honest to fictitious diety - with the huge cock who covers me in all of his love from low earth orbit....


There are and have been some people who I have met, who know more about their profession than I do......

And fuck it - I like running into them.

They have minds like vast chasms - and one in particular, I had no further reason for contacting him, but fuck it was good talking with him when I did.

They can draw together staggering amounts of detail and present it all in one coherent picture.

And they understand the relationships between the component parts and process's and any variation amongst them, and how one adjustment affects all the other parts.


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