Aldi's Retarded Marketing Dept fizzes out once again....

I hate the people running Aldi....

And the Aldi marketing dept, for dishonesty, lying, the "brainless" corporate arse kissing mentality - well they tick all my boxes.....

Here is one of their latest fabulous fuck ups...

A BMX bike....  with description.

Product Description

  • Hi-Tensile steel frame
  • 3-piece CRO 25/9 micro drive
  • Rear alloy U-brake

And that is it....

No stipulated frame sizes like adult, child.

No minimum / maximum seat height.

No handle bar width and height.

No maximum rider weight.

No suitability for casual riding or stunt / free style use.

No listing the amount of spokes in the wheels.

No listing rim and tyre brands.

No axle diameter - with or without extra length for peg mounting.

No listing of bearing types and sizes, free wheel or fixed hub, crank type etc., etc., etc.,

A high tensile steel frame? -  If a fairly soft low carbon steel is work hardened, and it's tensile strength increases, it is a HIGHER tensile strength steel, while still remaining a fairly weak and soft steel, but it is a high (er) tensile strength steel.

And a work hardened and marginally stronger low carbon steel, is no where as strong as a HIGH ALLOY specialist alloy steel.

So Aldi are using copy paste word games in their product advertisement.

The grade of steel, the weld specifications, the heat treatment - if any, and it's Yield point, and Ultimate Tensile Strength - thanks.

So you have a cheap crap toodle around the hood, with the boys / girls type bicycle, that I'd say is not safe to do free style stunt riding on, and it's advertised accordingly......

It's what these sleazy shits in Aldi don't say in the sales pitch that you have to scrutinise them for.

And while the people at Aldi spew this bullshit....

Everything we do at ALDI is performed with one goal in mind: to provide consumers with only the best products at the lowest prices. Though, our top priority is you and your family's safety - and we take every measure to fulfill that promise.

We have developed stringent standards and undertake independent quality testing on an ongoing basis to ensure all suppliers meet our own strict specifications.

On rare occasions, questions regarding a product's quality, safety or errors in packaging or shipment do arise in the retail world. ALDI has a plan to swiftly and effectively remove such products from the store. 

Any product that does not meet the government's and our own standards in any of these areas will be efficiently removed from sale and we will notify customers via a Product Recall alert.

And what they have said there, is ALL bullshit......

All of what they say is crap - especially this bit:

our top priority is you and your family's safety - and we take every measure to fulfill that promise

The bike is NOT roadworthy - because it has no front and rear reflectors and lights.....

And selling kids bikes without lights or even a notice that it must be equipped with lights for night riding, is absolute crap....

It does not meet the Australian Design Requirements.

 ROAD RULES 2009 - REG 259

259. Riding at night

The rider of a bicycle must not ride at night, or in hazardous weather conditions causing reduced visibility, unless the bicycle, or the rider, displays –

    (a) a flashing or steady white light that is clearly visible for at least 200 metres from the front of the bicycle; and

    (b) a flashing or steady red light that is clearly visible for at least 200 metres from the rear of the bicycle; and

    (c) a red reflector that is clearly visible for at least 50 metres from the rear of the bicycle when light is projected onto it by a vehicle’s headlight on low-beam.

So will the people running Aldi recall this bike? Or supply lights for it? I doubt it.

You can tell the marketing dept is filled with lying arseholes, because they know nothing....

Their clueless bullshit shows up in everything they do.

Skip Aldi "The Scummy Drop Shipper" and go to a REAL bike shop.

Paying more for QUALITY SERVICE, from people who know their product, and can actually build / fix / supply spares for bikes, is worth it.

And who will usually be responsible enough to sell kids bikes with lights...


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