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Anonymous vs. the KKK

The KKK - or the Dumb Fuck White Christian Cunts, are copping a serve from Anonymous....

I hate christians, and their biggotted simpleton bullshit......

I live in an area filled with the nasty arseholes....

This is a classic video....

Prank Calling The KKK

Anonymous hackers to Ferguson police: ‘We are the law now’

Two Twitter accounts belonging to the Ku Klux Klan have been taken over by the hacker collective known as Anonymous (logo pictured), after the white supremacist group threatened to use "lethal force" against looters and vandals in the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson. (Twitter/Anonymous)
Two Twitter accounts belonging to the Ku Klux Klan have been taken over by the hacker collective known as Anonymous (logo pictured), after the white supremacist group threatened to use “lethal force” against looters and vandals in the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson. (Twitter/Anonymous)
- The Washington Times - Friday, November 21, 2014
Hackers with the group, Anonymous, sent a stark message to police in Ferguson, as well as to Ku Klux Klan members assembled at the scene, to be on guard — that any injuries to protesters will be duly noted.

“To the KKK and police: kkk-in-new-video-we-are-the-law-now/” target=”_blank”>Be peaceful or you will fee the consequences,” the hacking group said in a video reported by The Free Thought Project. “To the protesters: Do not be afraid. We are here for you and will protect and serve you. We are the law now.”

The video was actually a response to one sent out by Frank Ancona with the Traditionalist American Knights of the KKK that vowed to “hunt down” members of Anonymous, Raw Story reported.

In that video, the KKK warned the hackers: “You’ll be strung up next to the chimps. On display for the whole world to see. The Klan is to be feared, not threatened. Turn away or face the consequences.”

Anonymous and the KKK have been engaged in a public battle for some time. The hacking group took over the Klan’s Twitter account just recently, and revealed the names and addresses of KKK members living near Ferguson.

The hackers’ video then suggested the KKK refrain from aiding police with crowd control in Ferguson.

“If you attempt to aid the police, just know that there are more of us out there than there are of you,” the group said in its video, Raw Story reported. “But you will not know who we are. We are everywhere. We are among the protesters, and we are among you.”


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