I think I might retire from the internet.

I have got so much to do,that the days up getting up at 7am and reading "just a few emails" which usually includes reading enormous amounts of material, vids and some porn - and then at 4pm going, "What happened to the day?" - are long gone.

I am also starting to really resent having subscribed to many news sites....

And the daily box fill of bullshit.

So I have unsubscribed from heaps of things...

The internet instead of being the great distraction, is now the great educator.

The thing is that the ratio of of "web content" to real world learning, is rather huge... kind of like how many free books can you download and or websites like the Khan Academy - can you use... and still not get any work done?

Time for the study and the work, not the distraction and the wank... mentally or otherwise.

So the goofing off / skim level research / time wasting - is over.

There is tremendous amounts of people doing really great things, and I figure that as an individual within the grand scheme of things, I have had considerable influence... no doubt.. But I think it's now my time to make my own way in the world, and that does not include reading 200 scientific articles a day....

I need to publish my own shit.

I have just decided to stick to what I need to be doing, in the real world, and to stay focused on mostly one project at a time.

I might repost / publish some gear here, on issues that are of import...

But this blog is kind of getting parked and then perhaps forgotten about.

I think one of the real reasons was with shit heads doing shit head acts as part of customer service... was well why just take the companies / people to court, when you can publish the reasons why, on the internet, sort of a consumer awareness campaign.



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