Salesman of the day.....

Sales man - rung the firm to price some parts.....

The conversation went something like this....

SM: And where abouts are you?

Moi: About halfway between City A and City B.

SM was in City A.

He said, "Can you come in for a look?"

I said, "It's about 350Km there and it's 350Km back - that is a 700Km round trip - and I am not making a trip like this, for these parts, when you can tell me the cost of the matching part over the phone."

SM then said, "Well can you go to your closest branche..... in City B?"

Basically what this all came down too, is that this lazy cunt wanted me to drive all around the fucking country - because he was just too fucking lazy to flick through the catalogue of parts, that is the daily bread of their sales lines...

And the conversation from his side, had been waffling along on the same brain dead bullshit through out...

"This component fits X mm sized parts" - Too hard? You bet. So just do a 700Km round trip to this office? Too Far? Drive a 700Km round trip to the other office instead.

Everyone else I have rung say, "Hmmmmm X mm sized component? - Yes we have the part to fit that for $99 each."

But not Mr Dumb Fuck - the finger in the arse salesman.

Meanwhile the search continues for a high quality product at the $60 price point.

Internet. Search. Phone.

And Mr Dumb Fuck the idiot sales man?

He's doing quite well losing customers and business for his manager.


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