Showing posts from January, 2015
The BBC's Drums of War
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Yesssssss the BBC - that is the British Boofheaded Cunts, and not the Big Black Cocks, are sociopathically spinning the bullshit, just as much as their Merkin and Stayn media counterparts are doing.... If it's media - and it's state controlled, or corporation based state controlled, or in just dismissing the charlatanism of democracy or the lack of vitriolic lynch mobs coming to hang them, you can be guaranteed that the NEWS is not actually THE news, it's the crap they choose to sanitise, selectively edit, with bits they include or exclude or erase from history entirely and feed you. Here is the BBC - Empire of the English Ministry of Propoganda - working for the oil and coal companies, who finance it's fecund fasciles. The Meme of “Russian Aggression” by OLIVER TICKELL “Russian aggression” is the BBC’s meme of the day. I lost count of how many times the phrase popped up in the first 15 minutes of ...
The Trans-Pacific Partnership: the dirtiest trade deal, you've never heard of
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The Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement is a deal currently being negotiated between 12 countries, including Australia - and currently, drafts leaked to media suggest that there's a lot to be afraid of. The Abbott Government can still refine or reject parts of the deal that aren't in the public interest; but without public pressure, there's little hope of hearing about, much less putting a stop to, the devil in the detail. Sign the petition here: Write to your MP here: For more about GetUp Australia visit: To donate to GetUp Australia visit: Follow GetUp Australia here: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
We would have all gone totally renewable decades ago - except for the fossil fuel subsidies.
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This is a really good, short, to the point article stating in a matter of fact way, we could all be drowning in unlimited renewable power - by using the money that is used to subsidise the coal and oil industries. In short the "fossil fuel industry" is an entrenched parasite on the back of humanity. Basically - with what is being spent of OUR money by the corrupt politicians, the fossil fuel companies owners and their cross industry ownership and lobbying, if all of those trillions and trillions and trillions of euros / dollars etc., had of been spent on renewables - we should be literally drowning in almost totally free 24/7 electricity by now..... Time for political cunt punting and ball kicking. Fossil fuel subsidies outstrip renewables funding by billions Billions of euros are spent on subsidies for fossil fuel producers. But just how much? The International Energy Agency says annu...
Kellogs - and their STUPID consumer fucking crap.
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Seriously........ This gets RIGHT UP my arse.... Stupid people, doing stupid things, that end up involving me, when there was NO NEED to involve me, for stupid reasons, yet they ask me as if I am an expert, and yet they want my time and contribution for nothing.... OK - many decades ago, when I was about 3 or so, Kellogs - of the junk food cereal fame, full of delicious, nutritious SUGAR... bought out some space race toys - that I simply adored.... It was mainly the blue tractor... The rest? Not so much. Unfortunately my thieving cunts of much older sisters stole them and fucked them up - and they just disappeared - forever. And finally, after many, many, many decades - I am still rather sore about the whole issue - and every few years on the net, I'll put in a search for them, and I was finally able to actually find pictures of them.... So on the almost totally remotest of speculations,meaning that after some 50 fucking years - and having finally found some pictures of THAT...
The Boganville Shire Council and detestable wimmins.
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Feral Cats - and Feral Peeps.... A load of feral cats arrived, and were messing up the hood and fighting with the other cats and all that. And they were fucking breeding by fucking. So I rang the Boganville Shire Council..... And Borats bitch answered the phone...... The conversation had the formalities - as above... and the idea was that because they had not been desexed, and were breeding, there were more of them arriving all the time... So we need to get them a) removed, or b) make the owners sterilise them. Borats bitch - in ever rising degrees of psychotic fuck shit - said, "And how do you know they are not sterilised..." I replied, a) Because they ARE breeding; and b) Because once you cut their balls off, they tend to settle down and stop fighting with all the other cats.... Mrs Psyco Fuck Shit then started screeching down the line, "Don't you talk to me like that." LOL You see the Boganville Shire Shithole has a policy, made by micromanaging every fucking...
David Hicks - Not Guilty but the American and Australian governments ARE.
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I have embedded a good video about ALL the US government lying about the war on the people of Iraq - at the end of the article. That is George Dubbaya Bush and Co. US admits David Hicks' terrorism conviction is invalid. The US government was forced to admit David Hicks' innocence of a war crime, marking the "beginning of the end" of his ordeal at Guantanamo Bay, his former lawyer says. In the course of Mr Hicks' appeal against terrorism-related charges, the US government has said that it does not dispute he is innocent and his conviction was not correct. Lawyer Dan Mori, who was initially appointed to defend Mr Hicks, told Fairfax Media that the US would have looked "completely foolish" if it had not admitted his former client was innocent of providing material support for terrorism. In 2012, a US appeals court quashed the same charge against Sa...
Coal Burner Capitalists Fuck the Fundamentals of Life up.
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This is basically what the members of Arseholes Anonymous are doing in Australia too. January 21, 2015 Can You Believe This? Ohio’s Anti-Green Suicide by HARVEY WASSERMAN Swing state Ohio is plunging ever deeper into the fossil/nuke abyss. Its Public Utilities Commission may soon gouge the public for $3 billion (BILLION!) to subsidize two filthy 50-year-old coal burners and America’s most dangerous nuke. Approval would seal Ohio’s death notice. None of those coal / nuke burners can compete with the rising revolution in renewable energy . Throughout the world, similar outmoded facilities are shutting down. In 2001, Ohio deregulated its electric markets. But the state’s nuke owners demanded nearly $10 billion in “stranded cost” handouts so the obsolete Davis-Besse and Perry reactors on Lake Erie could allegedly compete with more efficient technologies. Today, despite...