Kellogs - and their STUPID consumer fucking crap.

Seriously........ This gets RIGHT UP my arse....

Stupid people, doing stupid things, that end up involving me, when there was NO NEED to involve me, for stupid reasons, yet they ask me as if I am an expert, and yet they want my time and contribution for nothing....

OK - many decades ago, when I was about 3 or so, Kellogs - of the  junk food cereal fame, full of delicious, nutritious SUGAR... bought out some space race toys - that I simply adored....

It was mainly the blue tractor...  The rest? Not so much.

Unfortunately my thieving cunts of much older sisters stole them and fucked them up - and they just disappeared - forever.

And finally, after many, many, many decades - I am still rather sore about the whole issue - and every few years on the net, I'll put in a search for them, and I was finally able to actually find pictures of them....

So on the almost totally remotest of speculations,meaning that after some 50 fucking years - and having finally found some pictures of THAT particular work of genius, that although the chances of turning up one were basically about ten million to one against ever getting another one, I thought at the very least I should ask the question, if only for it's own sake.

I also figured that I would like to have gotten the original one back.. but I honestly think I can live without it... and I am not prepared to kill myself to get another one....

But on a totally, totally, absolutely astronomically, infintessimally small chance - I thought I should at least ask....

So I contacted Kellogs:

"Mr A wrote:

yes I picked up the space transporter from a Kellogs Cornflakes packet, and I was about 3 at the time, and my bastard older sisters stole them and lost them. I am still rather pissed of about this nearly 50 years later. Can you replace them for me?"

(with links to the above pictures)

And they replied:

Mr A,

Thank you for reaching out to us about the space transporter prize in our Corn Flakes. We're glad for the opportunity to respond.

I am sorry to hear that prize was stolen by your sister all those years ago as it sounds like an item you really wanted. We no longer offer this as a prize and are unable to replace this item for you. Kellogg's does have our Kellogg's Family Rewards program that offers a variety of rewards that you may want to check out for future prizes.

Thanks again for contacting us, Mr A.

If you have additional comments or a photo to send to us, click here.
Please do not use your “reply” button to respond to this e-mail. Replies to this message are routed to an unmonitored mailbox.


Curt C.
Consumer Specialist
Consumer Affairs


OK - they answered the question (good) and stuck in a bunch of other stupid shit that really truly I am not interested in (not in the least bit intelligent or useful).

But several weeks later, I get this "follow up" email out of the blue.....

What these IDIOT cunts of human beings have done, is send my information, to their surveillance of our staff and intrusive sticky nosing without paying you for your time, type companies, when it was self evident that the matter was satisfactorially answered in the first place - so there was NO further need to actually send my contact details for the purposes of being contacted, in the first place, but they do it anyway; and what is to be gained by wasting my time, pissing me off with their stupid shit, that I never asked to be engaged in, in the first place.

And the cunts have signed me up - without my consent, and they use a non reply email address.

And the CUNTS - have put in an unsubscribe link, to something that I never subscribed too in the first place, so now I am supposed to go and unsubscribe, from something that I never asked to be subscribed too....

And they are asking me to participate in a customer satisfaction survey, that I don't want to be involved with, that I didn't ask to be involved with AND that serves no useful fucking purpose.

If you stupid cunts running Kellogs, want to spy on your staff - it's YOUR FUCKING IDEA and IT'S YOUR FUCKING JOB - so why are you imposing upon me, without any renumeration, to do your own fucking job for you?

Fucking MORONS.

I am just so tired of stupid cunts of human beings, and their brainless corporate crap.

Judy Brown <>Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 3:35 AM

To:angry fucking arsehole..
Kellogg Co has engaged our company, The Center For Client Retention (TCFCR), to gather feedback about your recent service experience. Your opinion is very important to Kellogg Co and we hope that you will take a few minutes to answer the following questions.

Please click here to begin the survey.

Thank you in advance for your time and cooperation.

If you would like to remove your name from this list, please click here.

Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you will not receive a response. If you have questions or concerns regarding a Kellogg Co product, please contact them directly.

So I sent the people running Kellogs and The Center For Client Retention links to this page and told them both to fuck off.

There are days where I think, "The morons are cuing up at my front door..."
 Sing along with Flakes by Frank Zappa.

"Flakes" is track #2 on the album Sheik Yerbouti.

Frank zappa (lead guitar, vocals)
Adrian belew (rhythm guitar, vocals)
Tommy mars (keyboards, vocals)
Peter wolf (keyboards)
Patrick o'hearn (bass, vocals)
Terry bozzio (drums, vocals)
Ed mann (percussion, vocals)
Napoleon murphy brock (background vocals)
Andre lewis (background vocals)
Randy thornton (background vocals)
Davey moire (background vocals)

Flakes! flakes!
Flakes! flakes!
They don't do no good
They never be workin'
When they oughta should
They waste your time
They're wastin' mine

California's got the most of them
Boy, they got a host of them
Swear t'god they got the most
At every business on the coast
Swear t'god they got the most
At every business on the coast
They got the flakes
Flakes! flakes!

They can't fix yer brakes
You ask 'em, "where's my motor? "
"well, it was eaten by snakes..."
You can stab 'n' shoot 'n' spit
But they won't be fixin' it
They're lyin' an' lazy
They can be drivin' you crazy
Swear t'god they got the most
At every business on the coast
Swear t'god they got the most
At every business on the coast

Take it away, bob...
I asked as nice as I could
If my job would
Somehow be finished by friday
Well, them whole damn weekend
Came 'n' went, frankie
Wanna buy some mandies, bob?
'n' they didn't do nothin'
But they charged me double for sunday
You know, no matter what you do,
They gonna cheat 'n' rob you
Then they'll send you a bill
That'll get your senses reelin'
And if you do not pay
They got computer collectors
That'll get you so crazy
'til your head'll go through th' ceilin'
Yes it will!

I'm a moron, 'n' this is my wife
She's frosting a cake
With a paper knife
All what we got here's
American made
It's a little bit cheesey,
But it's nicely displayed
Well we don't get excited when it
Crumbles 'n' breaks
We just get on the phone
And call up some flakes
They rush on over
'n' wreck it some more
'n' we are so dumb
They're linin' up at our door

Well, the toilet went crazy
Yersterday afternoon
The plumber he says
Never flush a tampoon!
This great information
Cost me half a week's pay
And the toilet blew up
Later on the next day-ay-eee-ay
Blew up the next day

We are millions 'n' millions,
We're coming to get you
We're protected by unions
So don't let it upset you
Can't escape the conclusion
It's probably god's will
That civilization
Will grind to a standstill
And we are the people
Who will make it all happen
While yer children is sleepin',
Yer puppy is crappin'
You might call us flakes
Or something else you might coin us
But we know you're so greedy
That you'll probably join us

We're coming to get you, we're coming to get you
We're coming to get you, we're coming to get you
We're coming to get you, we're coming to get you
We're coming to get you, we're coming to get you...

Not a fan of fucking morons - and less so incompetent corporations run by greedy pricks to make profit for greedy cunts....

And to add venom to their inept stupidity - the morons managing Kellogs, in one serving cup of Kellogs Froot Loops, it contains 20 grams of sugar per serving, TRANS FATS (deadly nasty shit) and High Fructose Corn Syrup....

And it's a kids cereal.....

Fat little kiddies with diabetes, rotten teeth and heart disease....

Oh rock on.

A jump on Google:

sugar content kellogs cereals

This is a fairly sensible review of the products....

Wow Kellogs Honey Smacks has 57% Sugar in it......

Read this report:


Here are the ARSEHOLES who run this company: 

 When you click on the links, on the page, their bios read like a bunch of Nazi war criminals....

John A. Bryant Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Kellogg Company

Stephanie Burns Member, Board of Directors Kellogg Company

Dr. Benjamin S. Carson, Sr. Member, Board of Directors, Kellogg Company

John T. Dillon Member, Board of Directors, Kellogg Company

Gordon Gund Member, Board of Directors, Kellogg Company

Zachary Gund Member, Board of Directors, Kellogg Company

James (Jim) M. Jenness Member, Board of Directors, Kellogg Company

Ann McLaughlin Korologos Member, Board of Directors, Kellogg Company

Donald R. Knauss Member, Board of Directors, Kellogg Company

Mary Laschinger Member, Board of Directors, Kellogg Company

Cynthia H. Milligan Member, Board of Directors, Kellogg Company

Rogelio M. Rebolledo Member, Board of Directors, Kellogg Company

La June Montgomery Tabron Member, Board of Directors Kellogg Company


The ethics and bullshit of the people running American Corporation Kellogs are NO different to the arseholes profiting from making and distributing Zyklon-B.



And this is the BULLSHIT these idiots come out with... 

No fucking scruples what so ever.


Corporate Responsibility Overview

Or Bullshit PR speak, about making high profit, zero nutrition crap that is made from GM corn, saturated in pesticides, grown in petrochemically derived fertilised depleted soils, has transfats, high fructose corn syrup, artificial colors and flavours - that turns your kiddies in fat little diabetics, with heart disease, no teeth and no future...

And then calling that, "Nourishing your family". 


This is the Kellogs corporate bullshit PR speak....



As a socially responsible company, we aim to nourish our consumers, employees, customers, communities and the environment so that they can flourish and thrive.

Our 2013 Corporate Responsibility Report documents our continuing global progress in four key performance areas, or pillars: Marketplace, Workplace, Environment and Community.

In addition to a review of the company’ s philanthropic efforts in the area of hunger relief, the 2013 Corporate Responsibility report features information on key workplace performance such as the company’s commitment to keeping employees safe, progress on the company’s environmental sustainability goals, including a new palm oil commitment, and ongoing work to supporting diverse suppliers in the marketplace.

We welcome your feedback on our reporting at

At Kellogg Company, we know that corporate responsibility is essential to our current and future success as a business. That’s why we have created strategies, governance structures, corporate policies, commitment statements and codes of conduct that help to embed corporate responsibility into our everyday operations. And, we regularly engage with a broad array of stakeholders to gain insights into the ideas and opinions of people outside of our company.

Click on the links below to read about these and other key issues relating to our management of corporate responsibility at Kellogg.

Wow and marketing childrens breakfast cereals that contain total crap, zero nutrition and 57% sugar in them.....

 How about a punch in the face to go with the lying? 

How about every retarded person they convince by lying to them, that feeding this shit to their kids is a good thing, gets to take a baseball bat to each and every one of the managers and all of the staff of Kellogs, and gives them the beating of their lives, and sues them for the life long medical expenses that come with poisoning their children with their sugar filled shit?

 Them, their advertisers, all the networks and publications that advertise this shit for them, and all the transport companies that distribute this shit and the super markets that sell this shit.....

 Lynch the lot of them.

 Especially their fucking legal teams.


 "Oh I was only obeying orders" - the weak minded cunts will say...

The Nuremberg Defence - doing some thing that was WRONG, when they clearly KNEW it was wrong, but they did it anyway and they did it for PROFIT, at the expense of other people and the environment.

The management of Kellogs are NO different to the arseholes involved in making Zyklon-B...


Just substitute Kellogs Honey Smacks and Fruit Loops for Hydrogen Cyanide - and the ethics and networks and culpability and motivations are exactly the same as the "Nazi war machine" and their extermination regime and everyone involved with it.

Only Kellogs are exterminating people with poison food instead of poison gas.

Fuck them.



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