The Boganville Shire Council and detestable wimmins.

Feral Cats - and Feral Peeps....

A load of feral cats arrived, and were messing up the hood and fighting with the other cats and all that.

And they were fucking breeding by fucking.

So I rang the Boganville Shire Council.....

And Borats bitch answered the phone......

The conversation had the formalities - as above... and the idea was that because they had not been desexed, and were breeding, there were more of them arriving all the time...

So we need to get them a) removed, or b) make the owners sterilise them.

Borats bitch - in ever rising degrees of psychotic fuck shit - said, "And how do you know they are not sterilised..."

I replied, a) Because they ARE breeding; and b) Because once you cut their balls off, they tend to settle down and stop fighting with all the other cats....

Mrs Psyco Fuck Shit then started screeching down the line, "Don't you talk to me like that."


You see the Boganville Shire Shithole has a policy, made by micromanaging every fucking nuance - that to me is just plain insane..

Say if I want to talk to the dog catcher.

Well the issue is that one has to thread ones way through the networking neurotics at the front line... from psychotics like Mrs Psycho Fuck Shit, the run of the mill neurotics and Uggghhhhh.....

Most of them - if they were running a hot dog stand, and engaged customers with the same bullshit they served up on the council phone lines, then only the severely dysfunctional would come back - the rest would go else where.

The routine is I ring up wanting to talk to the dog catcher.

So they give the "What is your name? Where are you from? And the combined "What is your issue? / Who did you want to talk too?" bullshit.

Once you tell them what the issue is, many of them start to take on positions of "great importance" by telling you their bar stool intellectual opinions on what you want to talk to the other person about - being the person that is the one that is supposed to be dealing with what you want to have dealt with - and not them.

And of course, being what it is - the Boganville Shire Council - is a cesspit of the latest gossip about anything that anyone says or does - that feeds out of it's idiot infrastructure and back into the idiot community (like flies on shit), when dealing with them.

What gets up my arse about all of this is that I hate doing stupid things, for stupid reasons, and I hate dealing with stupid people who insist that you must play along with the crap, with the only good reason as far as they are concerned, is because they say so....

So unless you give the name, organisation, reason for calling and who you wanted to talk too - they won't put you through.....

But if you do go along with the 72 question crap fest - they put you on hold - they call the other person, and then tell them what the call is about, and then (perhaps) they might just put you through.

This irritates me no end, as it means spending 5 minutes of your life, doing stupid shit, with stupid people, for no other reason other than they expect you too, and if you could have called the person directly, it would save all the bullshit.

And what is worse is, they don't get it....

They don't get it, that you don't want to talk to them.

They don't get it, that you don't like them, or their attitude.

They don't get it, that you wish they would just fuck off and die or shove their petty beaurocratic bullshit up their arses.

They don't get it,  that their bullshit power games are totally antagonistic.

They don't get it, that you don't want to be telling them, what your business actually is before they put you through - because some of them are endemic gossips.

They don't get it, in a nut shell, that you don't like them, you don't want to talk with them or tell them anything - and you just want the call to be put through, minus THEM and THEIR idiot bullshit.

However, If you do choose to go along with the 72 question crapfest, and they put you on hold etc... About 9 out of 10 calls will be responded too with:

a) They are not there.

b) You get an answering machine.

c) They are in a meeting.

d) They only work part time and will be back on Wednesday next week...

e) etc., etc., etc..

But if you do get to talk to who it was that you wanted to talk too...

They usually don't give a flying fuck for you and your issues and:

a) They say they will do things and they don't.

b) They never get back to you - or rarely so.

c) They don't return the calls.

d) They never contact you after they get out of the meeting / return to work / etc., etc., etc.

e) Or as happens often enough, "It's not my / their responsibility - it's Vicroads / the police / the RSPCA /  etc., etc., etc. - when it's actually their responsibility and they are just lying, lazy cunts who are bullshitting and buck passing their way out of it.  Fucking dead beats on the public payroll.

The very best organisations to deal with are the ones that are interested in getting the jobs done....

You ring them and as fast as you can say hello - your dealing with the sales, spares or warranty dept etc...

The ones that employ titted finger wiggling Nazis who decide who can get their calls put through and who can't - Hmmmm they smack of dysfunction and incompetence.

That total lack of accountability and covering up - that goes along with the Bureau of Bullshit - lurches from hundreds of small disasters on the personal level, to the huge disasters on the community and national level.

So when one starts to build the service based social profile, starting with the fruit cakes on the front line... who insist on your participation in the duplication of two people noting your name, what time you called, what you called about, and who you wanted to contact - less their own 2c worth and outbursts of psychotic shit and the fodder for the gossip columns...

The Boganville Shire Council - with it's crooked councillors and sleazy CEO's - can go fuck it's self.

But don't you dare rattle their cages and poke them with pointy sticks...

"Hey shit for brains - are you still breathing? Or have you perfected the fine art of appearing dead at your desk for 8 hours, until beer-o-clock arrives?"

They are so bad, they are short listed onto the organisations that you only have something to do with - via a tribunal or you use another organisation.


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