CFMEU pushes for mandatory drug and alcohol testing on construction sites

This is about one of the best things that I have heard all week...

Society as a whole is awash with drugs - from alcohol (usually obvious impairment and it smells)  to the prescribed and self prescribed.

I don't particularly give a fuck if the or a business employs / is run by addicts (food / sex / drugs / gossiping / gambling etc) - I usually shop else where, but when the people you are counting on to be on the ball - are both arseholes to work with, incompetent in their work and most of all, they put your arse on the line - by being dangerous to work with - it's either go to rehab or leave the job WITH a medical report.

I once worked in the railways, and in the particular workshop I worked in, the "union guys" (arseholes) had their own sectioned off partition - with a lock on the gate...

And the cunts would be in there bonging on and drinking and what ever else...

The bong was in the office, the 44 gallon drums were filled with empty stubbies, and you could smell them smoking dope etc..

One day I came back from an external study course - via the walk way and through the big shed...

And as I got close to the mobile crane, there was a dead guy under a sheet, and bits of brain squished out around on the ground.

Turns out one of the union stoners, had been removing a 3 ton (sand filled steel box) counterweight, because another dumb fuck had backed the crane into something and they had damaged the mounts - so this fucking joker was underneath the counter weight, with an oxy-acetelyne cutting torch - cutting away the mounts - that held the weight in and it fell on him - "clump - clump" game over.

The irony was that I was into being drug free and making the most off the self help groups - and these junki cunts were putting all the shit they could on me about this, lodging complaints about me saying this,about me saying that..

So one killed himself, one was so fucking crazy that I assume that he went and had a career in the pysch scene from listening to all the voices inside his head from smoking dope, and the third main one... dunno what happened there.

But this effort by the CFMEU - is a good thing....

The idiot goverment that phased it out - a bunch of useless cunts.

The crystal meth etc.,  is an ugly drug... makes for ugly, irrational and accident prone people - which makes for a dangerous worksite.

And the nice drugs, from the nice GP? And we are NOT talking about a pain pill for arthritis, or hay fever etc..

We are talking about the very profitable, "get everyone hooked on the valium / psych drugs" industry - so they float around like zombies on a legal stone...
So the article, and then some info on what the Americans call "Big Pharma".

CFMEU pushes for mandatory drug and alcohol testing on construction sites


    March 26, 2015 - 10:29AM
The CFMEU says its members were becoming increasingly concerned about substance abuse in the construction industry.

Drug and alcohol testing should be mandatory on construction sites, according to one of Australia's most powerful unions.

The Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union released its impairment policy on Thursday, calling for blanket drug and alcohol testing on work sites for employers and employees.

CFMEU national construction secretary Dave Noonan stressed that testing was just one component of the proposal, but conceded those turning up to work battling addiction were putting others at risk.

"This is a policy that revolves around the causes of impairment in our industry that include fatigue, physical and mental health, job insecurity, injury and illness and drug and alcohol use," he said.

"Our membership is increasingly concerned about the problems associated with people turning up to work impaired and the risks this poses."

Testing already occurs in specific circumstances, Mr Noonan said, but he hoped the union's policy would see the practice become mandatory.

The policy is at odds with the CFMEU's previous stance on the issue. The union has long attacked drug and alcohol testing at work sites as a "slur" on workers.

But the union has said its members were becoming increasingly concerned about substance abuse in the industry.

The state opposition praised the CFMEU for the push.

Opposition industrial relations spokesman Robert Clark said it was bizarre that the procedure could be re-introduced, only a few months after being scrapped by the government.

"Daniel Andrews needs to respond and ensure that drug and alcohol testing is reintroduced so that Victorian building safety can be boosted," Mr Clark told radio station 3AW.

Blanket drug testing on building sites was introduced in July last year. The code was one of the former Napthine government's signature policies.

Meanwhile, Liberal MPs in the state's west are also calling for shearers to be drug-tested at work, amid concerns about possible widespread use of the drug ice.

Victorian Farmers Federation livestock president Ian Feldtmann told radio 3AW that it was a worrying trend for everyone working in agriculture.

"It is a concern not only for shearers but for many of the people that work in the agricultural industry," he said.

"I believe [crystal meth] is one of the many drugs concerned. The industry has indicated they are concerned about it. I think it's the way society has progressed, sadly."

- AAP, with Marissa Calligeros

My cure for depression? Beatings with broom sticks or buy a bicycle and ride it..

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