Executing drug traffickers? Why? Why not?

I mean why fucking winge about this?

I have never been to Bali etc., but my friends have told me - 20 - 30 years ago, that there are SIGNS everywhere, saying, "You do drugs here - and we fuck you over badly."

The stories of dealers doing deals with cops - where they sell drugs to the tourists, the cops bust the tourists, all their gear goes missing and is resold, the tourists pay large bribes to get out of the shit etc., and corruption is rife....

The general gist is to go there, be a tourist, import nothing, buy nothing and smuggle nothing and sit on the beach in the evening, sucking on a straw in a coco nut.....

And your pretty right.

I mean why cry - "Poor me, I am hard done by," when you do get caught.

These people wanted to buy up big on cheap drugs, bring them back to Australia, make an easy profit by helping spread, crime and misery in the community, by going into an area, where they say, "We catch you running drugs, we shoot you."

So why fucking winge, when you do get caught, doing something in an area, where they tell you that they will shoot you, if they catch you doing it?

To me I LOVE research and development, maths, science tech etc...

I would really LOVE to have endless quantities of high explosive, for research purposes....

It would both entertain and amuse me to do high energy, high rate forming and welding.

The high rate forming, is shaping materials at such a high rate, that the internal energy as imparted by the explosive, means that the material cannot strain harden or crystalise, while it is being formed.... and you can make some extraordinary shapes, in materials that you normally cannot form, into the required shapes - and you can do it in one step.

The welding- you can weld metals that normally cannot be welded together, but assuming that you want to weld a plate of copper to a plate of stainless steel, by laying a sheet of thick copper, on a flat surface, adding in a way to keep the plates separated, and then adding a plate of thick stainless steel, and a thick layer of high explosive over it, and detonating it from the corner, the sheets slam together at such a high velocity, they fuse at the surfaces...

I am fascinated by this shit....

But forgetting the legislation and the licenses and the authorities etc., the reason why I don't do it, is because like if I fuck up with a hammer and a nail, it's survivable.

If I fuck up with anything in this process., maybe they might find a foot over here, a bit of jawbone over there..... etc....

There are areas that you don't venture into by guessing, and or hoping it works etc... because they are high risk and unsurvivable.

There is a LOT of technical, and other issues, in regards to process and proceedures that I lack - that comes from quality training, that is sourced in the two principles, of this keeps you alive, this kills you.

One of my teachers was a weapons development engineer, and he showed me a lab sample of the shaped armour piercing charge..

It was a rather long block of steel that had been sawn in half, and the shaped charge had blown a hole in the steel, about as thick as a pencil, and some 30 cm deep...

I mean I'd like to build rocket engines running on hydrogen / oxygen - but when these - and their propellant tanks go bang - they go bang in a HUGE way...

I am fascinated by the check lists, the safety, the process and proceedures and making it all work properly - first time.

I mean this is all interesting.

I mean I'd like to do the high rate, high energy forming and welding, to learn all I can about it, and then get bored with it and then go do something interesting.

(Hello Birds, Hello Trees, Hello Flowers, Hello Sky - skip, skip, skip weedily along.)

But the mugs running the drugs... that to me is as dumb as going up to someone beside an overturned fuel tanker, with 20,000 litres of fuel going "Gloosh, gloosh gloosh" out of the ruptured tank and asking "Got a light?".

As far as Murdoch's cock kissers and their bullshit go - the sensationalist, "We are drumming up the drama to ONLY drive up the news paper sales, and the idiots watching our TV news services, so plug more adds in, to drive up the sales and revenue",  Well Murdoch and his cock kissers are a bunch of hypocritical shit heads anyway.

So anything they have to say on the subject is all a crap fest anyway.

In negating the humanity of the issue, and the fact that the people in the Indonesian government and community, are as a whole, as corrupt at the Australian government and community, the signs are all over the place - "You run drugs, we shoot you." - which the Australian drug using community is for the most part, fully aware of, and they went over there, they ran drugs, they came unstuck and were shot.

So why complain.

It's like "When cleaning the blender, make sure the unit is switched off and unplugged" - Well Mrs Dip Shit who can now count to 7, thought otherwise.

Why complain.


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