
Showing posts from May, 2015

Monsanto, the Trans Pacific Partnership and Banning GMO's - a nasty little mix. Water Down Laws, Then Dilute Some More Marching on Monsanto and its Government Protectors by PETE DOLACK   Controlling and knowing what we eat should be a fundamental human right beyond questioning. That it is not sent hundreds of thousands into the streets of cities around the world on May 23, the third annual March on Monsanto. People on every continent save Antarctica participated in a March on Monsanto — demonstrations took place in 452 cites in 48 countries in opposition to Monsanto Company’s attempt to gain control over the world’s food. More than 200 U.S. cities, 47 Canadian cities, 22 French cities and 13 Argentine cities were among the places hosting organized marches. One of the earliest rallies was in Sydney, where an organizer told the RT television network: “This company has repeatedly committed, I would say, crimes against the Earth and what we are trying to ...

The Trans Pacific Partnership - Corrupt banks own corrupt governments.

And corrupt governments are filled with corrupt politicians, and corrupt public servants. The US & A, land of the free to wage war on everyone else, is blithely corrupting away, with our corrupt politicians too. Good one Tony Abbott - who lets the global tax evaders evade paying tax, who abolishes renewable energy schemes so the polluters can pollute and the price fixing iron ore companies price fix. Not that a complete lack of scruples, a unilateral support of organised crime and letting his mate$ off the hook for wroughting the system, is indicative of an absence of ethics. Nooooo not at all. Tones spends all night on the phone talking to all his banker bum chums, because they are lonely and like a chat with "old Tones"... Giving comfort and love to each other, with their hands on the tools ofcapitalism - and I thought those big jars of Vaselene were only there to grease each others palms. Seriously - when the shit...

The Dog Shit the USA Fast Food industry calls "FOOD"

I mean you know... For those who have never had, a HOME GROWN, organic, NON GMO, from the DIRT tomato, you have really fucking missed out on the best thing eva. Fucking Yumm! Blow your head off with the flavour! Good words like "Composting, Bio-Dynamic, Organic, Perma-Culture,  Living Soil, NUTRITION, the bees are all alive, there are insects and other life forms LIVING in the garden.". It's real food - it tastes great - you can live on this. But this is the shit the fast food industry serves up..... I have never seen a MORE vile green coloured - in anything.... Presenting: "Intensive Agricultures, Uniform, Tasteless, Nutrition Free, water and crude oil based fertiliser fed, Colourless Cardboard Cannon Ball" All the same colour, all the same size, all the same - tasteless balls of bottom dollar industrial shit. And I unilatterally hate the American fast food industry... Coca-Cola - and the like - I mean YOU are personally responsible for what you choose to eat ...

The French aim to drastically increase renewables - Abbott the RETARD roones them.

Image French bill seeks to boost renewable energy, cut nuclear use France's lower house of parliament has approved a bill aimed at boosting renewable energy and reducing the country's reliance on nuclear power, among other environment-friendly measures. The French government wants to be exemplary this year in environmental matters, since Paris is hosting a U.N.-backed conference in December where 196 countries aim to limit greenhouse gas emissions to fight global warming . The bill pushed by Ecology Minister Segolene Royal was approved Tuesday by the National Assembly, the lower house of parliament, with 308 votes for and 217 against. It will then go to the Senate for further discussions. At the end of the process —probably over summer— the assembly will have the final say. Among the more significant changes are the following measures: ___ GAS EMISSIONS...

The Ruskies go after the GMO producers.

This is what we need in Australia - but our politicians are too spineless and too corrupt. Greasy palmed pricks on the Monsanto payroll - just like the US & A. Nationalists ponder prison sentences for selling unmarked GMO products Published time: May 26, 2015 09:59 Tags GMO , Law , Politics , Russia   A number of Russian MPs have suggested altering the current legislation and introducing criminal responsibility for illegal trade in GMO products. The idea is to mete out prison terms of up to two years for repeated offenders. The bill tightening the rules for selling genetically modified products has been prepare...

290,000 Indian Farmers have suicided - thanks to Monsanto.

Image GMO that kills: GM-cotton problems drive Indian farmers to suicide Published time: May 24, 2015 21:05 Reuters / Amit Dave Tags Agriculture , Biology , GMO , India , Monsanto Hundreds of thousands of farmers have died in India, after having been allegedly forced to grow GM cotton instead of traditional crops. The seeds are so expensive and demand so much more maintenance that farmers often go bankr...

Outfoxed - Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism

Outfoxed • Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism • FULL DOCUMENTARY FILM • BRAVE NEW FILMS Loop Start playing when buffered ( Only Notify ) - % Smart Buffer Estimated Time: Donate to SmartVideo! Global Preferences

Farm Chemicals - what you need to know - the issue of scale.

I am kind of relating my own developed awareness here as it relates to the agricultural industries manufacture, distribution and use of them. Most people - I am assuming, when they think of herbicides, pesticides, fungicides etc., seem to think of them in these terms: Little bottles of this shit at the hardware store.... When the reality is very different:  Much of it comes in 1000 litre containers. These are transported around the country in shipping containers. This is one of the reasons why truck crashes and fires can be such a fucking worry. And these chemicals are stored in HUUUUUGE fucking warehouses - both at the point of manufacture, the international shipping sites at the docks, and in distribution warehouses and regional retailers. This is not an industry, involved so much in selling small containers at the local hardware store / gardening centre etc.. This is millions of tons of the shit - getting used day in and day out ALL around the world. The aggregate mass, of all t...

World stands up against Monsanto - Over 400 cities protest GMOs

The link has the vids. World stands up against Monsanto: Over 400 cities protest GMOs Published time: May 24, 2015 03:07 Get short URL People participate in a protest march against Monsanto Co, the world's largest seed company, in Lima, Peru, May 23, 2015. (Reuters / Juanjo Fernandez) Download video (56.38 MB) Tags Africa , Asia , Canada , Caribbean b...