Monsanto, the Trans Pacific Partnership and Banning GMO's - a nasty little mix. Water Down Laws, Then Dilute Some More Marching on Monsanto and its Government Protectors by PETE DOLACK Controlling and knowing what we eat should be a fundamental human right beyond questioning. That it is not sent hundreds of thousands into the streets of cities around the world on May 23, the third annual March on Monsanto. People on every continent save Antarctica participated in a March on Monsanto — demonstrations took place in 452 cites in 48 countries in opposition to Monsanto Company’s attempt to gain control over the world’s food. More than 200 U.S. cities, 47 Canadian cities, 22 French cities and 13 Argentine cities were among the places hosting organized marches. One of the earliest rallies was in Sydney, where an organizer told the RT television network: “This company has repeatedly committed, I would say, crimes against the Earth and what we are trying to ...