Farm Chemicals - what you need to know - the issue of scale.

I am kind of relating my own developed awareness here as it relates to the agricultural industries manufacture, distribution and use of them.

Most people - I am assuming, when they think of herbicides, pesticides, fungicides etc., seem to think of them in these terms:

Little bottles of this shit at the hardware store....

When the reality is very different: 

Much of it comes in 1000 litre containers.

These are transported around the country in shipping containers.

This is one of the reasons why truck crashes and fires can be such a fucking worry.

And these chemicals are stored in HUUUUUGE fucking warehouses - both at the point of manufacture, the international shipping sites at the docks, and in distribution warehouses and regional retailers.

This is not an industry, involved so much in selling small containers at the local hardware store / gardening centre etc..

This is millions of tons of the shit - getting used day in and day out ALL around the world.

The aggregate mass, of all the chemicals being manufactured, distributed, stored and used on a daily and annual use, globally - is staggering.
Almost all of these chemicals ARE dangerous.

As one of my friends said:

"When the use of sprays started coming into the agricultural sector big time, I was the only one who used all the protective equipment and procedures. The full face respirator masks, the space suite - or full coverage protection, the rubber boots and the rubber gloves - the lot and washing up very carefully afterwards.

I was the only one who did it.

Everyone else who didn't - they are all dead from cancer."

Millions of farmers have died from using all of these things.

Millions of people in countries with low labour costs and no protective equipment have died.

Enormous amounts of people in Australia - in the farming industry have died from using these chemicals.

I want to see a return to chemical free sustainable farming.

I want to be eating, safe, GMO free food.

I want to have a future for me, and for everyone else.

I want the environment to be really nice, clean and safe - where the land, the air, the rivers, the sea and the sky - are not chemical sewerage dumps.

But this is the problem - all the war profiteering - all the foreign bankers financed Hitler rearming Germany....

Mainly the American bankers.

WW1 and the WW2 - once the capacity to create explosives on an epic industrial scale - being mostly nitrogen based high explosives and propellants - then after the war, you can flip the industry into making nitrogen based fertilisers.

And with the chemical industries making nerve and mustard gasses for starters - after the war, you can flip the industry into making pesticides, herbicides and fungicides etc...

And this is why when you buy Cod Liver Oil - they list the trace amounts of toxins that is now spread through out the worlds oceans, in all the sea foods.

What gets sprayed over the land in vast quantities, soaks into the ground water and contaminates the aquifers, and the rivers, and lakes and oceans.

It's not a matter of toxin free food, it's a matter of buying the least toxic food.

The bankers of the world ought to be summarily shot.

They finance the wars, and reap huge profits from them.

They finance and reap huge profits from the chemical companies, who research and develop the poisons.

They finance and reap huge profits from the trucking, warehousing and housing industries and all the supporting industries and business's.

Tyres, oil, paints, timber, tiles, bricks, governments, roads, rail, shipping, etc., etc., etc..

And the bankers finance and reap huge profits from the farming and agricultural sector.

And we all play a part in this.

We want the most we can get for the minimum effort, at the lowest price.

The use of the Nuremberg defence - is something we all use, day in and day out, from personal needs to globalisation trade, commerce and distribution.

We have all played a part in this, and we are all paying the price.

We live on a poisoned planet and there is no where else to go, there is nothing else to eat and there is no other air to breath or water to drink.

Start to live the life, instead of the lie.


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