The Dog Shit the USA Fast Food industry calls "FOOD"

I mean you know...

For those who have never had, a HOME GROWN, organic, NON GMO, from the DIRT tomato, you have really fucking missed out on the best thing eva.

Fucking Yumm! Blow your head off with the flavour!

Good words like "Composting, Bio-Dynamic, Organic, Perma-Culture,  Living Soil, NUTRITION, the bees are all alive, there are insects and other life forms LIVING in the garden.".

It's real food - it tastes great - you can live on this.

But this is the shit the fast food industry serves up.....

I have never seen a MORE vile green coloured - in anything....


"Intensive Agricultures, Uniform, Tasteless, Nutrition Free, water and crude oil based fertiliser fed, Colourless Cardboard Cannon Ball"

All the same colour, all the same size, all the same - tasteless balls of bottom dollar industrial shit.

And I unilatterally hate the American fast food industry...

Coca-Cola - and the like - I mean YOU are personally responsible for what you choose to eat and drink, but the act of saturating the market with high fructose corn syrup / sugar based drinks, because it's the cheapest nastiest drink base you can find, with ZERO % nutrition, with the highest differential between the cost of making it and the cost of selling it.

It's not like the retail market is saturated with fresh whole juices and healthy organic meals...

Nope - a fucking Coke and garbage food hot dogs or the garbage (in Australia) 4 N 20 meat pies.... 

Especially Pizza Hut etc...

With the "imitation bacon pieces" - which are a direct relative of dried dog food, minus the dried out, ground up cows arseholes - called meat.

And this is an interesting story that follows, because these cunts - these fast food manufacturers - the executive and food packers etc., should all be smashed in the head with a cast iron fry pan - because it reads like a crimes against humanity list - via toxic food, food additives and agricultural practices - the factory farming of chickens, pigs and cattle - that create disease and the meat is full of antibiotics...

And millions of people have died from this - from the UK's empire composed of the US & A, and Australia too - murdering millions for their oil, and the oil companies who bribe all the corrupt greasy palmed and greasy arsed politicians...

That supports the "Road Miles" issue of the global transport of out of season food, being available all around the world, all the time. The synthetic fertilisers enable "food?" to be grown in depeleted soils - or what is essentially sand.

I said so some idiot fuck of a politician in Melbourne Australia - some 25 years ago, to make the companies who produce TOXIC industrial waste, either change the process and stop the production of that waste, and or process it on site to neutralise it and convert it into something useful and or harmless.

And to stop allowing them to dump it at a very diluted ratio - into the sewerage system - because the SHIT, when properly digested and treated - by high temperature composting - can be put BACK onto the LAND - and enrich the soils by adding living FOOD, and minerals, that enriches the soil - because the SHIT is what the plants became, after they grew from the soil.

If you break the cycle of using CRUDE OIL based fertilisers, and recycle the shit, from the sewerage system, you end up with really good, healthy soil - which grows even better plants....

But what did the dumb fuck do? He allowed the practice of the dumping of toxic industrial waste into the sewerage system...

So we have the issues of depleted soils, toxic sewerage, toxic unusable toxic sewerage sludge - that has to be mixed wayyyyyyyyyy down, so it's not (that) poisonous to use in pot plant mixes etc..

And we have a bunch of dumb cunt politicians on the oil companies payroll - while the ONLY world we have to live on, becomes more and more toxic on a daily basis. All the dumb fuck people running all these dumb fuck companies, all using the sewerage system as an industrial waste dump...

That is Melbourne, Victoria, Australia - Some of the dumbest cunts in the world ARE Australians.....

An "education" in a top dollar private religious school doesn't make you smart - it makes you a nasty stand over merchant arsehole in a 3 piece suit.

Conformist, obedient, moronic and toing the party lines....

Group stupidity based upon group think.

Food production lessons for an American Executive.

It's all connected to cheap (=stolen at gun point) oil, oil based fertilisers, oil based chemicals, oil based transport, the big oil companies, the big biotechnology companies (GMO) and the big pharmacutical companies...

All the same companies, doing the same shitty deals. The biotech companies ARE the pharmacutical companies.

Every fucking thing that can be done to cut costs (=profit) and raise profits (=more profit) - and to feed people low grade sugar and fat filled shit (=profit) and keep them sick (=profit)  and permanently diseased and stuck in the medical loops (=profit) and on drugs for life (=more profit) - is being done.

As a for instance, I normally have a really good shit most days - and I almost never, ever eat fast food - meaning I will rarely eat a decent take away pizza, but I basically never, ever eat Mc Donalds - because if I do, I end up so badly constipated - I have to push one of these out my arsehole...

Eating Mc Donalds means that I have to shit out a cannon ball.

It comes out my arse and lands "Clunk" in the bottom of the bowl...

And I am thinking, "There is NOTHING nutritional about Mc Donalds."

There is SO much shit in their food - I think the buns are like 35% sugar, and the cheese in the cheese burgers, gives me those nasty DEEP pimples, that can't be squeezed out, and they are more like pus filled melanoma, than a "normal" pimple.

I mean I moved out of puberty and pimples decades ago.... 

In relation to the following article, the question is, "What is ALL of this fucking shit doing in the "food" in the first place?"


Transfats, High Fructose Corn Syrup, flavour enhancers, preservatives, artificial colours, GMO's, anti-biotics, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, minerally deficient food, raised in sand, artificially pumped up with chemical fertilisers  etc., etc., etc...

And given that bacteria typically have a life cycle of about 20 minutes, from forming, growing up, dividing, growing up, dividing etc., so what does not get killed outright from the anti-biotics, will survive and progress onto passing on the gene sequence that enables IMMUNITY to that anti-biotic..

Sooooo - what are all these FUCKERS - these retarded fucking arseholes with their TOXIC SHIT FOOD, doing:

a) Creating farming practices that are SO unhealthy, that they have to use anti-biotics in the water and feed.

b) What are these retarded fucking arseholes doing using "human grade" antibiotics in intensively farmed pigs, chickens and cattle?

c) What are these retarded arseholes - especially in the USA - doing with this "Awww Awwww yeah, yeah ummmm we will get around to it in the next 5 years" type bullshit...

F... f.... F,,, fucking what?

These cunts should be fucking lynched.

Taco Bell, Pizza Hut to remove artificial colors, flavors from food

Published time: May 27, 2015 14:10

Fast-food titans Taco Bell and Pizza Hut have announced they will eliminate artificial coloring and flavoring from their food in the coming months and years. The chain restaurants are both owned by Yum Brands Inc.

Taco Bell said it plans to replace artificial flavors, colors, and some additives such as trans-fats with more natural ingredients by the end of 2015. It also pledged to remove more additives and artificial preservatives "where possible" by the end of 2017, according to Reuters.

Pizza Hut said it will attempt to move away from artificial flavors and colors in its US restaurants by the end of July.
Fast-food chains and major food manufacturers alike have recently announced attempts to nix unhealthy additives, genetically modified ingredients, and antibiotics important for medical uses in humans.

Earlier this month, Panera said it would publicly list more than 150 artificial additives it has removed or will remove from its products.

Last month, Chipotle became the first major fast-food chain to drop genetically engineered ingredients, and Kraft announced it was moving away from artificial coloring in its macaroni and cheese. In February, Nestle USA said it was removing artificial flavors and certified colors from more than 250 of its products by the end of 2015.

Last year, Subway said it was removing a plastic-based chemical from its bread.

In 2009, Starbucks announced it was moving away from baked goods containing high-fructose corn syrup, artificial flavors, and dyes.

In addition, Tyson Foods recently said it is eliminating use of medically-important antibiotics in its chickens. Perdue Foods announced last September that 95 percent of its chickens were raised without medically important antibiotics.

In March, McDonald’s announced it will stop buying chickens raised on human antibiotics within the next two years.

Chick-fil-A, the largest restaurant seller of chicken in the US, announced in February 2014 it would phase out antibiotic-raised chicken over a period of five years.

Panera and Chipotle already serve antibiotic-free chicken.


For those in Australia and as an inspiration to people all around the world.

Here are SOME of the organic seed suppliers...

Traditional varieties - the REAL food plants, that were about, before Monsanto etc., came along with their globally toxic Genetically Modified varieties.


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