I have a friend who comes out with some surprising comments...

This friend came out in a blurt of real "Had a fucking gut full" about "pimply faced know nothings, that get jobs requiring a technical degree of knowledge, proficiency and experience, with the attitude "Aww I don't know, don't care and it's not my job." kind of bullshit."

So how this comes about.....

Clueless people raise clueless children, who get processed by a clueless education system, and then land jobs with clueless employers, who don't screen them or train them.....

Nope - just throw them in the deep end.

And we get clueless customer service.

After talking to about 10 fucking clueless people in Auto Accessory stores / tool suppliers etc., etc., etc...in a row, you know people who have never had to read a book on making or repairing anything - and then doing it - 

After 5 minutes of going around in circles, I asked one totally fucking clueless girl, who had NO idea about ANYTHING at all - I said to her, "Can I talk to someone else there who doesn't have pimples?"
 "Awwww - your very rude." was the reply....

I just paused for a moment, to think, "If I had more time, I'd make the part myself and you could stick your store up your arse..."

Anyway enough of the clueless, the restock rates that lag several weeks behind the sell out cycles, the "You want a what?"s, and the old "Have you tried so and so's, blah, blah, blah....

Like ringing a tyre shop, asking, "Do you sell truck tyres and car tyres?, and getting, "Ummm I don't know?" or "What is it your after?"

Oddly enough, a supermarket hardware section had what I wanted....

When I was a kid, I kind of had to make my own toys - 9 or 10 years old and I bought a bag of icy pole sticks, plastic model glue, a tin of tar paint, a battery pack and a small toy electric outboard motor (size of a matchbox), and I built a fully working copy of a WWII landing craft, with a dropping front etc...

Something like this. (In principle)

And there are so many people - if it doesn't come out of a packet, they have no idea what to do.

I think a general hint, if you want something, go make it, and drag your kids along...

Want a lounge suite? Get books and videos on the history of furniture making, and study how the really good, hand cut, all wooden dove tailed joints are made... Traditional (?) support, upholstering and finishing methods..

All hand tooled....

This is why we have a nation of know nothings and do nothings....

"Awww I don't know // it's not my job // You want a what?" - The pimply faced and clueless prattle on, probably peaking at driving people through flow charts when they get a job in a call centre etc.

Get out of the dunce dance - between the home delivery pizza and TV.

Read books, make things, do something useful...


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