Jurassic Park - Stupidity as a suspension builder?

They way over did it.

Movies have people in them, paid to pretend they are someone they are not, in a situation that does not exist, participating in the telling of fabulous tales.

Without getting overly intelligent about the whole thing, the Jurassic Park movies are a good "suck in" as one gets into a "suspension of critical faculties" mindset, and starts going, "Ohhhhh noooooo - that is going to attract the dinosaurs, and they are going to eat you..." commentary.

The problem is that the use of the "dumb fuck" routine, by the actors, as a way to generate tension and drama, is not only the mainstay method of producing tension and drama, but it's also the use of exceedingly STUPID "dumb fuck" characters - in amongst all the very worst times and places that one can demonstrate it, well they are doing it.....

In Jurassic Park (01), the dumb girl with the torch, in the car, that attracts the T Rex - and every one tells her to turn it off and somehow she keeps it on, and keeps attracting the giant dinosaur, which keeps trying to eat her and her brother...


And after it has tipped the car over and almost crushed it...

She crawls out from underneath it, towards the dinosaur... gets out, stands up and fucking screams - mouth wide open, top of her lungs - directly at the dinosaur - which just happens to be standing all of about 2 or 3 dinosaur steps away - directly in front of her....

Which of course, attracts it's attention - again.

And so on and so forth, the ultimate in retarded "just doesn't get it" bullshit continues.

And in Jurassic Park 3 - the "dumb fuckness" just - well it does not get worse, it's just the insanely clueless bullshit continues on in ever more imaginative ways and circumstances.

First the blonde chick jumps out of the plane with the loud speaker, on the island with the dinosaurs - calling out her lost sons name.....

Which attracts a huge fucking dinosaur.....

Which eats one of the party, and their escape in the plane is thwarted when the dinosaur stands up while eating the guy, in the path of the plane as it's getting airborn...

The plane crashes, the huge dinosaur comes after them, and promptly pulls the plane apart, eating one or two more people...

And then a T Rex comes after them (I have this slightly out of order?) which has a huge fight with the hugera other dinosaur, and dies etc.

Blah, blah, blah....

Then you'd think by now that Mrs Stupid Big Mouth - along with the producers, directors, script writers, story boarders, cast and crew - would have "gotten it", that from now on, into this fucking movie, with all these huge frightening you to death dinosaurs around,that Mrs Stupid Big Mouth, would be very, very, very fucking quiet - and tip toeing through the jungle...

But no fucking way.....

Mrs Stupid Big Mouth, and her husband split off from the rest of them, going their own way into the jungle, away from the dinosaur expert and the guys with the huge guns, with Mrs Stupid Big Mouth - yelling away at the top of her lungs - about as disconnected from reality as Tinkerbell on Xanax - and completely emotionally removed from their previous horrifying experiences - until they walk into the middle of the nesting area of a velociraptors....

My limit for bullshit at this point has been reached.

And the threshold for the use of stupidity as a suspension builder has been exceeded.

Having seen the JP movies a number of times, after 10 minutes of the fuckwit big mouthed blondes bullshit - I turned the TV off - with a list of useful things to do that does not contain stupid production teams getting actors to play the parts of complete and utter fuckwits, doing the most stupid of things possible, to get me on the edge of my seat, with the next leverage point to bring in more dinosaur based disasters, to keep the roller coaster of tension and anxiety known as "engagement", moving along.

I mean I can see how this works to keep the action flowing, for the first time viewing at the cinema on the big screen.

But viewing it the 10th time around on the TV, these directing techniqes are fucking intolerable. There are not that many, so utterly, profoundly stupid people, who are so disconnected from reality, that they start off doing something that could be excused as ignorance such as when Mrs Dumb Fucking Big Mouth - in her first time on a dinosaur island starts using the loud hailer, and after the huge dinosaur attacks and fights, just continues on through the jungle, "BLAH, BLAH, BLAH", as if none of the preceding mind blowing horrors have ever even happened. 

Whether in the movies or in real life, high liability people are a pain in the arse to deal with, and they make for shit entertainment.

3.08 - The dumb blonde in action.

Everything Wrong With Jurassic Park III In 15 Minutes Or Less


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