Uprating the issue of being a retard.

An upgrade or an adjunct of, and to, my initial post on the subject of being a fucking retard.


A fucking retard:

OK assuming one wants to figure out 9 x17.

Well mentally one can go (9x10) + (9x7) = 90 + 63 = 153

Or (10 x 17) - 17 = 170 - 17 = 153

Or  (3 x 3) x (2.5 x 4) + (3 x 3) x (2 x 3.5)

Or (27/3 x Sqrt 289) - (-36 +    Etc., etc., etc.,

We shall not proceed to inverting time.

And some people will never get it.

4 oranges - take away 2 oranges, how many oranges are left?

It does not mean that any particular person is smarter or dumber - if you are doing your very best, that is all that matters.

What makes a person a fucking retard is how they approach life.

For instance:

Say a person from a country - pick any one, with any language; and for two years they go and live in another country - the only issue to understand is that this second country - the people there speak a totally different language, and use a totally different alphabet.

One would think that after two years of living there, that the person, would be able to speak at least a fluent and basic-ish version of the dialect, to at least read some or attach understandings to particular shapes or combinations of characters, and would understand and be able to offer or ask or order, directions, food, currency, accommodation, fares, etc., etc., etc.

Now in day to day life, we do have such constraints such as time, responsibilities, commitments etc., but these are also choices.

But there are people who go through life, totally clueless, unwilling and if not in total opposition to paying attention to details, asking "Why?", doing deeper research, and they never "cross link" the connections between ideas, operations, outcomes and consequences.

They would never draw the connection between the packet showing a picture of say chick pease, the writing on the packet; and the writing on the contents, or the ingredients list of a packet of hommus.

And yet there are so many people who spend their entire lives just oblivious to everything going on around them, or that what they do or get, where it originates, and what the on flow effects are.

This is what it means to be a fucking retard.


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