Cynical Humor..... Love the Comments Section.

Ashley Madison (sounds like a prostitutes business name - doesn't it) is a company run by people, who incite women to cheat / have affairs/ fuck around behind their partners back....

And women being what they are, with their cunts having more say so than their brains, so many of them need little to no inducement - it merely has to look like something that can be fucked, and they are on to it...

So team sleaze at Corp Ashley Madison bring out adds on the TV that say, "Hey - IF your husband is a lame fuck - have an affair - come to our website and go fuck these guys - they are hot." (and pay us lots of money to help you meet them)

Fine.... so between fleas and fucking on the African plains, religions and the last few thousand years - nothing seems to have changed.

But this article - and the roll into the comments - LOL - sums it up nicely.

The cynicism in the last comment, points the "entire fiasco"...

Encryption, Privacy, National Security And Ashley Madison
So, as about a million Australians quietly shit themselves as the Ashley Madison data breach starts to bleed data, we have the UK government talking about banning encryption. Although they have backtracked to some some degree UK Prime Minister David Cameron told his parliament the country needed to crack down on encryption in order to make it harder for terrorists to communicate.

While the Ashley Madison hack is barely surprising — mega-breaches are a fact of life in today’s world — there’s a whole level of cock up associated with not encrypting such sensitive data. And if encryption becomes harder to access we can expect sensitive data to not only be captured but easily read and shared. And not actually deleting the data they promised to remove with their paid-for profile removal service suggests the story will be played out in the courts.

Blah, blah, blah.....



  • Thorne Guest
    July 23, 2015 1:47 pm 
    Anyone stupid enough to feed their real name and credit card details into an affair website deserves what they get

    • Braaains
      July 23, 2015 2:20 pm

      I saw a hilarious quote from one woman in a news story about the Ashley Madison hack. Apparently she wasn't worried because she registered under her maiden name.

      You would think that her husband would actually know what that was? :P

      • Analsugardaddy69 Guest
        July 23, 2015 3:22 pm

        Yeah, no one's tracking me. I use the same clever online pseudonym everywhere.

  • jacklance
    July 23, 2015 3:29 pm

    It must feel awful to have their trust betrayed like that.


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