Poor Old Paris Hilton..... LOL......

Have you seen the Paris Hilton plane crash prank?

The pilot is doing some fun flying, all the other "passengers" are in on it and are all yelling and screaming, and carrying on, "Ahhhh we are going to die! We are going to die!!!",

And poor old Paris thinks it's all real and that the plane is going to crash....

And she starts freaking out...

Fucking funny as...

But it's one thing to play a joke on someone - a bit of fun etc., but for her, this got to be too real for too long... frightened the poor thing to death...

While it is fucking mean, it is still really funny - sort of.

And while the women sitting behind her periodically snigger and try to suppress the laughter between screams, poor old Paris thinks it's totally for real.

As a recap, the "prank" was very well done. The supporting cast - very good acting.The plot - which included two (?) fake pilots, with parachutes - jumping out of the plane - seemingly leaving the plane pilotless - fucking classic...

But they were producing an episode, the norm is to prank guests, and this started up in the sky and ended when they alighted from the aircraft, and announced the prank on the ground.

But it was actually really distressing watching Paris freaking out....

I guess I'd rule that yes - it was a really well done prank, but it went far too far, into an area "aircraft crashes" - for far too long, and when the subject of the prank had become very distressed, they should of stopped it.

But the guy, was genuinely apologetic, AND into face saving mode, after becoming aware that they had gone way over the line, and Paris perhaps ought to suck it up that shit does happen, and while it was not intentionally cruel, it did become so - but it was a "show", so suck it up as a character building experience...

And it's not a "cruel prank" - it was just so well done, and probably well rehearsed, and given the plane type - used for transport and or sky diving, I'd bet that most of the "passengers" were part of a sky diving group, and not the least phased by the twisting, turning and diving of the plane - but Paris had been convinced the plane was going to crash.....

So I guess in some ways, it is a genuinely funny prank, and it is very well done, but it's also distressing...

I mean there are funny pranks - harmless and silly, that you can play on people.. They are funny and everyone gets a laugh, but playing at  having a plane crash - in a plane, seemingly out of control - with (spare pretend) pilots doing a runner from the cockpit - with parachutes...

And it's all really well done, and the quality of the prank is really funny - but it's all totally into freak out territory anyway...

The old Allan Funt, who did Candid Camera, did some great pranks - like packaging some sugar in tear proof paper sachets - and then watch as entirely unsuspecting people try to open them, so they can add the sugar to their coffee.

Or erecting a huge sign over a freeway, "Detroit (USA City) is closed for today. Please turn around and go back." - And then watching just how many people did....

This is silly and funny..


It's an all round learning experience.

Jump to 11 minutes..

Ass Rocket - this is one of the funniest videos I have ever seen....

Shrill - "Fzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz - BANG!" = Classic.

For funny and silly stuff..

4 minutes - the pork sausage gag


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