Signed by Knob Job, Call this number NOW!

Yeah yeah yeah.....

You know the letters...  Signed by Knob Job, and a phone number to call (him/ her) or more exactly - the organisation.... by implication.

I want all people of the world to consider this.....

If the organisation is an especially shitty one, ring them up and demand to talk to the person who put their name, on the letter, that they (meaning the organisation with it's lip service glove puppet) have sent to you.

Simple solution....

"You wrote the formula letter, you signed it, you named and addressed it, and you sent it to me - and since your so fucking genuinely thrilled about my health and well being - and my money, you answer the fucking call - that I made to you, in response to your letter to me."

(And not your team of buck passing, bottom dollar, out sourced, clueless call centre goof balls)


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