Standing up to telemarketers - like AC Neilsen for instance.

I fucking hate telemarketers. (period)

Now we in Australia, seem to suffer the affliction of the "entitlement mentality" where telemarketers and survey takers, "in the interests of, and fairness to all" - have a legislated right (government approved) to call / contact us, at our homes and business's, via phone / email etc., but only during reasonable hours - which is supposed to make something that is essentially an annoying invasion of privacy, as being all right as it's before 8pm and not 11pm - which supposedly makes it all right.

And the banks - those lazy arsed pieces of lying shit, seem to think that your opinion really counts for something - so much so, that they want to ask you lots of questions about their shitty arrogance and generally dishonest incompetence.

But will they actually ask you this in person? No. Because employing people to contact 1000 - 10,000 other people in person, via a phone costs money and time - namely theirs.

Will they offer you suitable renumeration for your expertise and time? Not a fucking chance. 

So what do they do? The arseholes running these banks, hand your own personal information and contact details over to the likes of AC Neilsen, who either phone you - but only if your on a land line as calls to mobiles (used to be) are expensive, and they also contact you via email, to do some webform based survey.....

Isn't that nice, they highly value your opinion so much so, they actually share your personal information without asking if they could, and dump you into the lowest possible cost broad spectrum method of aggregate data compiling, via shit head companies like AC Neilsen - who are only too happy to take cash for running surveys using peoples unconsensually obtained information, and without paying people for their time and experties - because we highly value you and the information that we pressure people into giving up, that we use to make ourselves even more profit with.....

The terds running the Commonwealth Bank of Australia do this, as does the HSBC bank, amongst many others.

If you dear reader can supply more names and companies that engage in this practice then by all means contact me and I will add them to the list.

The following email came from:

GL Pascual
Nielsen Survey Support

Your feedback makes a difference

Dear Fucking Irate,

We recently sent you an invitation to participate in an online survey that we’re carrying out with former account holders.

This is a reminder to let you know that the survey is still open for you to provide your feedback if you’d like to do so.

We have commissioned Nielsen to conduct this survey for us. It should take less than 10 minutes to complete, and you will be given the opportunity to keep your answers completely anonymous.

You will not be asked for any bank or card account details, and for every survey completed we will donate $2 to the Botanic Gardens Trust, Sydney, as part of a global effort to secure 25% of the world’s plant species in safe storage by 2020.

The survey will be open until Thursday, 9 July. To start, simply click on the following link:

Yours sincerely,

Graham Heunis
Head of Retail Banking Wealth Management, HSBC Australia

Note: The information gathered will be used solely for the purpose of improving HSBC’s customer service, and will not be used for marketing purposes or passed onto third parties.

If you have any questions about the process of completing the study, please email Nielsen at If you have any questions about the aims of the study email

The jolly old fine print, in black instead of grey and in a larger and more readable size.

Note: The information gathered will be used solely for the purpose of improving HSBC’s customer service, and will not be used for marketing purposes or passed onto third parties.

If you have any questions about the process of completing the study, please email Nielsen at If you have any questions about the aims of the study email

 Hmmmmmm - they say this: HSBC’s customer service, and will not be used for marketing purposes or passed onto third parties.

 But they have already passed my and other peoples personal information to third parties, for their own marketing services. KON-FLIKT!!!!

And they at the HSBC Bank, and AC Neilsen, also do not provide any opt out or unsubscribe links - in the email.

My reply to GL Pascual of AC Neilsen:

Never Ever contact me, for any reason what so ever, ever again.

You people signed up with the HSBC, to conduct surveys for them.

I did not.

I did not give them permission to give you my email address, or any other personal contact details;

And I did not give you permission to contact me, using these contact details.

As far as I am concerned - which is all that matters, you have stepped over the line.

Your telemarketers have been a bunch of cunts - who have called me every night for two weeks to force me to take a survey... even after I have told them to fuck off and never call my number again.

I want you to take this email, and forward it to your managers and legal dept etc., and tell them this.

"If you do not put my name on your own internal "do not contact list", and if you ever contact me again, for any reason what so ever, then I will gather up a basket of railway ballast (decent sized stones), and I will come to Melbourne, and I will break all of the windows, in all of your offices."

I will make a public example of you, on the ways and means to stand up to telemarketers, and how to stop intrusions into, and violations of peoples privacy.

I will even make sure it is video'd and put up on Youtube and other social media sites.


Fucking Irate



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