The death of social media....

Yes, the perenially incestious relationship, between social media sites (software producers) like Facebook, Google +, etc., etc., etc.,the web tracking spy networks - of both the advertising agency / profile building and the NSA / police types...

Well the internet has rotted from within...

You know, everything has become fucking corporatised, and regulated - and controlled etc...

Like there is a shit load of "social media" sites / profiles - that one can sign up to be profiled from, and tracked by, to be profited from, and interlinked through a shitload of other sites with.

Like "Site X" runs a story / article, that people might want to comment / argue / fight over / with / contradict / support etc.,

In the old (internet days) you could just comment, and that was it. Now along came the dick head spammers who loaded up the comments section with shit..

So that all changed when the robot spammers got locked out of the comments section.

Then the security / spammer controls got more and more secure, and this blended with signing up and verification of ones profile via email....

So it got more and more protracted - and then with persistent cookies etc., infernal eternal tracking / blah., blah., blah - site owners, started to insist that people sign in / register for a new account through social media sites like Face Bum, Twatter, Goober +, Disqus, Reddit,

And me? My comments get redially censured by the politically correct - especially when swipes are taken; and I think a lot of people are just fed up with the bullshit to leave comments in passing,and indeed with the site owners in general.

Unless the sites allow "easy to leave" comments, and the moderators are not indignant pricks, people just don't go there any more.

Social media sites - some of them are demanding more and more and more personal "cross referenceable" information, and have been doing so for years...

I don't want or like social media sites. I don't want to have to be signed up with them, just to sign into a site, only via them, just to leave a comment in passing - on some bullshit news service - and with all the bullshit involved in recovering a forgotten username or password - in watching how people have "moved on", I guess lots of other people are tired of the overall crap in using these sites..

The corporatised social media, the 5001 "likes" and 10,001 social media lick and stick internet friends..

Hmm I am not saying the internet is fucked, but the tide has gone out on the social media / internet / light weight participation side of things.

It's gone from a spontaneous festival in the field, to standing in cues to buying tickets, presenting ID, getting passes, hand stamps, having to buy only bottled water and preprepared food on site......

No walking into the farmers / Sunday market to buy a bag of fresh organic apples no more...

Nope - a pat down, strip search, cross referencing ID., blah, blah., blah.

So for all the news sites etc., that either used to promote / allow / permit people to actively participate on their sites - with or without draconian moderation - well aside from a few rare sites that have good all in brawling or vigerous and robust discussion like "The Register" etc., people are either not going there to comment or not bothering to comment...

"Can't be bothered, better things to spend my time on, the censoring is bullshit etc.,, " = bypass the news, the news sites and the sites content.

To website managers:

Take a big hint - expecting people to spend 10 minutes of their time, just to bounce around between filling in online forms, checking for the confirmation email, resetting the password / signing in, and so on and so forth...

All to leave a comment.....

So over the bullshit - theirs.

I can't be fucked doing it - and so it seems, nor are other people.



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