Ashely Madison - run by lazy fucking arseholes.

One of my number one pet hates, is incompetence, dishonesty and laziness - especially when buried under layers of corporate bullshit with "shit for brains" idiots in control.

Think Telco's, Banks, blaaaa - de -blaaaaa blaaaa......

Well Ashley Madison is run by lazy fucking arseholes....

"Ohhh yeah - for an EXTRA amount of money -we will delete ALL of your data from our database/s" (When you want to leave / discontinue the service) - and then they don't.

And they don't care, they don't fix it up and they are quite happy to land you in the shit, because of what they did or failed to do.

I don't give a rats arse about people fucking around - we are monkeys, monkeys breed and monkeys socially fuck around....

I mean what are best friends for?

And in terms of mum and dad getting a bit of extra on the side? Well if they had not of, then there would be a whole heap less grand parents, parents, uncles and aunts, cousins and brothers and sisters around - if they had not have.

As one of my old work mates said, "I was 14 when WW2 was on, and all the women were going to the dances and there were so few men around - because they were all off over seas in the army etc., that every week end I was getting invited home after the dances, by all these married women - and I had more fucks than hot dinners..."

So I don't give a fuck about Ashley Maddison - and I think most of those kinds of websites promise the earth and...

I'd rather get involved with someone kind of conveniently local....

I can also get off on "sharing".....

It can be quite erotic in high sex relationships.

Open, honest, up front, and a special friend or two...

That could be quite nice.. Clean, well adjusted, no vices like smoking, excess drinking, drugs, etc.... fully tested and monogamish...

Sort of a social thing. twosomes, threesomes or foursomes..

But there are also clear demarkations - none of this "nut case" sex - unprotected sex, with strangers, who have not been tested.

Or people who have major fucking issues......

The amount of insanity and self destructiveness - and emotional and social bullshit in the "swinger" scene.

Or on the other side of the extremist issues is the mega puritanics, the shamers and the crazies who freak about sex, because they have been trained to be neutrotic about it all since birth.

One fucking article "Outed" with shallow and idiotic "analysis in depth" about French Island (Victoria Australia) having population 126 people (or something) and 25 registered members of Ashley Madison - citing their address as being French Island - or that it could be that people were merely using some bogus address, on the website - and given all the surrounding big suburbs of Melbourne, that surrounded the bay that French Island was in....

"Ohhhh Philanders, Adulterers, blah, blah, blah....." the troglodyte bitch went on and on and on with....


So I don't really give a flying fuck about people screwing around - I am more concerned about the emotional health of the relationships, and the people who are in them, and character based assessments - brains, honesty, humor, work ethics, good qualities etc...

I also am right into square and level people.....

None of this "She has been screwing several other guys on and off for the last 12 years, hasn't said nothing, and expects me to raise and pay for other peoples kids and when it comes to fucking me - the bitch always has a head ache."

Fuck that - "There are your bags, there is the front door, here is $20 for a taxi fare - now fuck off."

It's important to keep shit like that out of your life....

But a really nice 3 some now and then might be nice...

And with genuinely deeper people, good people, where there is lot of mutual care and respect - outside of the bedroom as well.

My main gripe in this issue is again, having to deal with delinquent shit heads - like the management and staff of Ashley Madison.

The leak also appeared to demonstrate that the “full delete” service run by Ashley Madison, which purported to charge users £15 to remove all their information from the dating site, did not work comprehensively. The leaked data included enough information to enable the easy identification of users. The company apparently retained the date of birth, city, state, postcode, country and gender of its former customers, plus information about their relationship status, what they were open to sexually, and what they were looking for in a partner.

The allegations that Ashley Madison’s full delete did not work as advertised are at the heart of the stated motivation for the site’s hack, which is thought to have taken place last month. The group that attacked the company said it was motivated by the fact that the full-delete option generated $1.7m (£1.1m) in revenue in 2014.


But it gets better, now the ratbags of AM, are getting sued, and allegedly, the arseholes who like to play extortion rackets., are blackmailing the people who's information got exposed in the hack...


"Send us $$$$ or we will tell your partner you have been fucking other people."


"By all means - come for a drive in the boot of my car and I'll pay you in full personally."

Retarded fuckhole.


As a side thought, there are SO many people posting pictures and videos of themselves - masturbating, fucking, engaging in assorted fetishes etc...

All over the fucking internet.......

I find it hard to get excited about naked women fucking etc....

Like the 10,000th rerun of Gilligan's Island...

But I get excited about women who are fully clothed, who have personalities, brains and are doing something creative and amazing, aside from fucking and masturbating....

 Like gardening, housework, fishing, camping, swimming, wood work etc....

Anything, anything - EXCEPT fucking FUCKING.

I could see myself getting an old VCR and boxes of tapes and one or two pornos might be good.... but I could also see my self getting "Arrggghhh not another fucking porn video"..... hammer in hand - and a bin full of crap.

But the dumb fucks using Ashley Madison.... LOL

Tough shit I guess - time for some character development and a truck load of emotional maturity thrown in - whether you like it or not.


As a bit of a rant on this - being the shit head managers of Ashley Martin, and then telling you that they WILL delete your personal information, from their data base, IF and ONLY if you pay them MORE money....

You see that is kind of like being in a relationship, deciding to end it, and only being able to move your stuff out of the building, IF you pay them, for access to the formerly shared residence.

And saying they WILL delete your data, if you pay them, and then NOT doing it - that is fucking crap.

I can see a GOOD reason, for giving people 30 day accounts - or similar - 3 months, 6 months, etc.... that IF you, as the account holder, did not keep your account up to date, then it would automatically be expired and deleted.

I mean I can see SOME reasons for simply parking the accounts, as many people might want to have a break and then come back to the website, but I mean really - who cares?

Your partner is fucking around?

Who gives a shit....

Send me the video to my mobile phone and I'll give you the double dong and anal fisting when you get home....

Then church on Sunday and back to work Monday....


Fuck them.....

Deceptive and misleading business practices are what gives me the shits...


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