Nerdy Sex God Chicks in the Laboratory

True - I have a hard on for smart chicks....

Nerdy mathematical types....That read books and do clever shit.

Like So:

From left, Rebecca Abergel, Stacey Gauny, Manuel Struzbecher-Hoehne, and Dahlia An are four of the co-authors of a new paper on the biological chemistry of radioactive metals. Credit: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

Now how I rate them:

The one on the far left, Rebecca - The head is fine, but the tits, belly hips, thighs and cunt - Mmmm quite shapely and nice. 

Second from the left, Stacey - she has not the best head I have ever seen, but that can't be helped, and the strong jawline coupled with the glasses that make her face look far narrower, excentuates the jaw out of all proportion. Her hair cut is nice, clean and sort of plain... She has got small tits...

But oddly enough, putting aside the sexual breeding style fertility curves of Rebecca, Stacey is the one I have a definite preference for - character? maturity? good company? life experience? She is far more attractive in a very plain sexy kind of a way.

The chick on the far right.... Dahlia doesn't do anything for me. I mean she is nice, nerdy and very sexy... but mmmmmmm.

Cellular contamination pathway for plutonium, other heavy elements, identified

August 26, 2015 by Julie Chao

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Cellular contamination pathway for plutonium, other heavy elements, identified

August 26, 2015 by Julie Chao

Scientists at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) have reported a major advance in understanding the biological chemistry of radioactive metals, opening up new avenues of research into strategies for remedial action in the event of possible human exposure to nuclear contaminants.

Research led by Berkeley Lab's Rebecca Abergel, working with the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, has found that plutonium, americium, and other can be transported into cells by an antibacterial called siderocalin, which is normally involved in sequestering iron.

Their results were published online recently in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in a paper titled, "Siderocalin-mediated recognition, sensitization, and cellular uptake of actinides."

The paper contains several other findings and achievements, including characterization of the first ever protein structures containing transuranic elements and how use of the protein can sensitize the metal's luminescence, which could lead to potential medical and industrial applications.

 Crystals formed with the protein siderocalin and curium complexes exhibit bright red luminescence when exposed to UV light. Credit: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 

Abergel's group has already developed a compound to sequester actinides and expel them from the body. They have put it in a pill form that can be taken orally, a necessity in the event of radiation exposure amongst a large population. Last year the FDA approved a clinical trial to test the safety of the drug, and they are seeking funding for the tests.

However, a basic understanding of how actinides act in the body was still not well known. "Although [actinides] are known to rapidly circulate and deposit into major organs such as bone, liver, or kidney after contamination, the specific molecular mechanisms associated with mammalian uptake of these toxic heavy elements remain largely unexplored," Abergel and her co-authors wrote.

The current research described in PNAS identifies a new pathway for the intracellular delivery of the radioactive toxic metal ions, and thus a possible new target for treatment strategies. The scientists used cultured kidney cells to demonstrate the role of siderocalin in facilitating the uptake of the in cells.

"We showed that this protein is capable of transporting plutonium inside cells," she said. "So this could help us develop other strategies to counteract actinide exposure. Instead of binding and expelling radionuclides from the body, we could maybe block the uptake."

The team used crystallography to characterize siderocalin-transuranic actinide complexes, gaining unprecedented insights into the biological coordination of heavy radioelements. The work was performed at the Advanced Light Source (ALS), a Department of Energy synchrotron located at Berkeley Lab.

"These are the first protein structures containing thorium or the transuranic elements plutonium, americium, or curium," Abergel said. "Until this work there was no structure in the Protein Data Bank that had those elements. That's an exciting thing for us."
The researchers also made the unexpected finding that siderocalin can act as a "synergistic antenna" that sensitizes the luminescence of actinides and lanthanides. "We showed that by adding the protein we enhance the sensitization pathways, making it much brighter," Abergel said. "That is a new mechanism that hasn't been explored yet and could be very useful; it could have applications down the line for diagnostics and bioimaging."
Abergel notes that a study like this would have been possible in very few other places. "Very few people have the capabilities to combine the different approaches and techniques—the spectroscopy techniques at the ALS, handling of heavy elements that are radioactive, plus the chemical and biological tools we have onsite," she said. "The combination of all those techniques here is very unique."
More information: Siderocalin-mediated recognition, sensitization, and cellular uptake of actinides, Benjamin E. Allred,  10342–10347, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1508902112

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 "These are the first protein structures containing thorium or the transuranic elements plutonium, americium, or curium," Abergel said. "Until this work there was no structure in the Protein Data Bank that had those elements. That's an exciting thing for us."

The researchers also made the unexpected finding that siderocalin can act as a "synergistic antenna" that sensitizes the luminescence of actinides and lanthanides. "We showed that by adding the protein we enhance the sensitization pathways, making it much brighter," Abergel said. "That is a new mechanism that hasn't been explored yet and could be very useful; it could have applications down the line for diagnostics and bioimaging."

Abergel notes that a study like this would have been possible in very few other places. "Very few people have the capabilities to combine the different approaches and techniques—the spectroscopy techniques at the ALS, handling of heavy elements that are radioactive, plus the chemical and biological tools we have onsite," she said. "The combination of all those techniques here is very unique."


The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, usually referred to as PNAS, is the official journal of the United States National Academy of Sciences (NAS). PNAS is an important scientific journal that printed its first issue in 1915 and continues to publish highly cited research reports, commentaries, reviews, perspectives, feature articles, profiles, letters to the editor, and actions of the Academy. Coverage in PNAS broadly spans the biological, physical, and social sciences. Although most of the papers published in the journal are in the biomedical sciences, PNAS recruits papers and publishes special features in the physical and social sciences and in mathematics. PNAS is published weekly in print, and daily online in PNAS Early Edition. PNAS was established by NAS in 1914, with its first issue published in 1915. The NAS itself had been founded in 1863 as a private institution, but chartered by the US Congress, with the goal to "investigate, examine, experiment, and report upon any subject of science or art." By 1914, the Academy was well established.
United States National Academy of Sciences
United States
1914 - present
Impact factor
9.681 (2011)

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory or Berkeley Lab is managed by the University of California for the Department of Energy of the USA. Berkeley Lab is a premiere scientific research center with programs in Secure and Sustainable Energy, Novel Materials and Ultra Fast Processes Nanodevices, Matter and Force in the Universe, High Performance Computing and Networking, Biosystems and Health and Earth and Climate Science. Berkeley Labs Scientific Divisions include Accelerator and Fusion Research Division, Advanced Light Source, Physical Bioscience Division, Physics, Engineering, Life Science and Material Science and other state of the art divisions. Berkeley Labs has achieved greatness in their research and opportunities for study by esteemed scientists and engineers.
MS 65, One Cyclotron Road, Berkeley CA 94720


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