Sex Gods of the Obsessive Compulsive Cleaning Brigade

I like this chick because she is clean, tidy and is attractive, and has brains and a cheerful disposition.

But she, being the obsessive compulsive cleaner, went through this more mature womans house and cleaned out ALL the crap that has been sitting in the cupboards for years.... or decades... etc., and she gave the place as far as possible, a good cleaning.

So I reckon she is pretty good.

Kind, clean, tidy, caring, a bit of a work of art.

A sex god - rather.

And the kitchen, I thought, turned out to be a real work of art.

From this:

After the clean up, and the daughter comes around.

To this:

 Spotlessly CLEAN.... (Very sexy)

 I don't like narrow kitchens and tables in the way etc....

But this still looks lovely.....

I think I like the OCD chicks...

They are Clean and tidy.

And they come wormed and house trained - no shitting in the corner next to the drapes....

I think I might have to gt me one.


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