
Showing posts from September, 2015

I LOVED this movie... "The Heat" - because they were REAL people....

You know - it's a movie, cramming days and months of "story" into 2 or so hours of tale. So they have to be "dramatic" with artistic license and "to get the point" without gently drawing out every little fucking detail so that the dumb fucks get it. That being said (the qualifier), it was MORE like how people actually ARE, rather than this religious bigoted politically correct neurotic bullshit.... I loved it... Rolling around in bed laughing.... Rude? Not fucking rude enough..... And the way that Mellisa Mc Carthy - dealt with fucking stupid people and their bullshit... "Yes I know your not a fucking doctor..."  Brilliant. "I find censorship offensive...... " And the politically correct official trailers (for fucking retards), are edited to the shit house.. I guess in looking at a few clips on Youtube etc., that this movie is best seen it's it's entirity - as a production,rather than disjointed sections from that production...

Is the Pope Finally Pregnant?


International SHOE sizes - You fucking RETARDS.

The thing is that the "fashion" / "clothing" / "footware" industry - is run by dumb cunts. I shall digress. I have big feet. Not hugely big, but not dainty pin pricks in the dirt either. You see, the Australian RETAILERS - ARE dumb cunts.... because they typically stock SIZE 11 as the largest mens size in their retail chain stores - and to a lesser degree, the independent retailers. This IDIOT practice is fairly common. Where as foot sizes in 12, 13, 14 are actually FAIRLY common as well, but the supply of shoes are not. There are heaps of guys who are well over 6' or 182cm high - and who's feet are proportionally large. I only have off the cuff figures, but I'd estimate the average amount of the population (mostly men) who have sizes in the 12 - 14 ranges, to be about 12% of the male population (probably between 8 - 15%); BUT there are SO very few "mens departments" in the idiot chain stores, that they can be effectively written off ...

The pope and the catholic church people compared to Hitler and the national socialist party members.

 ALL cults are based upon a lie. The lies blend with and compound other lies.... The whole bullshit trip is a fucking huge lie. And so many people, instead of growing a brain of their own, follow the pack, and then coerce others to follow the pack.... They all gotta dress the same, talk the same, say the same things about the same subjects. They all read the same books, listen to the same speeches, go to the same meetings,  and just be dumb cunts who listen to what ever they are told, instead of having a mind of their own to make up. They have to be told what to think, when to shit, what to eat, how to dress.... Group Think = Group Stupidity. My case in point. Adolf Hitler loved the meet and greet with his adoring fans. Pope what's his name this time, loved the meet and greet with his adoring fans. Adolf Hitler loved to address the crowds. Pope what's his name this time, loved to address the crowds. Adolf Hitler had huge rallies. Pope what's his name this time, had huge ral...