I LOVED this movie... "The Heat" - because they were REAL people....

You know - it's a movie, cramming days and months of "story" into 2 or so hours of tale.

So they have to be "dramatic" with artistic license and "to get the point" without gently drawing out every little fucking detail so that the dumb fucks get it.

That being said (the qualifier), it was MORE like how people actually ARE, rather than this religious bigoted politically correct neurotic bullshit....

I loved it...

Rolling around in bed laughing....

Rude? Not fucking rude enough.....

And the way that Mellisa Mc Carthy - dealt with fucking stupid people and their bullshit...

"Yes I know your not a fucking doctor..." 


"I find censorship offensive...... "

And the politically correct official trailers (for fucking retards), are edited to the shit house..

I guess in looking at a few clips on Youtube etc., that this movie is best seen it's it's entirity - as a production,rather than disjointed sections from that production.

The continuity makes "sense", the material flows...

The clips - generally don't.

I guess this one sticks in my mind.... and I got to thinking, that perhaps, Bullock was given a script - walk in the room, sit down and talk about the idiot Jesus playing baseball picture......

But the rest of the people - playing the wonderfully insane, dysfunctional family, have got a different script, and they go on the attack - questioning whether Bullock is a man - "How do you get that close a shave on your face?"


Putting Bullock on the spot....


The Heat "Are You A Narc?" Clip


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