Extinction is forever - And we are headed that way.... Mass Extinction.

This actually does look like her...

I and Rat Faces paths used to cross fairly regularly.

I'd try to connect with her, but the communication was pretty much one sided - where the small talk or friendly greeting in passing was generally ignored in a covertly hostile kind of a way...


AND her issues are significant.

Family of Origin issues, the cultural norms, where everyone's dysfunction is everyone else's dysfunction - and the craziness just goes on through the generations - because no one makes the effort to personally take responsibility for dealing with their issues.

People like that are threatened by anything other than the norm, where the dysfunction was terminally ingrained.

So I went through various stages of desire and motivations, culminating in the resolute awareness of, "She has got intractable problems" - added to "Not interested."

No inviting her out for coffee, no friendly greetings, no acknowledging her...

This is good.


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