Political Correctness - The cause celebre of the NEUROTIC.
Fuck them - fuck the lot of them.
"Oh my god, you have offended someone...Ohhhhhh Ohhhhhhhh Ohhhhhhhh".
For some reason I take note of some things and not others...
And when the or one of the "Men In Black" movie came out, there was a scene, with some black people in America, being filmed kind of in a fairly dark park ?? scene, and I thought, "Black people are REALLY hard to film at night.".
You can't see them or their expressions - unless you film out of context, with high illumination on their faces, in what is a dark area....
This is a fact.
And when you compare a white persons face to a black persons face, in the same level of illumination, you can see the white persons face very clearly, and the black persons face is almost impossible to see.
So the whole "Black Face" make up, like ALL great art, in that when this art form was popular, the lighting was not particularly shit hot, you NEEDED to GRAPHICALLY contrast and exaggerate the FEATURES of the races / performers, who were on stage, in front of audiences, when the only "going out" entertainment, was the theatre troupes, so that the audiences could fucking SEE them performing...
And people ALL around the world, donned make up, wigs, costumes, prosthetics (big rubber noses etc), to look like other people, in other races and places - in movies and stage shows etc..
This casting everything and anything as fucking sexist, racist, blah, blah, blah - is the ultimate form of mind fuck oppression - spread usually by neurotics and their fucking sensitivities.
Like I don't like nazis, but I don't like jews either, nor christians, moslems, catholics, feminists, bikie gangs, drug pushers, nasty people in nasty corporations, corrupt military and governments etc., etc., etc - and the fucking crap they teach by imposition and forced conformity.
People who have bad attitudes and mind fuck impositions, and the word "nigger" comes from "nergo" which is a COLOR... you know BLACK....
So with white people calling black people "Nigger" - "Ooo that is a taboooooo", but for "Niggers" to call each other "Nigger" that is OK.
There is amicable and friendly name calling and then there is nasty name calling.
People of all tribes, cultures, nations, political persuasions, all call each other nice names and nasty names....
So it's NOT the name, the uniform etc., it's the intent, it's the mind set.....
People have the capacity to be real cunts, using anything, or everything, they can to be nasty - and to find differences, like christian cults, with all the people at each others throats, which is merely an extension of their own personal and private lives, their culture and their political and righteous religious bullshit.
There was a movie called "Nemo" about a little fish in Australia; and ALL the seagulls, went, "Mate, Mate, Mate" instead of "Arrrgggh, Arrrgggh, Arrrgggh"... AND the Americans were taking the piss out of Australians, who call each other "MATE".
I thought it was fucking hilarious.....
With books like "Little Black Sambo" and Gollywog dolls, I was enchanted about Sambo being chased by the tiger and eating mangos.... I thought it was fabulous.
I never had a Gollywog, but I new other kids who did, and they were were great.
It was the NEUROTIC adults, who taught me, or tried to teach... no impose their value systems about these things, onto me.
It didn't work.
I still like the book, the story and the pictures... and I think the gollywog dolls are still fabulous... much better than the brainless Ken and Barby dolls - from fucking Mattel.
I think it's time to have fun, and embrace and enjoy shit like dressing up and racial stereo typing / costumes / and cultures etc.. minus all of the values that other people tell you, that you have to ascribe to living life.
Time to kick the neurotics and their politically correct bullshit into the gutter they belong.....
Or this fucking crap will go on forever.
Some whining shit (usually), declares that they are offended, either by, or on behalf of....
They complain.
"OH fuck no, we have offended someone, somewhere... Oh, oh, oh fuck no......" is the response.
Followed by the BAD PR quenching appeasements like so:
Trundle out the gender neutral spokes-body, microphone, script, TV cameras etc., playing out the following.
"Ohhh we must not be offensive, or be seen to be offensive, and if we are, we have to apologise profusely at how bad we have been and what we have done.."
It's time to also throw rocks at the media who sensationalise playing sides against each other, in order to increase sales...
Tell them ALL to fuck off.
I mean this is where this fucking crap has got to in America.
Colleges are providing costume consultants, flowcharts for Halloween sensitivity

Universities are nipping politically incorrect costumes in the bud this Halloween. Some have put up sensitivity flowcharts and flyers with the phone numbers of consultants students can call to make sure their costume doesn’t offend anyone.
“Unsure if your costume is offensive? Don’t be scared to ask questions,” a State University of New York at Geneseo poster reads, with the contact information of no less than five campus officials listed below.
If that wasn’t enough, Geneseo also provided a flowchart to show them the way of inclusive Halloween partying.

Wesleyan University implemented a similar measure this year to combat insensitivity.
“Check yourself and your friend,” the flyer advises, suggesting that students ask if their costumes “mock cultural religious symbols such as dreadlocks, headdresses, afros, [and] bindis” or “trivialize human suffering, oppression, and marginalization.”
The famously politically-correct school naturally trumped Geneseo’s efforts by providing students with a total of six consultants to contact for help with costume politics.

Students at North Carolina State University Students don’t get the luxury of consultants, but they still can’t be expected to pick a costume without the gentle guidance of the administration. On Tuesday, the school’s website put up a page titled ‘Making Halloween An Inclusive Experience For All,’ which tries to help make sure that partygoers make sensitive costume choices. It advises students not to do anything that would end up on the media or going viral online, saying if students end up making news, “it probably won’t be because you’ve won a costume contest at a bar downtown.”
Like Geneseo, NCSU’s Division of Academic and Student affairs released a step-by-step guide to help students navigate today’s demanding environment of political correctness while getting in the Halloween spirit. It’s complete with a color-coded key similar to the US terror alert system.

The issue of tasteless costumes is by no means limited to the college campuses. Wal-Mart saw controversy this Halloween season due to selling a child’s costume depicting an Israeli soldier complete with embroidered Hebrew characters and a toy Uzi submachine gun.
READ MORE: Customers outraged by Walmart’s Israeli soldier Halloween costume
Also featured on the retailer’s online store was a prosthetic hooked nose, which was described on the web page as “perfect for an Arab Sheikh.”
The company’s official Facebook page was flooded with angry comments characterizing the whole situation “offensive” and “immoral” with one of the commenters even suggesting Wal-Mart sell “a Hitler outfit for children as well.”
The retail giant bowed to public pressure and discontinued the sale of both of the items.
On Wednesday, social media erupted in outrage over a Northern Ireland costume retailer stocking makeup marketed specifically for being used for a blackface costume.
Halloween HQ bills itself as Europe’s leading Halloween store for “all things scary,” but activists were horrified by the racial stereotypes that they say the costume encourages.
“While we should not lose our sense of fun, this really is unacceptable,” the Race Equality Foundation’s deputy chief executive officer Jabeer Butt told RT. “Beyond the racial stereotyping, it also further feeds the idea of black and minority ethnic people being mad or bad or dangerous. I do hope the shop withdraws it from sale.”
Halloween HQ told RT that it didn’t intend for the product to be racist, and said it has removed the product from its shelves.
“The product was removed from sale as soon as we became aware of the packaging. As you can appreciate we sell thousands of lines of products each Halloween season,” a spokesperson for the retailer said.
“This product was bought from an Italian supplier of Halloween accessories. It was bought along with other colors in the range of ‘Blue Face,’ ‘Red Face’ etc,” the spokesperson added. “It was bought without being aware of the packaging which apparently depicts a Caucasian male with Black face paint on.”
If that wasn’t enough, Geneseo also provided a flowchart to show them the way of inclusive Halloween partying.

“Check yourself and your friend,” the flyer advises, suggesting that students ask if their costumes “mock cultural religious symbols such as dreadlocks, headdresses, afros, [and] bindis” or “trivialize human suffering, oppression, and marginalization.”
The famously politically-correct school naturally trumped Geneseo’s efforts by providing students with a total of six consultants to contact for help with costume politics.

Like Geneseo, NCSU’s Division of Academic and Student affairs released a step-by-step guide to help students navigate today’s demanding environment of political correctness while getting in the Halloween spirit. It’s complete with a color-coded key similar to the US terror alert system.

READ MORE: Customers outraged by Walmart’s Israeli soldier Halloween costume
Also featured on the retailer’s online store was a prosthetic hooked nose, which was described on the web page as “perfect for an Arab Sheikh.”
sooooooo wal-mart is also selling fake noses for an "arab shiek" costume: https://t.co/ePjPzWHa5tpic.twitter.com/l19r7rRDAW— Sara Yasin (@missyasin) October 27, 2015
The retail giant bowed to public pressure and discontinued the sale of both of the items.
On Wednesday, social media erupted in outrage over a Northern Ireland costume retailer stocking makeup marketed specifically for being used for a blackface costume.
‘Race is not a costume’: Halloween retailer branded ‘racist’ for stocking blackface makeup https://t.co/o1Fq6f2Pvtpic.twitter.com/Qq7ldtCldw— RT UK (@RTUKnews) October 29, 2015
Halloween HQ bills itself as Europe’s leading Halloween store for “all things scary,” but activists were horrified by the racial stereotypes that they say the costume encourages.
“While we should not lose our sense of fun, this really is unacceptable,” the Race Equality Foundation’s deputy chief executive officer Jabeer Butt told RT. “Beyond the racial stereotyping, it also further feeds the idea of black and minority ethnic people being mad or bad or dangerous. I do hope the shop withdraws it from sale.”
Halloween HQ told RT that it didn’t intend for the product to be racist, and said it has removed the product from its shelves.
“The product was removed from sale as soon as we became aware of the packaging. As you can appreciate we sell thousands of lines of products each Halloween season,” a spokesperson for the retailer said.
“This product was bought from an Italian supplier of Halloween accessories. It was bought along with other colors in the range of ‘Blue Face,’ ‘Red Face’ etc,” the spokesperson added. “It was bought without being aware of the packaging which apparently depicts a Caucasian male with Black face paint on.”
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